
Guide to Neurofeedback Therapy

The pandemic may be over, but its effects linger. According to a paper on the psychological impact of COVID-19 on children and adults in the United Arab Emirates, 71% of the UAE general population have generalized anxiety disorder. Younger people and females register the highest levels of anxiety, and teachers also report a higher incidence of emotional problems in children.

Mental health awareness and solutions are more crucial than ever in the face of this increased risk for anxiety. Fortunately, you and the people you care about have access to interventions like neurofeedback in Dubai to address various mental health conditions.

What Is Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy is a biofeedback technique that monitors brain waves and provides real-time feedback about those brainwaves to the brain. The brain can learn to self-regulate its functions by becoming aware of its activity.

Through consistent brain training, the brain can instinctively prevent, manage, or control undesirable brain wave patterns. Consequently, it can be more effective at curbing the negative behavior, mental state or physiological symptoms associated with unwelcome brain activity.

How Does It Work?

Neurofeedback therapy typically starts with brain mapping, which logs and records your typical brain wave activity. This step can help identify issues and pinpoint negative states.

During a neurofeedback therapy session, you wear headphones and sit comfortably on a chair or couch in front of a television. Your therapist attaches electroencephalogram (EEG) electrodes to your scalp.

Once you’re ready, you’re shown a movie on the TV. This stimulates your brain and induces it to react, and the EEG electrodes attached to your head register the electrical signals your brain produces.

A computer program connected to the EEG interprets and analyzes your brain wave activity. When your brain waves indicate a negative state – e.g., logs the pattern for anxiety – the video you’re watching becomes blurry and audio quality becomes unclear.

This clues your brain in on the undesirable brain waves. In response, your brain consciously tries to regulate its brain activity. If it successfully does that, the movie’s audio and video quality immediately improve.

Over multiple neurofeedback therapy sessions, you (or rather your brain) will learn to recognize and control its brain activity effectively. Through time, it will be better at keeping brain wave patterns at a more balanced and optimal state, so you’ll experience fewer symptoms.

What Conditions Can You Address With Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback therapy may be used exclusively or in conjunction with medication and other strategies to manage the following conditions, among others:

1.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a condition marked by ongoing issues with focus, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. ADHD can disrupt daily life, and those afflicted with it might find it challenging to concentrate, organize, and manage their time. These difficulties aren’t due to laziness but to differences in brain development.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)

Bursts of intense anger or aggression mark IED. These episodes may include verbal outbursts or aggressive behavior disproportionate to the situation. Uncontrolled anger issues can strain relationships and lead to legal consequences. Thus, anger management is crucial.


Anxiety is characterized by constant, excessive and disruptive worrying. Symptoms include restlessness, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and a strong sense of impending danger or panic. Unlike typical stress responses, anxiety can persist and can stem from factors like genetics, environment, and health problems.


A profound sense of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness can be signs of depression. Symptoms may also include loss of interest in things, people and activities, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping and concentrating, and fatigue.

Depression is more than just feeling down occasionally. It can be profoundly debilitating and cause significant personal and professional challenges.

4.Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are conditions that hinder the brain’s capacity to process, store, or retrieve information. Examples include:

  • Dyslexia is a vision-related learning problem of the brain that causes reading problems.
  • Dyscalculia leads to difficulties in reading and understanding numbers.
  • Dysgraphia makes it difficult to write or translate thoughts into written words.

Learning disabilities have nothing to do with a person’s intelligence. They make the brain function differently, and this can be extremely frustrating for an otherwise high-IQ person whose attempts to read, write or solve problems are obstructed by the way their brains process information.

The sooner learning disabilities are diagnosed, the earlier intervention strategies can be introduced. Such intervention may include special accommodations, tailored teaching techniques, assistive technology, etc. With proper support, people with learning disabilities can achieve academic success and lead fulfilling lives.

Aside from the above, neurofeedback therapy may also be used to counter stress and migraine headaches. It may also be an effective strategy to attain peak performance, better memory, and better sleep.

Neurofeedback Therapy for Anxiety and More

Anxiety, depression, uncontrolled anger, ADHD, and learning disabilities are medical conditions that affect the brain. Just like other medical conditions, they can disrupt your activities for daily living and must be addressed and resolved properly.

Neurofeedback therapy is a non-invasive strategy mental health professionals can use to manage these conditions. It may be used exclusively or in conjunction with medication and other modes of treatment.

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Last Updated on July 29, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD