Author Interviews, Brigham & Women's - Harvard, Nature / 15.09.2014 Interview with: MichDr. Michael Super, Ph.D.ael Super M.Sc., PhD Senior Staff Scientist Advanced Technology Team Wyss Institute at Harvard Center for Life Science, 2nd Floor Boston MA 02115 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? How big a problem is sepsis? Dr. Super:
  • Sepsis is a major problem and is the primary cause of death from infection. The incidence of sepsis is rising.
  • Sepsis affects more than 18 M people each year and at least 1/3 ( 6 million) die every year of sepsis.
  • Sepsis is a disease that affects the very young and old and it is estimated that 60-80% of childhood deaths in the developing world are due to sepsis.