ADHD, Author Interviews, Heart Disease, Stroke / 07.05.2024 Interview with: Dr Anders Holt MD PhD Department of Cardiology Copenhagen University Hospital–Herlev and Gentofte Gentofte Hospitalsvej Hellerup, Denmark What is the background for this study? What types of ADHD treatments were in the study? Response: An increasing number of adults are being diagnosed with ADHD and subsequently treated. Taking the drugs' effect on the sympathetic nervous system into account, it seems relevant to investigate whether treatment could be associated with an elevated long-term risk of cardiovascular disease. The drugs included in the study were methylphenidate, atomoxetine, lisdexamfetamine, dexamfetamine, and modafinil. Owing to the fact that atomoxetine is not a sympathomimetic amine as the others, separate supplementary analyses were carried out for this drug, yielding similar results. (more…)