Complementary Medicine / 19.09.2024

Oxygen therapy has come a long way since its early days. Initially, it was a simple and somewhat limited treatment. Today, it’s a sophisticated field with a range of innovative technologies improving patient care. This article explores the latest advancements in oxygen therapy and how they are reshaping patient outcomes.

Historical Context of Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy began as a crucial intervention for treating respiratory conditions. Early on, it was used primarily in hospitals with basic equipment, often involving cumbersome tanks and limited delivery systems. As technology progressed, so did the methods of oxygen delivery. In the past, oxygen was administered mainly through large, stationary tanks. These setups were not always practical for patients needing ongoing therapy at home. The early technologies had significant limitations, including bulkiness and high costs. The evolution from these basic methods to more sophisticated systems marks a significant shift in patient care.] (more…)