Author Interviews, Mental Health Research, Microbiome / 10.02.2025 Interview with: Associate Professor Shawn Je Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme, Duke-NUS Medical School What is the background for this study? What questions were you trying to address?  Response: The project started in 2013 when I met Professor Sven Petterson, then a visiting professor from the Karolinska Institute, during his time at the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) in Singapore. At the time, our lab was studying autism, and we discovered that many children with autism also had gastrointestinal problems. This sparked my interest in the relationship between gut microbiota and brain disorders. Professor Petterson had already established a germ-free facility at NCCS to study the link between cancer and gut microbiota. I asked him if he could create germ-free C57BL/6 mice, a strain often used to study learning, memory and brain disorders. After developing the mice, we subjected them to behavioural testing at the Duke-NUS Behavioural Phenotyping Facility to assess their emotional responses (fear, anxiety, depression), cognitive abilities (learning and memory), and social interactions. We were surprised to find that the germ-free C57BL/6 mice exhibited increased anxiety, although no significant changes in social behaviours typical of autism were observed. Anxiety was assessed using tests in which mice were placed in an elevated arena with open and closed sections, and the time spent in each area was measured. The increased anxiety in these germ-free mice had not been reported before, so we repeated the tests several times to confirm the findings. Interestingly, other researchers had observed hyperactivity in germ-free mice of different strains, but our C57BL/6 mice showed unusual anxious behaviour, even though this strain typically has lower anxiety. This led us to investigate the underlying mechanisms behind the increased anxiety in these mice, with the goal of discovering why this particular strain exhibited such pronounced anxiety. (more…)
Infections, Vaccine Studies / 14.01.2025 Interview with: Professor Ooi Eng Eong Emerging Infectious Diseases Programme Duke-NUS Medical School and Shirin Kalimuddin Assistant Professor  and Senior Consultant Department of Infectious Diseases Singapore General Hospital and a faculty member of the Emerging Infectious Diseases Programme at Duke-NUS Medical School What is the background for this study? Response: The recent pandemic taught us the importance of T cells to protect against COVID-19, especially severe disease. Indeed, where SARS-CoV-2 antibody titres have been too low to neutralise new variants of concern, there is now sizeable evidence that T cells can serve as the correlate of protection against symptomatic infection. However, most working on developing or applying vaccines to prevent diseases such as dengue, continue to focus on measuring antibodies. The goal of this study was thus to determine the extent to which T cells, in the absence of neutralising antibodies, can control infection and hence disease. We thus took advantage of two other viruses that are genetically related to dengue virus, with licensed vaccines that allow us to probe the effectiveness of T cells in controlling infection. The two vaccines are the live attenuated yellow fever vaccine and the Japanese encephalitis/yellow fever chimeric vaccine. The latter vaccine was constructed using the yellow fever vaccine as the genetic backbone but bearing the genes that encode the Japanese encephalitis viral membrane and envelope proteins. As neutralising antibodies target the envelope protein, vaccination with one vaccine would produce antibodies that would not neutralise the second vaccine. However, the T cell response, which mostly target the other proteins that remain common in both vaccine strains, would be identical.  (more…)
Author Interviews, Genetic Research, Leukemia, Personalized Medicine / 12.11.2024 Interview with: Professor Ong Sin Tiong Cancer & Stem Cell Biology Signature Research Programme Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore Dr Yu Mengge Research Fellow, Cancer & Stem Cell Biology Signature Research Programme Duke-NUS Medical School What is the background for this study? Response: The background of this study is rooted in the observation that certain genetic variations among East Asian populations, notably the BIM deletion polymorphism (BDP), impact treatment outcomes in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Patients with the BDP show resistance to conventional treatments, specifically tyrosine kinase inhibitors like imatinib. This resistance stems from the variant's role in promoting cancer cell survival, which leads to more aggressive disease progression. (more…)
Infections / 27.09.2024 Interview with: Dr De Alwis, Ruklanthi (Rukie) Deputy Director, Centre for Outbreak Preparedness Assistant Professor Emerging Infectious Diseases Programme Duke-NUS Medical School What is the background for this study? Response: The COVID19 pandemic highlighted both the need for strengthened infectious disease surveillance and the critical importance of pathogen genomics in surveillance. However, prior to the pandemic, the technology used for pathogen genomics (i.e. next generation sequencing) was not widely used for public health and mostly available in high-resource countries. The Asia Pathogen Genomics Initiative (Asia PGI) was set up after the pandemic to enhance regional health security through the strengthening of pathogen genomic surveillance in in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) across Asia. This study, conducted through the Asia PGI, aimed to assess the baseline capacities and gaps in pathogen genomic surveillance in lower-resourced countries in the region. (more…)
Allergies, Author Interviews, Duke / 25.06.2024 Interview with: Professor Soman Abraham PhD Grace Kerby Distinguished Professor of Pathology Duke University. Dr. Abraham led the research when working in the Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Programme at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore What is the background for this study? Response: The degranulation of mast cells (MCs) is a process that leads to allergic symptoms, ranging from itching, redness, and swelling of the tissue to severe and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis involving multiple organ systems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 10 per cent of the global population suffers from food allergies. As allergy rates continue to rise, so does the incidence of food-triggered anaphylaxis and asthma worldwide. In view of the fact that allergic diseases are difficult to prevent or treat, we sought to understand the underlying basis for anaphylactic reactions. (more…)
Author Interviews, Duke, OBGYNE / 26.04.2023 Interview with: TEAM FEMTECH Feng Yi Low, MD student (Class of 2024), Duke-NUS Medical School Casey Ang Fann Ting, Biomedical Engineering student, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS) Anar Sanjaykumar Kothary, MBA student, NUS Business School What is the background for this innovation? What is the problem you sought to mitigate? Response: A safe and low cost solution to reduce the incidence of moderate to severe vaginal tears during childbirth. Vaginal tears are a serious complication during delivery. 90% of women will experience it during childbirth. It is even more prominent in the Asian context as Asian women are 74% more likely to experience tearing due to various factors such as their skin composition as well as stature to name a few. (more…)
Author Interviews, COVID -19 Coronavirus, Duke / 27.03.2020 Interview with: Dr. Rupesh Agrawal, MD Associate Professor Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore What is the background for this study? Wasn't Dr Li Wenliang, the Chinese physician who first alerted his community of coronavirus an opthalmologist, with possible exposure to tears from this surgical work with glaucoma patients? Response: Since the start of the pandemic, there have been multiple reports which suggested the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via ocular fluids. As ophthalmologists, we come into close contact with tears on a daily basis during our clinical examination. Furthermore, many equipment in the clinic like the Goldman tonometer come into direct contact with such ocular fluids, providing a channel for viral transmission. The evidence, as of date, were mainly anecdotal reports included in newspaper articles and media interviews. We wanted to know if the virus can truly be found in tears, so we decided to embark on this study. (more…)
Author Interviews, ENT, Genetic Research, Pediatrics / 02.10.2019 Interview with: Manvendra K Singh PhD Program in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders, Duke-NUS Medical School National Heart Research Institute, National Heart Center Singapore, Singapore What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?  Response: Craniofacial and cardiovascular abnormalities are the most common defects, contributing to more than one-third of the congenital diseases. Proper formation of these structures involves intricate processes such as proliferation, migration, and differentiation of neural crest cells (NCCs). Functional defects in NCCs result in craniofacial malformations, including cleft lip and/or cleft palate. Many transcription factors, chromatin remodelling factors, non-coding RNA and signalling molecules have been implicated in impaired neural crest development that result in cardio-craniofacial syndromes. However, the cell-autonomous role of splicing regulators in neural crest biology remains unclear and warrants further investigation. (more…)
Alzheimer's - Dementia, Author Interviews, Cognitive Issues, Duke, Neurology / 24.09.2019 Interview with: Juan Helen Zhou, PhD, on behalf of the co-authors Associate Professor and Principal Investigator Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders (NBD) Programme Duke-NUS Medical School, SingaporeJuan Helen Zhou, PhD, on behalf of the co-authors Associate Professor and Principal Investigator Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders (NBD) Programme Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore What is the background for this study? Response: Alzheimer’s disease and cerebrovascular disease are among the leading disorders affecting the elderly, with up to 50 per cent of dementia patients showing co-occurrence of both disorders. It is therefore of great interest to understand the influence of co-occurring Alzheimer’s disease and cerebrovascular disease pathologies on brain changes, and examine if such changes are able to track early differential disease progression. Past cross-sectional studies have suggested that Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease pathologies contribute independently to brain functional and structural changes, and cognitive decline. Our study sought to demonstrate the independent contributions of both pathologies to brain functional networks in a longitudinal cohort of mild cognitive impairment patients, often regarded as early stage of the disease. (more…)
Author Interviews, Dengue, Duke, Vaccine Studies / 21.09.2019 Interview with: Dr Shee-Mei Lok, PhD Professor in the Emerging Infectious Disease program Duke-NUS, a school of National University of Singapore What is the background for this study? Response: Dengue virus consists of four different serotypes (DENV1-4) and within each serotypes, there are multiple strains. In terms of the viral particle shape, our previous research work using some laboratory adapted strains showed these DENV2 strains are very interesting in that it can change shape from the smooth spherical surface particles when grown at mosquito physiological temperature (29oC) and then becomes bumpy surfaced particles when incubated at human physiological temperature (37oC). This ability to transform into different virus surface structures helps the virus to escape from the immune system of the human host. Hence understanding the mechanism of how this occur is important for therapeutics and vaccine development. Here we also identified a laboratory adapted virus strain that do not showed this structural changes. We showed some differences in their amino acid sequences and We showed some differences in their amino acid sequences and mutating these residues coupled with observing their surface structures showed which residues are important for this temperature induced structural change. Results showed that subtle mutations at different places on the envelope protein can destabilize the virus allowing them to change in structure when temperature is elevated. Due to the poor selection pressure of the artificial laboratory tissue culture system, gradual mutations of the virus is accumulated causing the virus to have bumpy surface morphology. (more…)
Author Interviews, Infections, Nature / 28.02.2019 Interview with: bats-mattaeMatae Ahn,MD-PhD candidate Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) Programme Duke-NUS Medical School What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Bats, as the only flying mammals, are ‘special’ in their ability to host many highprofile viruses without suffering from disease. Such viruses including Ebola virus, Nipah virus and SARS or MERS coronaviruses, are highly pathogenic and often lethal to humans or animals, but yet cause no or minimal disease in bats. In addition, they also live very long relative to their small body size, despite elevated metabolic rates. However, what makes them special is still unclear. In this study, we discovered dampened NLRP3-mediated inflammation in bats in response to both ‘sterile’ stressors and infection with three different types of zoonotic RNA viruses. We identified multiple molecular mechanisms of altered bat NLRP3, a critical regulator of virus-induced and age-related inflammation, as the cause. Importantly, the reduced inflammation had no effect on the viral loads, which suggests enhanced immune tolerance to infection in bats. Bats’ natural ability to dampen stress-related and virusinduced inflammation may be a key mechanism underlying their long lifespans and unique viral reservoir status.  (more…)