Education, Mental Health Research, Nursing / 23.07.2024

  Becoming a registered nurse (RN) is an achievement that brings immense pride and opportunities. After successfully completing your licensing requirements, you might feel a wave of excitement mixed with apprehension. The reality of your new role can quickly set in, with its demanding shifts, emotional challenges, and high responsibilities. This sudden surge in duties can take a toll on both your mental and physical health. However, maintaining your well-being is crucial not only for your own sake but also for providing the best care to your patients. Here are eight useful tips to help new RNs stay fit both mentally and physically.
  1. Don’t Skimp on Sleep
As a new RN, you may find your schedule to be erratic and demanding, which can disrupt your sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased attention, impaired memory, and increased susceptibility to stress. Therefore, it's crucial to establish a routine that promotes quality sleep. Start by creating a sleep-friendly environment. How can you do this? Make sure your bedroom temperature is comfortable, and no external light enters your room. Also, block out any noise by using a white noise machine if necessary. Skip the coffee and any form of caffeine or nicotine close to bedtime, no matter how much you crave it, as they can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Similarly, limit your intake of heavy meals before bed. Have a light salad or snack if you’re really hungry. (more…)