
4 Steps to Better Mental Wellness for Men


People think that men are strong in every aspect but not many know that men too can suffer from emotional challenges. The idea that they are the stronger sex isn’t absolute considering that men suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other conditions affecting their psychological wellness.

Suffering from these conditions doesn’t diminish their worth. It only humanizes a male individual and helps him realize that they too need help and guidance in making the right choices and acknowledging their situation. The guide below should give any man a good starting point for coping with the emotional pressures that surround him.

1. Acknowledge that you need help

Societal pressures often discourage men from speaking up about their emotional troubles. They feel ostracized when they do, considering it an act of weakness that goes against the male nature. However, recent breakthroughs in mental health discourse have changed this notion as men are encouraged to talk about their emotional issues

It usually starts with understanding the signs that point to a need for emotional support. Changes in eating habits, insomnia, and a sudden desire for social isolation should be enough reason to seek support. The sooner the better.

2. Know the causes

Saying that you need emotional help is the first and most critical step you must take as a man looking to enhance his mental wellness. After that, you will need to learn about and understand the factors that contribute to your mental issues. Pressures in the workplace and life expectations are often the most common causes of depression and other conditions. 

By knowing about the reasons behind what you’re feeling right now, you will have an easier time looking for the right way to heal or at least cope with your condition. Whether you need to take medication, get testosterone replacement therapy, or get professional help, finding out the root cause will help you deal with the problem more effectively. Remember to seek medical advice before beginning testosterone treatment. Only use testosterone under a reliable medical provider’s supervision.

3. Seek out a listening ear

Whatever condition you’re in, know that there are people who are willing to talk about your problems and provide valuable advice. Forget about sucking it up and refusing to break down. You need to show your most vulnerable side and find a healthy outlet to talk about your feelings. The best way to a healthier mind is to build emotional connections with your friends and loved ones. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also emphasize the importance of socialization as a way to combat not just loneliness, but also other health effects caused by mental health problems. Being among the people you love helps improve sleep quality, prevents the onset of heart disease, and even decreases the risk of developing dementia.

4. Make healthy choices

Ultimately, it’s what you do everyday that makes a significant impact on your mental well-being. There are things you can’t control in life that will only lead to greater desperation if you try to control them. The only way you can overcome them is by making the right decisions that contribute to your physical and mental wellness. 

Rather than hitting the bar for a drink after a stressful day at work, visit the gym and let out all of your pent-up frustration on the treadmill. Instead of spending most of your time scrolling your social media feed, do something creative and intellectually stimulating.


Men are just as vulnerable to the pressures of life, and they can only overcome these pressures by acknowledging their need for help and getting all the support they need from others and themselves.

Editor’s note: This piece discusses mental health issues. If you have experienced suicidal thoughts or have lost someone to suicide and want to seek help, you can contact the Crisis Text Line by texting “START” to 741-741 or call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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Last Updated on September 6, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD