Hot Flashes? Nightsweats? It May Be Your Caffeine….

Stephanie Faubion, M.D Director of the Women’s Health Clinic Mayo Clinic in Interview with:
Stephanie Faubion, M.D
Director of the Women’s Health Clinic
Mayo Clinic in Rochester


Medical Research: What are the main findings of the study?

Dr. Faubion: In this study that included over 1800 women, we found that caffeine intake was associated with more bothersome hot flashes and night sweats in postmenopausal women.

Medical Research: Were any of the findings unexpected?

Dr. Faubion: Caffeine intake has been both positively and negatively linked to hot flashes in previous studies.  This study, the largest to date on the relationship between caffeine and menopausal symptoms, reveals that caffeine was associated with more problematic hot flashes and night sweats in women after menopause. We also found on subanalysis that caffeine intake was associated with less symptom bother on questions about mood, memory and concentration in premenopausal women.

What should clinicians and patients take away from your report?

Dr. Faubion: Although this is a preliminary study, postmenopausal women who are experiencing bothersome vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats) may consider reducing their intake of caffeine.

Medical Research: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this study?

Dr. Faubion: Additional research in this area will need to clearly define the amount of caffeine consumed (amount and type of beverage).


Caffeine and menopausal symptoms: what is the association?.
Faubion, Stephanie S.; Sood, Richa; Thielen, Jacqueline M.; More
Menopause. Post Editor Corrections: July 21, 2014

Link to Mayo Clinic You Tube Interview

Last Updated on July 24, 2014 by Marie Benz MD FAAD