
How a Slipped Disc Impacts Your Health

It is always a good idea to seek help with any spine and disc problems that you might be experiencing, especially when you are looking at ways of alleviating your pain.

You will certainly be experiencing a fair amount of discomfort and pain if you have a slipped disc. Let’s take a look at what a slipped disc is and how it can have a detrimental impact on your health.

Slip disc explained

A good starting point would be to have an understanding of what a slipped disc actually is.

It is a term used to describe when an intervertebral disc that is part of your spine physiology manages to lose its usual shape or its level of consistency diminishes. You might also hear a slipped disc described as a herniated or ruptured disc. It is one of the same things and there are various medical terms used to describe what is essentially a slipped disc.

You can experience a slipped disc as a result of a specific trauma incident, such as lifting an item that was too heavy. Or you could experience a slipped disc as a result of the aging process and you suffer natural degeneration.

Different types of pain

A slipped disc can impact your health in a number of different ways. It is important to get a professional evaluation of spine and disc problems. This is because a correct diagnosis will not only help rule out other causes of the pain, such as a tumor developing, for instance, but it will ensure that you are recommended an appropriate treatment plan.

What are the types of pain you can get from a slipped disc?

It is worth noting that not all slipped discs cause pain. It is plausible for a herniated disc to repair without treatment, for example. But for many of us, these are some of the common types of pain experienced from a slipped disc.

Nerve pain – Herniation most often happens around the side and back of the disc. This part of the disc is in close proximity to your spinal nerve roots, hence the nerve pain you might experience.

Chronic pain- Chronic localized pain, typically lower back pain, and neck pain, is typical when you suffer a slipped disc.

Decreased mobility – A slipped disc as a result of degeneration has the ability to create a certain amount of instability in your spinal motion segment. This will induce a consistent level of pain alongside a noticeable reduction in your levels of mobility.

As well as having a direct physical impact on your health, it can be mentally challenging to contend with the pain that can often be associated with a slipped disc.

That is why it is a physical problem that should be addressed as soon as you are aware of the issue. It is always a good idea to get a professional diagnosis so that you can hopefully rule out anything else going on and also get targeted pain relief relevant to your symptoms and physical evaluation.

Don’t let a slipped disc ruin your daily life and mobility. Seek help for peace of mind and some much-needed pain relief.

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Last Updated on October 19, 2022 by Marie Benz MD FAAD