
Why Vegetarian Food is Good for You

Vegetarianism is one of the biggest dietary trends. Many people are switching to this lifestyle choice to better their health, reduce their carbon footprint, and do their part in animal welfare.

What’s more, many people don’t commit fully; some choose to enjoy meat-free days during the week or month instead. Thus, going vegetarian is more flexible and easier than you might have previously believed. Naturally, there are many health benefits of eating less meat; here, they will be discussed.


vegetables-vegetarians-dietStudies and tests show that those who have high cholesterol can often benefit from a veggie diet. The fat in the meat you eat can contribute to more elevated cholesterol levels, increasing your chance of heart-related problems.

Thankfully, meat-lovers who want to improve their health can still do so without giving up their favorite meaty meals. Many restaurants and supermarkets offer excellent, high-quality meat-free substitutes that look, smell, and taste like the real deal, so you can still enjoy pizzas, steaks, sandwiches, pies, and any other food that contains meat – but without the meat part.

For example, you can search ‘veggie burger near me’ online, and you’ll find a ton of local eateries and stores that sell and serve vegetarian burgers – and yes, without any meat!

Weight Loss

Many people who switch to a veggie lifestyle often drop weight quicker – meat contains quite a lot of fat, and vegetarians skip out on that fat intake, leading to weight loss in many cases.

However, as there are more veggie snack and meal options these days, it is possible to gain weight even after throwing meat out the window. This means that vegetarians should still watch what they consume, ensuring they get a balanced diet with all the proper nutrients and don’t regularly consume over their daily recommended calorie intake

If you are wondering why you aren’t losing weight even though you follow a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work like that because it’s not that simple. To lose weight, you have to be in a calorie deficit, and if you are still eating lots of high-calorie foods, you will still put on or maintain weight. Just because a food is vegetarian does not mean it is good for you; take cheese, for example – yes, it is vegetarian, but if you eat too much, it’s unhealthy!


If you follow a veggie diet, you could be less likely to suffer from diabetes. Of course, this is only the case for type two diabetes since type one cannot be controlled or caused by diet – it is there from birth.


Some studies suggest that vegetarians have a reduced risk of cancer. Research shows that eating a lot of fatty meats can cause some types of cancer, and more meat eaters get cancer than vegetarians.

This is not to say that being vegetarian will cure or eliminate the risk of cancer. Still, studies hint that the risk of developing the disease is reduced with a healthier diet – and a diet with less meat is considered slightly healthier than a diet full of meat being consumed every day.

Furthermore, the healthy consumption notion extends beyond just vegetarianism; if you are still smoking and drinking every day, not much will change as you are still partaking in things that damage your body – and no amount of being a vegetarian can fix that. Vegetarianism is a whole lifestyle, not just a diet.


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Last Updated on June 6, 2022 by Marie Benz MD FAAD