Mental Health Research, Social Issues / 26.12.2023

In the fast-paced, interconnected world we now live in, the prevalence of burnout has become a concerning reality for many. The term was first coined in the 1970s to describe the chronic workplace stress that led to physical and emotional exhaustion. Since then, if you are feeling run down and exhausted you may well be yet another victim of modern-day fatigue. Here is a look at the nuances of burnout and some key factors contributing to this pervasive problem. Burnout goes beyond the workplace While burnout traditionally has its roots in a professional workplace setting, modern-day pressures means that the phenomenon now extends beyond the confines of the workplace. Burnout now encompasses a holistic exhaustion that permeates various aspects of life. These include personal relationships, social interactions, and even leisure activities. We have even reached a point where The World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized burnout as a syndrome in the International Classification of Diseases, emphasizing its impact on overall well-being. (more…)