Health Care Workers, Technology / 19.07.2024

In today's fast-paced hospital administrative environment, maintaining high levels of employee productivity is vital for competitive advantage. Access control systems offer an innovative solution for enhancing workplace efficiency through improved security and streamlined operations. By simplifying entry procedures and providing real-time access management, these systems can significantly reduce time spent on administrative tasks. In this article, we explore the numerous ways these technologies can contribute to a more productive workforce. Corporate office with multiple employees that use cloud-based access control to enter premisesThe use of cloud-based access control systems in modern workplaces has shown a positive correlation with improved operational efficiency. By eliminating the need for physical keys and manual check-ins, employees are granted swift entry, thereby reducing bottlenecks during peak hours. Implementing access control provides seamless entry and helps maintain a steady workflow from the moment employees step into the office. Moreover, these systems offer the capability to manage permissions remotely, saving time for both employees and management. Managers can adjust access rights from anywhere, ensuring that the right personnel have the right access without any delay. Such flexibility avoids interruptions in the workday and allows employees to remain focused on their tasks. With fewer administrative tasks to handle, office managers find more time to devote to strategic initiatives. The automation of access control systems reduces the need for manual oversight, freeing up resources that can then be allocated to more impactful areas of the business. The shift from administrative to strategic roles not only boosts productivity but also enhances job satisfaction. (more…)
Author Interviews / 12.07.2024

The integration of Proposal Automation with customer relationship management (CRM) systems is revolutionizing the way businesses create, manage, and track their sales proposals. This synergy unlocks efficiencies, enhances customer interactions, and provides valuable insights that drive business growth. Understanding this integration is vital if you aim to streamline your sales processes and establish deeper customer connections. Below, we discuss the transformative impact of combining these technologies on your sales strategy.

Understanding the Synergy Between Proposal Automation and CRM Systems

A team in an office discussing proposal automation during a meetingAt its core, Proposal Automation streamlines the creation of complex sales proposals, allowing businesses to generate accurate, personalized proposals swiftly. This is particularly beneficial in today's fast-paced market where quick turnaround times can be a competitive edge. Meanwhile, CRM systems are designed to manage customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. They help companies understand their customers, manage relationships, and analyze data for better decision-making. When Proposal Automation is integrated with CRM systems, it allows for seamless access to customer data and insights. This integration helps in customizing proposals based on past interactions, purchasing history, preferences, and more. Proposal creation becomes significantly faster and more personalized, which resonates well with potential clients. By leveraging these combined capabilities, businesses can create highly targeted sales pitches that align with customer expectations. The marriage of these systems is not just about convenience—it's also about leveraging data to make informed decisions. A CRM laden with valuable customer data, when connected with proposal automation, enables sales teams to craft data-driven proposals. This strategic approach can significantly increase the chances of closing deals, as proposals are backed by insights rather than assumptions. (more…)
Author Interviews, CMAJ, Heart Disease, Occupational Health, Social Issues, Stroke / 07.01.2019 Interview with: Allan GarlandMD,  MA  Professor of Medicine & Community Health Sciences Co-Head, Section of Critical Care Medicine University of Manitoba What is the background for this study? Response: Heart attacks, strokes and cardiac arrest are common acute health events.  Most studies of serious acute health events look at outcomes such as death and how long is spent in the hospital.  But for working age people, the ability to work and earn income are very important outcomes that have rarely been studied. We set out to carefully measure, across Canada, how much heart attacks, strokes and cardiac arrests affect the ability of working age people to work and earn. (more…)