AHA Journals, Author Interviews, Heart Disease, Social Issues / 06.03.2015

Randy Cohen, MD, MS, FACC Division of Cardiology Mt. Sinai St. Luke's Hospital New York, NYMedicalResearch.com Interview with: Randy Cohen, MD, MS, FACC Division of Cardiology Mt. Sinai St. Luke's Hospital New York, NY MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? Dr. Cohen: Psychosocial conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic stress and social isolation have strong associations with heart disease and mortality. Recently, however, attention has focused on positive emotions, psychological health and their collective impact on overall health and well-being.   Purpose in life is considered a basic psychological need, and has been defined as a sense of meaning and direction in one’s life which gives the feeling that life is worth living. We performed a meta-analysis of prospective studies evaluating the relationship between having a sense of purpose in life, mortality and cardiovascular disease. MedicalResearch: What are the main findings? Dr. Cohen: We identified 10 prospective studies involving over 137,000 subjects and found that possessing a sense of purpose in life was associated with a 23% reduced risk for all-cause mortality and a 19% reduced risk for cardiovascular disease events. (more…)