
All You Need to Know About LASIK

eyesurgery-lasix-eye-eyelashes-face-woman-63320.webpLASIK is an excellent option for people who have to wear glasses or contacts and don’t want to do that anymore. Before going in for a consultation, it’s good to learn as much as possible about it. Here are some answers, including ones if you have questions about LASIK cost.

What is LASIK?

This is an outpatient surgery where the eye doctor will use a laser to reshape the corneal tissue of an eye through a flap that is also created by the laser. It’s a safe procedure since the laser won’t damage other tissue or other parts of the eye.

Who is a Candidate for LASIK? 

While there are a lot of people who can benefit from this, there are some who aren’t eligible. They include people who are under 18, those who have had multiple changes in their eyeglasses prescription, people that have extreme cases of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, and those who have severe dry eye. Your eye doctor will thoroughly examine your eyes and make that determination before moving ahead and scheduling the actual surgery.

How Should I Prepare For the Surgery? 

You should be dressed comfortably and have someone drive you to and from the doctor’s office. This is because your vision will be impaired. If you wear any eye makeup, you should skip it that day. Your eye doctor will tell you how far in advance you should stop wearing contact lenses. Then it’s time to go in for the surgery.

What Happens During the Surgery? 

The eye doctor will put numbing drops on your eyes so that there won’t be any pain during the procedure. They will keep your eyes open during the whole procedure and will also use a suction ring so that your eye won’t move around. You’ll stare at a target light so that the doctor will be able to work without issues. It can be surprisingly fast, with only taking 10 minutes sometimes.

What Happens Afterward? 

Now that the surgery is over, it’s time to go home. You won’t be able to see anything out of the eye or eyes that you had the surgery performed on, so you’ll need that ride home. Then you should rest. Your vision will be hazy for a bit, and your eyes may be sensitive to light. Be sure to follow all the directions that your eye doctor gives you — that will help ensure that your recovery goes well.

LASIK is known for having a high success rate, with around 95% of patients reporting a satisfactory outcome. Of course, if you have any lingering side effects, you should contact your eye doctor as soon as possible so that they can work on fixing the issue. Stay in regular contact with them so that they can monitor how the recovery is going.

A lot of people are glad that they had LASIK surgery. You could be one of them. It’s just a matter of doing research beforehand and making sure that you’re a candidate. Then you can go enjoy seeing the world like you’ve always wanted to.


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Last Updated on April 21, 2024 by Marie Benz MD FAAD