
When Should You Consider Bariatric Surgery?

Making the decision to seek bariatric surgery is one to make only once you are sure you are ready for it. This is a life-changing experience and one that requires a significant amount of work. Yet, the results are often highly desirable and could even extend your life while improving your well-being.

To determine if weight loss surgery is the best decision for you, take the time to learn as much as you can about the process and the results.
Take into consideration your health and long-term well-being.

The first step is to meet the medical guidelines required by most doctors and surgeons to obtain bariatric surgery. These typically include:

  • Body mass index (BMI) rating of 40 or higher, though some doctors may consider 35 or higher.
  • Have a lower BMI but health complications that make losing weight quickly helpful
  • For those who are younger, including adolescents, you may need to have a BMI of at least 40 to qualify

While your bariatric surgeon will offer insight into when this type of care is best suited for you, it helps to consider the other factors that may also play a role in whether or not you are ready for weight loss surgery.

Am I Ready for Bariatric Surgery?

To determine if  you are ready for surgery, consider speaking to those professionals who can offer personalized insight into your well-being and needs. Consider the following:

Medical concerns

Do you have medical conditions that are brought on or worsened by being obese? This may include:

  • Liver disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Type II diabetes
  • Kidney disease

Behaviors and mental health factors

Consider how weight loss surgery could impact you in the following ways.

  • Motivation: Do you feel motivated to change your lifestyle and improve your knowledge of nutrition?
  • Weight loss history:Examine your weight loss history and if you have tried to use other methods but found yourself regaining any lost weight.
  • Eating behaviors: Carefully consider any eating disorders or behaviors that could contribute to the onset and continuation of this condition and your willingness and ability to change them
  • Mood disorders: Consider factors related to emotional well-being and the treatment needs for conditions such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression
  • Alcohol and drug use: Carefully consider your relationship with alcohol and drugs, noting that you may not be able to use these substances for some time
  • Suicide risk: Carefully consider your mental health and whether you are at risk for depression.

Editor’s note:

Editor’s note: This piece discusses mental health issues. If you have experienced suicidal thoughts or have lost someone to suicide and want to seek help, you can contact the Crisis Text Line by texting “START” to 741-741 or call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

Consider pre-surgery expectations

Also important to determine if you are ready for bariatric surgery is to really think about your expectations. You will work with a team of professionals who will help you learn everything you need to know to be successful. Examples include:

  • Exercise plans:You will need to work with your team of professionals to help you learn about exercises and methods to support your rapid weight loss
  • Psychotherapy:You will need to work with a professional through talk therapy to guide your mental well-being and wellness in embracing this procedure
  • Nutritional guidelines:You cannot say you are ready for this process if you have not considered the nutritional value of eating
  • Smoking and other uses:You will need to stop smoking and cut out most other types of use to prevent complications during your procedure.

If you have worked through each of these areas, you may be ready to move forward with your objective of weight loss surgery. Exploring each of these areas is critical before moving forward.

How Can Bariatric Surgery Help Me and Benefits

The benefits of bariatric surgery are numerous for most people. Some of the benefits include:

  • Reduced risk of heart attack and strokes
  • Improved energy levels
  • Reduced cardiovascular events
  • Improved well-being and mental health
  • Ability to live life with new challenges

The benefits of bariatric surgery will change based on the unique needs of each person. However, most people will see more than just the numbers on the scale falling. Many people also see significant improvement in mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. The key to remember is that bariatric surgery is not a simple tool or a magic eraser. It will take time and hard work to make the switch to living a healthy lifestyle possible and effective.

Finding a Bariatric Surgeon

Before moving forward with any decision, it is critical to consider who will help you. You should include a bariatric surgeon in the conversation as soon as possible. Your surgeon will guide you in examining each of the previously mentioned aspects to determine where you stand.

A wide range of bariatric surgeons are available. Before making a decision about who to work with, there are several key factors to consider:

  • What type of experience does the surgeon have for your specific needs?
  • What type of procedures does the surgeon perform on a routine basis?
  • What is the process like?
  • Is the doctor or surgeon a trusted professional with ample reviews to back up their success?
  • What types of ratings are there to demonstrate the surgeon is well-qualified and offers exceptional care?

Once you have a few options to consider, narrow down those options by focusing on the other factors. For example, what is the cost of this type of treatment? It may be well worth the investment, but it is still something to plan for out of pocket.

Read reviews of providers on sites like Vitals.com, HealthGrades.com, or BariatricSurgeons.com. Do some research on their past cases. Find out what they charge for the service. More so, be sure to consider financing options, access to health insurance, and the risks associated with the procedure. .

Bariatric surgery is a very significant decision in every situation. Learn everything you can about this procedure, including what it could mean for your future. Then, reach out to learn more about whether you are a good candidate for bariatric surgery and what you can expect if you have it.


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Last Updated on September 3, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD