Author Interviews, Columbia, Heart Disease / 12.06.2015

Nicholas Tatonetti, PhD Department of Biomedical Informatics Department of Systems Biology, Department of Medicine Columbia University New York, Interview with: Nicholas Tatonetti, PhD Department of Biomedical Informatics Department of Systems Biology, Department of Medicine Columbia University New York, NY Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Tatonetti: For decades, researchers have studied the link between disease incidence and the seasons. We’ve known, for example, that those born when the dust mite population is highest (summer) will have an increased chance of developing asthma. Traditionally, diseases have been studied one at a time to identify these seasonal trends. Because of the rapid adoption of electronic health records, it is now possible to study thousands of diseases, simultaneously. That is what we did in this study. We evaluated over 1,600 diseases and discovered 55 that showed this seasonal trend. Many of these had been studied previously, but several are new discoveries — most prominently, we found that the lifetime risk of developing cardiovascular disease is highest for those born in the spring. (more…)