
What You Need to Know About Advanced Teeth aligners


Teeth aligners can give you a hassle-free smile makeover, boosting your appearance and confidence. Cost is often a top question if you’re considering them This guide will break down the factors influencing the cost of dental aligners in India, helping you make an informed decision.    


What Are Teeth Aligners?   

Teeth aligners, or clear aligners, are orthodontic devices used to straighten crooked teeth. These aligners can correct your teeth without using metal wires and brackets as traditional braces. They are made of smooth, transparent plastic material. These aligners are custom-made to fit over teeth tightly and are nearly undetectable when worn. Aligner treatment consists of a series of aligners you need to change per your treatment plan. You need to wear these aligners for a set amount of time—typically 22 hours a day for effective results. You can take them out, eat your food, and maintain your oral health. The aligners will gradually move the teeth into their desired positions and address various problems, including crowding, spacing, overbites, and underbites. People choose teeth aligners because of how they look. People opt for teeth aligners because they look good and help discreetly achieve a straight, confident smile. They’re comfortable, easy to use, and make it easier to maintain good dental hygiene during treatment.   

   Different Kinds of Dental Braces  

Braces and aligners are part of orthodontic treatment. There are many types of braces, from traditional braces to modern aligners. The well-known options consist of:     

Metal Braces: They are also known as traditional metal braces. They come with brackets and wires fixed on your teeth until you achieve a perfect smile. Your dentist needs to fix the braces at regular intervals. The tightening puts pressure on your teeth and causes discomfort. Plus, you need to follow the diet and other restrictions to maintain and preserve your braces. These braces can correct mild to complex cases and provide effective results.  

Ceramic Braces: They work in a similar way as metal braces. These braces use wires and brackets similar to metal braces. Compared to metal braces, ceramic braces are less noticeable and use clear or tooth-coloured brackets. They can correct all types of misalignments in a discreet way. They are more expensive than metal braces since they are made of ceramic material.  

Lingual Braces: These braces also use metal wires and brackets but are fixed behind the teeth. They are not visible from the outside, making them a good choice for those who care a lot about their appearance. These braces are more expensive than metal and ceramic ones.  

Teeth aligners: Transparent or clear aligners are the modern way to align your crooked teeth. They are plastic trays that do not contain any metal wires or brackets. Since they are made of transparent materials, they are almost undetectable when in use. They are more comfortable and faster than traditional braces. They are flexible and adaptable to give you a hassle-free smile treatment. Teeth aligners are made with advanced technology. They are designed using CAD/CAM software and offer precise and accurate results. Aligner treatment is predictable and can show the future smiles of patients before they start the aligner treatment. These aligners are priced slightly higher than other teeth straightening options. However, they come with several advantages over other alternatives.  

Factors that Influence Teeth aligners Cost   

Here are some factors that can impact the cost of teeth aligners. The cost of a transparent aligner can vary from patient to patient based on the following reasons:     

1) Number of Aligners: If you need more aligners to correct your teeth, then the cost of your treatment can increase. Some cases might need fewer aligners, and the cost of treatment may be low.  

2) Complication of the Case: If your case is complex, correcting your crooked teeth would need a longer time. It would require more resources and a longer time to fix the teeth position. At the same time, a mild case would take less time and resources. All this can impact your treatment’s cost.    

3) Dentist’s Expertise: An experienced orthodontist can charge you a higher fee for their skill and experience. The dentists’ fees would differ based on their expertise and goodwill. It is advisable to get your teeth straightening done by an experienced doctor for assured results.  

4) Location of Dental Clinic: The cost of teeth aligners can vary based on where you live and the demand for orthodontic treatments. The cost can vary based on the facilities and use of technology in the clinic.  

5) Brand and Quality: The cost of an aligner can also depend on the brand and quality you choose. Established brands like Illusion Aligners may cost more but are known for being reliable. Check for their track records of cases treated by the brands and manufacturers of aligners.  

Many orthodontic clinics offer financing or payment plans for aligners. It can help you plan and prepare for your aligner treatment. It makes the treatment more affordable and budget-friendly.  


Choosing teeth aligners is an investment in your well-being, confidence, and oral health. The cost of aligners can vary, so it’s important to consider cost factors and find what fits your needs. Talk to an orthodontist for a personalized plan and to explore insurance or payment options.    

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Last Updated on September 18, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD