Dental Research, Nutrition / 25.11.2023

If you're setting your sights on giving your gums the royal treatment, you're on the right track. You want to buddy up with foods that are friends with your gums. Crunchy greens, like celery and spinach, are packed with gum-loving vitamins and minerals. Noshing on cheese and yogurt isn't just good for your bones; it also helps buffer the acids in your mouth, keeping your gums happy. Why's this a big deal? Well, your gums are the unsung heroes holding your teeth in place, and keeping them healthy is key to making sure your smile stays put for the long run.

Foods to Give a Wide Berth

Now, on to the munchies that your gums wish they could ghost. Sugary snacks and acidic eats like citrus and tomatoes might taste the bomb, but they're no pals to your gums. They invite bacteria to the party, and not the good kind. These guys get down to business, breaking down your gum tissue and causing inflammation. If you're fond of a smoke or a cheeky glass of wine, you might want to rethink that too. Anything that dries out your mouth is basically giving your gums a hard time. Skipping these is critical because, once gum disease checks in, it can be a hassle to show it the door.