
When to Look for a Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident in Florida

With its winding roads and coastal views, Florida can be a motorcyclist’s paradise. However, the Sunshine State also poses unique risks for bikers. In 2020 alone, over 9,000 motorcyclists were injured in Florida crashes. By understanding major dangers, taking safety precautions, and protecting your legal rights in any motorcycle accident, you can stay safe while enjoying Florida’s open roads.

Key Motorcycle Safety Statistics in Florida

Riding a motorcycle in Florida is undoubtedly thrilling, but a lack of safety knowledge can have devastating consequences. Important statistics include:

  • Over 9,000 motorcyclists injured in Florida crashes in 2020.
  • 547 motorcyclists killed in 2020, with over 500 deaths annually for the last 5 years.
  • Motorcyclists are overrepresented in fatal crashes, accounting for just 3% of registered vehicles but nearly 14% of all traffic deaths.
  • Major risk factors include excessive speeding, impairment, lack of helmet use, and other vehicles failing to detect or yield right-of-way.

Essential Protective Steps for Florida Motorcyclists

While motorcycle riding does carry inherent risks, taking key precautions greatly improves safety:

  • Wear DOT-compliant helmet, eye protection, long sleeves/pants, and gloves.
  • Enroll in motorcycle safety training courses for defensive riding techniques.
  • Add reflective decals to your motorcycle to increase visibility.
  • Maintain safe speeds and distances from other vehicles.
  • Assume other motorists do not see you and ride defensively.
  • Never ride impaired and avoid distracted driving.

Making motorcycle safety practices a priority helps prevent easily avoidable crashes.

Understanding Legal Rights After a Motorcycle Crash

Unfortunately, even responsible riders can become crash victims when other motorists are negligent. Florida is a no-fault insurance state, requiring both motorcyclists and drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) to cover medical costs after accidents. However, PIP has coverage limits, warranting exploration of additional options. A motorcycle accident attorney can help injured motorcyclists:

  • Review crash details to pinpoint causes and liability.
  • Navigate insurance claims and identify all available compensation sources.
  • Determine damages owed and negotiate optimal settlement offers.
  • File lawsuits against at-fault parties if needed to recover maximum damages.

FAQs on Motorcycle Safety and Accident Law

What are the most serious motorcycle crash injuries?

Common catastrophic injuries include spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injuries, amputations, severe road rash, and broken bones. Wrongful death is also a tragic outcome in many crashes.

Is lane splitting by motorcycles legal in Florida?

No, lane splitting is considered dangerously reckless driving and is illegal under Florida statutes.

Can I still recover damages if I was partially at-fault in the motorcycle crash?

Yes, Florida follows comparative negligence rules so you can obtain reduced compensation if you had some fault.

Riding responsibly, wearing safety gear, and understanding laws and rights after an accident are all key for Florida motorcyclists. Prioritizing your own and others’ safety helps ensure many seasons of happy riding.


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Last Updated on February 2, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD