Anemia, Author Interviews, JAMA, OBGYNE / 23.08.2024

Esa M. Davis, M.D., M.P.H , F.A.A.F.P Professor of Medicine and Family and Community Medicine Associate Vice President of Community Health and Senior Associate Dean of pPopulation Health and Community Medicine University of Maryland School of Medicine Dr. Davis joined the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in January 2021 What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Iron is important to overall health, and people need more iron when they are pregnant. This can make pregnant people at increased risk for iron deficiency, which can progress to anemia and cause complications for both moms and their babies. After reviewing the latest available research, the Task Force found that there is not enough evidence on whether pregnant people who do not have signs or symptoms of iron deficiency or anemia should be screened—or take iron supplements—to improve their health or the health of their baby.   (more…)
Anemia, Author Interviews, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, NEJM / 30.05.2023 Interview with: Prof. Heerspink Prof. Hiddo Lambers Heerspink, PhD PHARMD Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology University Medical Center Groningen Groningen What is the background for this study? What is dapagliflozin primarily indicated for?   Response: Dapagliflozin is a sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor. The multinational, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, DAPA-CKD trial demonstrated the kidney and cardiovascular benefits of dapagliflozin in 4304 patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D). Based on the results of this and other trials, current guidelines recommend use of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with CKD, T2D, or heart failure. Anemia is common among patients with CKD and is associated with worse clinical outcomes. Previous studies showed that SGLT2 inhibitors increase hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, but data are lacking in patients with CKD with and without T2D. In this post-hoc analysis of DAPA-CKD, we assessed the effect of dapagliflozin versus placebo on the correction and prevention of anemia in this population. (more…)
Allergies, Annals Internal Medicine, Author Interviews, Pharmacology / 29.03.2022 Interview with: Chintan V. Dave, PharmD, PhD Assistant Professor Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Institute Rutgers University  What is the background for this study?  What are the main findings?  Response: The risks of anaphylaxis among intravenous (IV) iron products currently in use has not been assessed. Older adults have a higher risk of experiencing drug-induced anaphylaxis. Accordingly, our study objective was to elucidate the risk of anaphylaxis  among older adults receiving the five frequently used IV iron products: ferric carboxymaltose, ferumoxytol, ferric gluconate, iron dextran, and iron sucrose. (more…)