alcohol, alcoholism, addiction

4 Potential Consequences of Failing to Seek Treatment for Alcoholism

Millions of Americans suffer from an alcohol use disorder. Sadly, many of these individuals fail to realize they have an issue with this socially acceptable drug. Even those who do know they cannot control their alcohol use often don’t realize the extent of the consequences associated with its use. The following are four potential consequences of failing to seek treatment for alcoholism.

Alcohol Poisoning

alcohol, alcoholism, addictionIndividuals who binge drink or otherwise consume large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time put themselves at risk of alcohol poisoning. This condition leads to vomiting, choking, and irregular breathing. With additional consumption of alcohol, the individual may become unconscious and die. More than 2,200 individuals each year perish from this type of poisoning. For a person in this scenario, one more drink may be the last drink they ever have and the last thing they ever do.

For those fortunate enough to recover from alcohol poisoning, this event may be the sign they need to seek treatment. Fortunately, help is available for these individuals. Visit to learn more about treatment options for alcoholics and their benefits.

Relationship Issues

Drinking negatively impacts many relationships. This drug alters a person’s thought process, emotions, and perception. It lowers his mood and inhibitions and has a direct impact on social interactions. However, people often downplay the negative consequences of the drug, as it is culturally acceptable to drink. The person who is drinking fails to recognize the impact this has on interactions with his significant other, and this damages the relationship. The same holds true for relationships with family members and loved ones. Over time, these relationships suffer and may not be able to survive the damage.

Liver Damage

Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to liver disease, according to the American Liver Foundation. Sadly, this disease is very common and easily preventable. Women remain more at risk of liver disease resulting from alcohol use, although heavy users of both sexes develop fatty liver over time. Fortunately, individuals who seek treatment in the early stages of alcoholism can reverse this damage. If the progression of liver disease is allowed to continue to cirrhosis, the damage cannot be revered. Cirrhosis may bring about fatal liver failure and death. For those who avoid alcohol-related cirrhosis and fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis remains a concern.

Lowered Inhibitions

Alcohol impairs a person’s ability to make rational decisions and control impulses. When under the influence of alcohol, men and women often do things that make them happy at that particular moment. They never stop to think of the long term consequences, and these consequences could have a significant impact on their lives. For example, a person may engage in criminal behavior only to find themselves in jail when they sober up, and the crime could lead to a prison sentence. Others engage in unwanted or unsafe sexual encounters, leading to an unplanned pregnancy or the contraction of a sexually transmitted disease. Both impact the individual for the rest of their natural life. Seeking help for an alcohol-use disorder reduces the risk of consequences resulting from lowered inhibitions.

If alcohol is negatively impacting your life or the life of a loved one, now is the time to seek treatment. With the right help, the damage that has been done may be reversible. Success is more likely when alcoholism is in the early stages. This doesn’t mean a person should avoid treatment if the problem is more severe. Any help improves the person’s quality of life, so ask for help today.

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Last Updated on May 27, 2020 by Marie Benz MD FAAD