Religious Education

Interest in Religious Education and Mental Health

Religious education does not have to end when we leave school. In fact, for some, religious education does not begin until much later in life. Some people may want to learn about a religion due to a specific question, such as what is the Serenity prayer, while others will become interested in a specific religion and want to learn more about that religion. 

There are many ways to begin or continue your religious education, and we have listed some below if you are unsure of how to get started. 

Attend a Place of Worship

One of the most common places to experience a religion is a place of worship. You will be able to experience traditional worship, speak to other followers of your chosen religion, and speak to the leaders of worship while you are there. 

However, if you are planning to learn a significant amount about a specific religion, attending a place of worship may not give you as much information as you may think. Active places of worship do not always house learning materials regarding a religion. 

However, an active place of worship is a great way to network with other followers and scholars of the religion. Conversing with those who are well-versed in a religion can be beneficial in allowing you to discuss open questions that you have and get a personal response from those who follow the religion you are interested in. 

Informal Learning 

There are many ways to informally learn about a religion. You can complete online research or go to a local library to check out books about the religion that you are interested in from a theological or informational perspective.

It is important to note that if you are reading online about a religion you are interested in, you should thoroughly investigate your sources. It is easy to be misled by other people’s opinions masquerading as facts when reading online. 

Once you are sure that your sources are relevant and accurate, you can begin informal reading and learning. Informal learning is the most isolated way of learning about a religion, as there are fewer options for discussing your learning with others unless you join online forums or message boards. 

Formal Learning

You may also choose to undertake formal learning regarding the religion you are interested in. Formal learning does not necessarily mean studying to become a leader within the religion you are interested in. There are numerous courses available that teach the theology and background of religion. 

You can also find formal learning courses that give overviews of religion overall, from the beginning of specific religions and how they have grown across the world to the links between several modern religions. Religions often overlap and interact with many religions, acknowledging prophets and significant figures of other religions. 

So, if you are interested in religion overall or the theology of worship, you may prefer a more formalized education course. A formal learning course may cover more about the background of a religion rather than just the teachings.


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Last Updated on January 23, 2025 by Marie Benz MD FAAD