Bioflux Device Monitors Heart Rhythm and Sends in Real Time To 24 Hour Monitoring Lab Interview with:

biotricityWaqaas Al-Siddiq, Founder and CEO of Biotricity Would you tell us a little about yourself? How did you get interested in combining healthcare with technology?

Waqaas Al-Siddiq

Waqaas Al-Siddiq

Response: I am the president and CEO of biotricity which is a healthcare technology company dedicated to providing diagnostic and post-diagnostic solutions for both the physician and consumer for long-term chronic care management. I got interested in combining healthcare and technology while I was doing research for monitoring remote environments in critical scenarios. I thought that it would be very interesting to apply that to healthcare because it’s a problem that no one has figured out how to solve yet. And it’s a problem that is driving healthcare costs out of control. What is meant by ‘remote monitoring’?

Response: In our case, it is intelligent real-time monitoring of a patient outside of the physician’s office or hospital. We focus on chronic diseases that lend themselves to be detected non-invasively by an intelligent device that can detect anomalies. With our first product, we are monitoring the heart’s electrical activity. If we detect an anomaly, we transmit it to a remote center where the appropriate healthcare practitioner can review the data and deal with the critical situation. For instance, and unlike Holter’s or Event Loop recorders, our medical-grade bioflux device monitors a patient’s heart rhythm and sends data in real-time to a 24-hour monitoring lab. If a patient is in cardiac distress, an alert will be sent to the monitoring center, which will in turn contact the patient to offer assistance. This increases the quality of care by potentially lowering patient risk and reducing physician liability. What conditions is the technology applicable to?

Response: Our current product, bioflux, is focused on cardiac care but our platform can be applied in a variety of chronic condition markets by changing out the sensors. For example, we are working towards solutions for fetal ECG, sleep apnea, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). What is the difference between bioflux and biolife?

Response: The bioflux product is a medical-grade wearable device designed for a physician to diagnose their patient. It is a diagnostic tool utilized by a healthcare provider and is not available for an end-user to purchase directly. On the other hand, biolife is a post-diagnostic solution designed specifically for the consumer’s long-term chronic disease management and self-care. Just as a diabetic uses a glucometer to manage their diabetes, someone with a cardiac condition could utilize biolife to manage theirs. More specifically, biolife is a post diagnostic cardiac solution comprised of a medical grade device and software solution. It is designed as a chronic care management solution for patients suffering from cardiac disease. The device will also monitor respiration, calories, temperature, physical activity and other key assessments that will enable a wholesome view of the individual’s health. The data will be presented to the user as a series of simple, easy-to-understand points designed to help someone work towards their unique health goals. Why is your company’s approach different than traditional companies with traditional methods?

Response: Our mission is to develop multiple solutions for chronic illnesses by designing monitoring devices paired with chronic care management tools to improve patient compliance and empower the individual to take better care of their health. To achieve this goal, we design our products from two angles: the diagnostic and the post-diagnostic situation. For example, traditional healthcare companies create fantastic diagnostic solutions, but they are generally restricted to the physician’s office or inside of the hospital. Our focus is to develop these types of solutions but also leverage existing technology to empower the end-user to facilitate chronic disease management for long-term care. We are focused on building customized solutions for a spectrum of chronic illnesses. By targeting illnesses instead of a specific demographic, we help the individual suffering from that condition to manage it in the best possible way.

Next generation medical-grade wearables will pave the way for the adoption of preventive care measures into mainstream healthcare practices. It will shift the current “reactive” model – where physicians diagnose and treat conditions and diseases after onset – to proactive. This is particularly true of managing heart-related illnesses, as patients often fail to comply with their doctor’s medical directives, dietary changes, exercise regiments, and lifestyle changes. What is next?

Response: We decided to enter the cardiac market with our first solution because cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the U.S. Following our cardiac monitoring devices, we are looking at tackling solutions for fetal heart monitoring in order to reduce still-born births. Furthermore, we are also looking at developing solutions for sleep apnea, hypertension, diabetes, and COPD. Thank you for your contribution to the community.

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Sponsored link: Empeek is an innovative custom healthcare software development company. One project included AI-powered Remote Heart Monitoring.

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Last Updated on September 26, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD