Interview with:
Kathryn Magruder, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Charleston, S.C.
Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Dr. Magruder: There has been lots of attention and concern over PTSD in your younger veterans — both male and female -- and in male Vietnam veterans. Too often the women who served during the Vietnam Era have been largely overlooked. We felt like we owed it to them to understand better their responses to their wartime experiences — even if 40 years later. It’s never too late to do the right thing!
Our main finding is that the women who served in Vietnam had high prevalence of PTSD (20% lifetime, 16% current) and this was not attributable to cases that had developed prior to entering the military. This was higher than the women who served near Vietnam or in the United States. When we looked at their reported experiences during the Vietnam Era, the women who were in Vietnam reported higher levels of exposure to all of the items on our scale. It was these experiences — especially sexual harassment, performance pressures, and experiences with triage and death — that explained their higher levels of PTSD.