Drug Approval, Pharmacology / 20.09.2024

FDA drug testing Ever thought what are the next steps after launching a product? Once a product is launched, there is much more to do about FDA approval, particularly with health and safety products. The FDA acts as a protector and safeguard of products, be they medications or medical devices, allowed to enter the U.S. market.  Here, understanding the FDA approval process will benefit you to help understand the complex world of product approval and set real expectations of your product for the market. Let’s look at the basic structure of FDA approval and its after-process.  (more…)
Pharmacology / 20.09.2024

drug safety Pharmacovigilance is the strict monitoring process in the drug industry to ensure that drugs are safe to administer. It simply ensures that public health is kept away from harmful drugs by keeping a tab on any safety concerns with the drug once it is on the market. This blog explains the fundamental characteristics of pharmacovigilance, its significance, and what process is applied. (more…)