Author Interviews / 17.07.2015 Interview with: Patrick O’Neill CASIS Communications Manager and Tara Ruttley Ph.D. NASA Staff Scientist NASA Office of the Chief Scientist Editor’s note: CASIS, the four year old Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, presented an informative update and display at the Biotech Conference 2015, in Philadelphia June 2015. CASIS, the manager of the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory, facilitates space-based research for the good of mankind. To accomplish it’s goal of ‘driving scientific inquiry toward developing groundbreaking new technologies and products’, CASIS has at its disposal Seed Money, Expertise, Access to Launch, Administrative Support and Educational Outreach. Mr. O’Neill and Dr. Ruttley spoke with about the work CASIS is doing and the opportunities CASIS is creating for entrepreneurs, educators and scientists. CASIS Laboratory in Space Station               MedicalResearch: Why don’t you tell us a little about the background for CASIS? Response: The mission of NASA is space exploration, while the complementary mission of CASIS is to use ISS (the International Space Station) to better life on earth. CASIS is the non-profit arm of NASA that recruits, selects and manages the scientific research projects conducted on the space station.     (more…)