
AUA24 Penile Girth Enhancement: Study Evaluates Safety of Novel Hyaluronic Acid Filler Injections

MedicalResearch.com Interview with:

dr-michelle-pearlman-mdDr. Amy Pearlman MD
GenitoUrinary Surgeon and
Sexual Medicine Specialist
Board-Certified in Urology

MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study?

Response: There is significant controversy within urology (and in mainstream conversation) regarding penile enhancement. Our clinical experience with the PhalloFill protocol over the last 4 years has yielded great clinical and safety results. The purpose of our research is to study our outcomes in a more scientific fashion and, as a result, to be able to use this information to help educate potential patients, current patients, interested folks in the community, and other healthcare providers.

Response: Would you describe the procedure?

Response: Baseline photos are taken at the beginning of each treatment session which allows us to track progress, in addition to tracking penile measurements (length and girth) which are also measured at the beginning of each treatment session.

The penis is marked at 3 and 9 o’clock. Lidocaine is then used to anesthetize and hydrodissect both sides of the penis to create the space for subsequent injection of hyaluronic acid dermal filler. The procedure typically takes about 20-30 minutes. A special wrap is then placed around the penis to provide compression, reduce penile retraction, and aid in keeping the filler in place between treatment sessions and once treatment is completed.

MedicalResearch.com: What are the main findings?

Response:  We retrospectively reviewed men undergoing the PhalloFill girth enhancement procedure from August 2020 to April 2023. 471 men underwent the procedure during this time. There were 2 injection site infections due to non-compliance with the post treatment protocol, though both infections resolved with oral antibiotic. One patient underwent reversal with hyaluronidase. Three patients experienced granulomas that resolved with hyaluronidase. Three patients had a painful prolonged erection (priapism) associated with an in office injection to induce an erection prior to the filler procedure. There were no cases of priapism when this part of the protocol (erection induction) was eliminated from the procedure.

Notably, none of these patients required a trip to the operating room, none reported worsening erectile function, and none reported loss of penile sensitivity. This is in stark contrast to men who undergo girth enhancement with permanent fillers, which may result in poor aesthetic outcomes that may necessitate surgical intervention and, in some cases, life-threatening complications.

MedicalResearch.com:  How often does the procedure need to be repeated?  Side effects?

Response:   The procedure is repeated until the patients are satisfied with their girth- this is completely dependent on the person’s girth goals.

Many patients will undergo 2 or more treatment sessions, typically scheduled 3 weeks apart. Patients are also able to have additional filler placed at any time to maintain their optimal girth or increase their girth.

MedicalResearch.com: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Response: The field of cosmetic urology is an exciting frontier. It’s been a privilege to learn from folks like William Moore, the creator of PhalloFill and an expert in aesthetics, which has allowed me to combine techniques in the aesthetic space with my expertise as a urologist to provide excellent outcomes for patients desiring safe, effective, and well-tolerated girth enhancement.

Disclosures: I am on the medical advisory board for PhalloFIll.

Citation: The Safety of Novel Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler Injections for Penile Girth Enhancement

A Pearlman, K Gumpf, W Moore, J Clavell, J Kansal, F Milhouse, A Tatem, (051) Safety of Novel Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler Injections for Penile Girth Enhancement, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 21, Issue Supplement_1, February 2024, qdae001.047, https://doi.org/10.1093/jsxmed/qdae001.047

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Last Updated on May 8, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD