
Reassuring Study of Topical Steroids During Pregnancy Interview with:

Niklas Worm Andersson, MD Department of Epidemiology Research Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen Denmark

Dr. Andersson

Niklas Worm Andersson, MD
Department of Epidemiology Research
Statens Serum Institut,
Copenhagen Denmark What is the background for this study?

Response: “Findings from some previous fetal safety studies on topical corticosteroid use in pregnancy have raised concerns for an increased risk of newborns being small for gestational age or having low birth weight, in particular among pregnancies where larger amounts of potent to very potent agents have been used.” What are the main findings?

Response: “Our study is by far the largest study to date to examine this clinically important research question (a total of 60,497 exposed pregnancies were included in the study analyses) and the data were not suggestive of a significant increased risk among exposed pregnancies, regardless of topical corticosteroid potency or the amount used.” What should readers take away from your report?

Response: “Overall, we believe these are reassuring findings on the fetal safety profile of topical corticosteroids use in pregnancy in relation the birth weight-related outcomes. Also, while we did not find any increased risk; given the sample size of this study, the results rule out a moderate to large increase in the risk, even when large amounts of potent to very potent topical corticosteroids are used in pregnancy.” What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work?

Response: “Further studies on the placental passage and metabolism of the individual corticosteroids would be useful insights to increase our knowledge on the actual potential exposure to the fetus as little research is currently available. ”

No disclosures.


Andersson NW, Skov L, Andersen JT. Evaluation of Topical Corticosteroid Use in Pregnancy and Risk of Newborns Being Small for Gestational Age and Having Low Birth Weight. JAMA Dermatol. Published online May 05, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2021.1090

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Last Updated on May 9, 2021 by Marie Benz MD FAAD