Marc F. Norcross, PhD, ATC
Assistant Professor
School of Biological & Population Health Sciences, Exercise & Sport Science Program
College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331 What are the main findings of the study?
Dr. Norcross: In the scientific community, there remains considerable disagreement over which direction of knee loading is most responsible for causing an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury event. Many researchers tend to fall into one of three “camps” in which they believe quadriceps loading (sagittal plane), “knock-kneed” landing (frontal plane), or twisting (transverse plane) is the essential factor in the injury mechanism. However, we know from cadaver studies that combined loading from all of these different planes puts the most strain on the ACL. We found that men and women are equally likely to use a sagittal plane landing strategy that we believe increases the risk for
ACL injury. However, females were about 3.6 times more likely than males to use a higher risk frontal plane landing strategy. This suggests that the increased likelihood of greater frontal plane loading in women coupled with the equal likelihood of using a high-risk sagittal plane strategy is likely at least partly responsible for women’s 2-6 times greater risk for ACL injury.