Legal-Malpractice / 17.07.2024

Healthcare fraud is a serious issue that affects both patients and providers. The complexity of healthcare regulations makes it easy for even honest mistakes to lead to severe consequences. This is where a healthcare fraud attorney steps in. This article explains why you might need one and how they can help protect your interests.

Understanding Healthcare Fraud

Healthcare fraud involves the misrepresentation or intentional deception that results in unauthorized benefits. It’s a broad term covering various illicit activities within the healthcare industry. 

Common Types of Healthcare Fraud

Healthcare fraud can manifest in various ways, each with its unique methods and consequences. Understanding these types of fraud is crucial for patients and providers to recognize and prevent fraudulent activities. From billing schemes to illicit referrals, let's explore the most common types: - Billing for Services Not Rendered. This is when providers bill for medical services or never performed procedures. - Upcoding. Upcoding is the billing for a more expensive service than was provided. - Kickbacks. Kickbacks occur when providers receive incentives for referring patients to specific services or suppliers. When we face legal issues related to healthcare fraud, consulting a medicare fraud attorney is crucial.  (more…)
Complementary Medicine / 16.07.2024

In an era where healthcare is constantly evolving, integrating holistic healthcare solutions into traditional medical practices offers a bridge between mo holistic-medicine dern medicine and ancient wisdom. This integration is not just about adding new services, but about a fundamental transformation in the way we approach healing and well-being. Adopting a holistic view in healthcare can lead to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction while potentially reducing overall healthcare costs. Innovations in holistic healthcare are expanding rapidly, and staying informed about the best practices is crucial for healthcare providers. Below, we delve into the practical steps for seamlessly blending these diverse healthcare modalities into standard practice. A patient-centered approach is key to holistic healthcare, where the focus is on the whole person, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Healthcare providers should respect and consider patient preferences, fostering transparent dialogue about the benefits and limitations of traditional and holistic practices to build trust and enhance treatment adherence. Creating dedicated spaces for therapies like meditation and yoga in clinics can aid in stress reduction and emotional well-being, complementing medical treatments. Training frontline staff to provide information on holistic alternatives and keeping physicians updated through resources like ECRI holistic healthcare solutions can cultivate an inclusive and supportive healthcare environment. (more…)
Education, Nursing / 12.07.2024

Nurse leaders play a pivotal role in the healthcare industry, orchestrating both clinical and administrative functions to ensure optimal patient care and organizational efficiency. Their leadership impacts various aspects of healthcare delivery, from patient care standards to team dynamics and policy implementation. In this blog, we will share how nurse leaders are not just part of the healthcare system but vital drivers of its evolution and efficiency.

Visionary Leadership and Strategic Planning

Nurse leaders exemplify visionary leadership that is crucial in steering healthcare organizations towards success. By developing and implementing strategic plans, they address both current and future healthcare demands. These leaders are adept at identifying trends in healthcare, foreseeing potential challenges, and crafting strategies that promote sustainability and growth. Their strategic initiatives might include expanding services, improving patient care models, or integrating cutting-edge technologies. The ability of nurse leaders to think strategically ensures that healthcare organizations are well-prepared to deliver high-quality care in a constantly changing environment. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cost of Health Care, Telemedicine / 09.07.2024

The United States currently has a doctor-patient ratio of 2.6 in 1000, and although it is above the recommended 1:1000, medical practitioners are still having a hard time finding the right system to balance administrative tasks and patient care. Healthcare providers are struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of their patients. That is why there is now a fast-growing demand for Virtual Patient Coordinators. Virtual Patient Coordinators are skilled individuals who work remotely to assist medical practices in managing their patients' needs. They are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including scheduling appointments, coordinating referrals, and organizing medical records. By utilizing advanced technology and secure communication platforms, virtual patient coordinators are able to efficiently handle these tasks from anywhere in the world, ensuring that patients receive the care they need in a timely manner. Let’s find out the ways they are changing the game for busy medical practices. (more…)
Cost of Health Care, Medical Billing / 04.07.2024

Patient insurance coverage frequently changes, which can lead to missed details when tracked manually. This often results in claim denials and subsequent reimbursement issues. This article explores the benefits and effectiveness of automated eligibility coverage tracking platforms designed to address these challenges effectively.

The Problem: Manual Tracking Just Doesn't Cut It Anymore

Determining a patient’s status as well as his or her insurance is a crucial but time-consuming process in the billing department. Previously, it included calling insurance companies, verifying the data in different systems, and entering the information into spreadsheets. Since patient details are dynamic and various claims need to be addressed every week, it becomes impossible to manage information updates through traditional methods. Some of the problems include:
  • Time-Consuming Process - Verifying coverage manually can take up to 30 minutes per patient. For large billing companies, this may translate into big time losses.
  • Human Error - Manually compiling and updating records inevitably leads to inaccurate or outdated information falling through the cracks.
  • Claim Denials - Incorrect policy details lead to higher denial rates, payment delays and lost revenue.
  • Lack of Visibility - With records scattered across systems and spreadsheets, billing teams lack clear visibility into coverage changes.
Traditional ways of checking eligibility can't keep up with increasing patient numbers and complexity. Billing teams handling medical billing denials and solutions urgently require automation support to manage this crucial data. (more…)
Health Care Systems, Medical Records, Technology / 01.07.2024

SAP TransformationImplementing ABA practice management software brings significant benefits to managing client data. This software streamlines administrative tasks, allowing therapists to focus more on delivering quality care. By centralizing client information, practice management solutions enhance both efficiency and organizational workflow. Effective softwares, such as an ABA practice management solution from Theralytics, has comprehensive features for tracking client progress and history. Securely storing client records in a centralized location not only simplifies data access but also improves communication and coordination among staff. By leveraging such software, practices can utilize data to achieve superior therapeutic outcomes. Automated data collection and analysis foster better decision-making, leading to improved treatment plans and client satisfaction. The integration of these tools is crucial for maintaining high standards of care in ABA therapy.

Key Takeaways

  • ABA software enhances data management and administrative efficiency.
  • Centralized information improves workflow and coordination.
  • Leveraging data from software leads to better therapeutic outcomes.
Electronic Records, Telemedicine / 18.06.2024

In the complex healthcare realm, efficiency is not just desirable—it’s paramount. Enter Athena and Luminello EMR, two groundbreaking healthcare systems revolutionizing care norms with precision and innovation. Harnessing the synergy of digital records and tech-intensive tools, these care systems modernize care procedures for good. Join us as we explore the remarkable features and price structures of these platforms to explore how they are revamping the landscape of care administration. Unlock the power of Athena and Luminello EMR today and take your medical practice to new heights of success and excellence.

A Look into the Key Attributes: Transforming Healthcare Operations

It is imperative to gain useful insights into why both systems stand out in healthcare administration. At this point, we will reveal the integral capabilities and functionalities of Luminello and Athena, shedding light on the outstanding potential of these EMR virtuosos. This will help you better understand why you need to incorporate a healthcare platform. (more…)
Author Interviews, Technology, Telemedicine / 14.06.2024

Enhancing Patient Engagement Through Strategic Digital Integration

Leveraging SEO for Improved Patient Information Accessibility

The strategic use of digital platforms in healthcare, particularly through search engine optimization (SEO), significantly enhances how medical practices engage with patients. SEO is crucial in making educational content easily discoverable online, thereby ensuring that when patients seek information about their conditions or potential treatments, the resources provided by advanced platforms like CheckedUp are readily available.

Pre-Visit Patient Education via Optimized Content

Digital platforms not only facilitate direct patient education but also play a pivotal role in how this content is structured and presented online. By optimizing content for search engines, practices can ensure higher visibility and accessibility, allowing patients to obtain necessary medical knowledge before their consultations. This approach not only improves the efficiency of in-person visits but also empowers patients, making them proactive participants in their healthcare journey. (more…)
Health Care Systems, Health Care Workers / 10.06.2024

The US healthcare staffing market is massive, although you wouldn't think it with the constant barrage of news reports telling us that we've got no staff and staffing shortages are increasing. Still, perhaps they're spending all the money attempting to boost staffing levels. And it isn't about the money - it's that people aren't as motivated to work in healthcare anymore. Below, we'll explore why the spending is so big.

The Rise in Demand for Healthcare Professionals

US Healthcare Staffing MarketThe booming healthcare staffing market is driven by an increasing demand for medical practitioners. The US is grappling with a shortage of healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals - over 340,000 combined professionals are needed, including doctors and nurses. The issue is, that as more baby boomers retire, they often become more reliant on medical services, putting pressure on an already understaffed industry. But the issue also is that the demand for healthcare staff isn't being met. The US and the UK both use overseas staff to fill the numbers. The people training to be nurses in the US are becoming travel nurses, aesthetic practitioners, and basically avoiding the main healthcare system. Well, not all of them, but a big chunk are. The US has no choice but to rely on outsourced agencies like physician staffing companies. (more…)
COVID -19 Coronavirus, Vaccine Studies / 07.06.2024

COVID-19 is a virus that devastated the healthcare systems around the globe. The main reason for this devastation was the speed of the spreading. Because it was spreading so fast, hospitals weren’t able to accommodate so many patients. We needed to figure out a better approach to dealing with the pandemic. So, this is where most of the people on Earth stood together by being apart. We were in lockdown, but our scientists and governments collaborated more on finding the right solution.

What Was the COVID-19 Impact on Research Priorities?

One of the major impacts of the pandemic was the speed of research. Because of the urgency and the need for a quick response, research was focused on the COVID-19 virus and therapy and vaccine development for it. The development of vaccines was heavily prioritized, but this does not imply that it is not being done presently. Epidemiology and therapeutic regimens continue to see some initiatives. However, research remains a priority with ongoing trials on many things you can participate in (link to site). This required a lot of funding and resources, so governments, private sectors, and international organizations collaborated and helped out the research process. We’ve proven that we can adapt in no time, and respond to great threats effectively and swiftly. (more…)
Author Interviews / 29.05.2024 Interview with: Dr. Larry Kosinski, MD Gastroenterologist and SonarMD Founder & Board Member What is the background for this study? Would you briefly explain what is meant by the IBD group of diseases? Response:  Affecting up to 70 million Americans, the U.S. spends $136 billion each year on digestive health as these conditions are complex to predict, treat and manage. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) includes people specifically diagnosed with either ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, and these conditions require close monitoring to reduce the risk for complications that lead to lengthy hospital stays and significant medical spend. In addition to providing a holistic health program, the SonarMD digital platform risk stratifies patients and performs continuous symptom checks to identify deteriorating symptoms sooner and communicate changes to physicians, meaning that care teams can intervene faster to keep patients healthier and lower the overall cost of care. The two large, longitudinal studies that we presented at Digestive Disease Week 2024 evaluated several major drivers of medical costs in people living with IBD and enrolled in the SonarMD end-to-end, digital care coordination program to determine if SonarMD’s program reduced healthcare utilization and concurrently produced better health outcomes. To assess this, we looked at Emergency Department visits and In-patient Admissions compared to risk-matched control groups. (more…)
Health Care Systems, Mental Health Research / 21.05.2024

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, where clinical skills and knowledge are paramount, the power of empathy in leadership can sometimes be overlooked. However, leading with empathy in the healthcare sector is not just a nice-to-have quality; it's a pivotal trait that can shape patient outcomes, staff satisfaction, and the overall healthcare environment. This article delves into why empathy is crucial in healthcare leadership, supported by real-world insights and strategies to foster a culture of empathy.

The Impact of Technological Advancements

As technology continues to evolve within the healthcare sector, creating new opportunities for enhancing patient care, it's crucial that empathy doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Innovative tools and systems should be seen as avenues to deepen our understanding and connection with patients, rather than as barriers to the human touch. Embracing technology with empathetic intention can lead to an even greater level of personalized care. One specific area where empathy can play a transformative role is in addressing HR challenges in behavioral health. Understanding the unique nature of these challenges, and the emotional toll they can take on staff, is crucial for leaders who strive to create a supportive work environment. This deeper understanding can drive the implementation of effective solutions, fostering a workplace where empathy and professionalism thrive together. (more…)
Annals Internal Medicine, Author Interviews, Gender Differences, UCLA / 25.04.2024 Interview with: Yusuke Tsugawa, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine & Health Policy and Management, UCLA Director of Data Core, UCLA Department of Medicine Statistics Core Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 What is the background for this study? Response: Prior studies have found that female and male physicians practice medicine differently. For example, female physicians are, on average, more likely to abide by clinical guidelines and spend more time listening to patients. However, evidence was limited as to whether such differences have clinically meaningful impact on patients’ health outcomes, which was the aim of this study. (more…)
Legal-Malpractice / 23.03.2024

malpractice-legalissues-virginiaWhen you visit your doctor, you expect to receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatment. However, medical professionals can sometimes make mistakes that have serious consequences for patients. If you believe you have been the victim of a misdiagnosis in Virginia, you may be wondering about your legal options. Can you sue your doctor for a wrong diagnosis? Consider the hypothetical case of Sarah, a hardworking professional plagued by persistent fatigue and headaches. After a series of tests with ambiguous results, her physician diagnoses her with chronic fatigue syndrome. Feeling a sense of relief at finally having an answer, Sarah diligently follows the recommended treatment plan and makes significant lifestyle changes. Despite her efforts, her health continues to deteriorate. Seeking a second opinion, Sarah discovers that she actually has a tumor which, while treatable, has gone undetected and caused substantial harm. Sarah's story illustrates the potentially devastating impact of a misdiagnosis, leaving her with both emotional trauma and severe medical issues. (more…)
Author Interviews / 09.03.2024

Precision in healthcare isn't just important; it's an absolute non-negotiable. Consider how anxiety-inducing a world where health information wasn't treated with absolute care, accuracy, and precision would be. Transcription, the process of converting spoken words into written text, is indispensable to the medical world. Medical scribes transcribe by recording important details of physician-patient encounters, while clinical researchers must convert their findings into analysable written text to ensure their validity and create opportunities for further learning and understanding of their results. So, let's explore six main ways transcription supports the precision and integrity of healthcare.

Enhancing Accuracy and Precision

medical-scribes-dictationSkilled medical scribing entails meticulous transcription of patient encounters, procedures, or treatment plans from spoken word into written text, capturing every detail and nuance. Transcription is a pivotal tool for ensuring that the physician follows the proper procedure and that medical records, reports, and documentation have perfect levels of accuracy. Medical scribing is a skilled profession that requires solid knowledge of the worker's chosen healthcare field. Any misinterpretation of patient information has the potential to lead to ill-informed future decisions regarding a patient's health. Healthcare organisations must also adhere to strict guidelines regarding the documentation of patient care, billing processes, and confidentiality protocols. Skilled medical scribes with specialised knowledge and expertise in their industry can protect organisations from costly lawsuits and ensure that patients are treated with the correct level of integrity. In today's world, time is money. Successful medical scribes improve efficiency and take the burden off physicians having to personally record data, enabling them to see more patients and listen more attentively, ultimately contributing to reaching the healthcare company's overall productivity and financial aims. One study found that medical scribes cut costs by $31.15 per hour, with no risk added risk to patient safety. (more…)
Nursing / 07.03.2024

With its combination of fulfilling work, job security, and growth opportunities, nursing continues to be a sought-after profession. Specifically in Virginia, there are numerous compelling reasons why you should consider pursuing nursing as your career path. Whether you're embarking on your medical journey or seeking a career change, Virginia's nursing landscape caters to diverse aspirations and backgrounds. This blog post will talk about a few strong reasons why you should seriously consider becoming a nurse in the beautiful state of Virginia. (more…)
Heart Disease, Technology / 07.03.2024

Heart disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Despite advances in medical technology and treatment modalities, managing heart disease remains challenging. This is particularly true in remote or underserved areas with limited access to specialized healthcare. However, remote patient monitoring (RPM) has transformed the landscape of cardiac care, offering innovative solutions for proactive management and early intervention. The market for remote patient monitoring was projected to be valued at $14.0 billion in 2023, according to PR Newswire. By 2028, it is anticipated to increase to $41.7 billion. This article explores the significance of remote patient monitoring in effectively managing heart disease and its evolving role in enhancing patient outcomes. (more…)
Nursing / 07.03.2024

Nurses have shown incredible leadership in confronting recent healthcare obstacles—from lost insurance access to once-in-a-generation pandemic disruptions. As policies, technologies, and social factors transform health systems, expert nurses guide communities through uncertainty with care models that enhance well-being. In this blog post, we will highlight the contribution of nurses in leading innovations in quality, safety, and equitable access.

Quality Care Revolutionaries

nurses-nursing-trailblazersThe seminal Institute of Medicine's “To Err Is Human” publication sounded alarms in 1999 about the silent epidemic of American medical errors contributing to nearly 98,000 annual deaths. With time, the stakes intensified for systemic improvement. Nurse leadership emerged, accelerating cultural transformations and pioneering processes that saved countless lives. Take Children’s Hospital Solutions for Patient Safety Network (SPS), for example. Founded by nurse scientist Marlene Miller in 2001, it aims to unite children’s hospitals to develop evidence-based harm reduction tactics and tools. By adopting the best practices across their network, their hospitals are making significant strides in preventing serious harm. As of November 2023, this nationwide network of child healthcare has spared over 25,000 children from harm, resulting in an estimated cost savings of $500 million. Similarly, medical experts around the world credit ICU nurses’ relentless systems analysis and testing of solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic for lifting outcomes. (more…)
Author Interviews, Mental Health Research, Pharmaceutical Companies / 14.01.2024 Interview with: Lauren Davis Lauren C. Davis, MBS Department of Medical Education Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine Scranton, PA 19409 What is the background for this study? Response: Financial conflicts of interest (COIs) resulting from ties between academia and industry have been under scrutiny for their potential to hinder the integrity of medical research. COIs can lead to implicit bias, compromise the research process, and erode public trust (1-6). The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), standardizes symptom criteria and codifies psychiatric disorders. This manual contributes to the approval of new drugs, extensions of patent exclusivity, and can influence payers and mental health professionals seeking third-party reimbursements. Given the implications of the DSM on public health, it is paramount that it is free of industry influence. Previous research has shown a high prevalence of industry ties among panel and task force members of the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5, despite the implementation of a disclosure policy for the DSM-5 (7,8). This study (9) determined the extent and type of COIs received by panel and task-force members of the DSM-5-TR (2022) (10). As the DSM-5-TR did not disclose COI, we used the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments (OP) database (11) to quantify them. (more…)
Author Interviews, Technology / 13.12.2023 Interview with: Prof. Enomoto, Masaru Department of Hepatology Graduate School of Medicine Osaka Metropolitan University Osaka, Japan What is the background for this study? Response: This research was conceived out of the use of generative AI drawing upon past experience in selecting a large amount of literature over an extended amount of time. In recent years, generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has gained attention and is being used in various fields, including information gathering and idea generation. In the medical field in particular, it is challenging to gather pertinent data as the volume of information proliferates on a daily basis, so there is a need to improve the efficiency of information collection. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cost of Health Care, Pharmacology / 09.12.2023 Interview with: Joseph T. DiPiro, Pharm.D Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. DiPiro is an editor for Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach What is the background for this study? Response: The ASHP/ASHP Foundation Pharmacy Forecast Report is constructed from a survey of health-system pharmacy leaders who were asked to rate the likelihood of events, scenarios, and trends occurring in the next five years. The purpose is for health-system pharmacists and pharmacy leaders to inform their strategic planning efforts. The Pharmacy Forecast is not intended to predict future events. Rather, the report is intended to be a provocative stimulant for the thinking, discussion, and planning that must take place in every health system. Leaders must be informed of potential developments to help position their organizations to care for patients, enhance population health, and improve medication outcomes. (more…)
Alzheimer's - Dementia, Author Interviews, Cost of Health Care, JAMA, UCLA / 20.05.2023 Interview with: Julia Cave Arbanas Project Manager and     John N. Mafi, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine General Internal Medicine & Health Services Research David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLAJohn N. Mafi, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine General Internal Medicine & Health Services Research David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA What is the background for this study? What is lecanemab used for and how well does it work? Response: Lecanemab is a treatment for mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia that was approved in January 2023 as part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) accelerated approval program. The results from a recent phase 3 clinical trial show a modest clinical benefit: the rate of cognitive decline by 27% in an 18-month study involving participants experiencing the early stage of Alzheimer’s, with an 0.45-point absolute difference in cognitive testing scores. However, due to the risk of brain swelling and bleeding (also known as amyloid-related imaging abnormalities), treatment with lecanemab involves frequent MRIs and neurology or geriatrics appointments to monitor for these abnormalities, which can be life threatening. So far, three patient deaths have potentially been tied to lecanemab. It is likely that the FDA will grant is lecanemab traditional approval later this year, prompting Medicare to reconsider its current coverage restrictions and potentially enabling widespread use. (more…)
Lung Cancer, Race/Ethnic Diversity / 02.05.2023 Interview with: Andres Kohan MD MHSc. in Translational Research Joint Department of Medical Imaging University Health Network Mount Sinai Hospital and Women's College Hospital University of Toronto Toronto, Canada What is the background for this study? Response: Inequalities in access to healthcare for oncologic patients and its impact on quality of life and survival have been previously described. However, there also exists reports pointing out that when factors contributing to socioeconomic inequality are accounted for differences in outcome between races remain identifiable. In this context, we sought to evaluate the presence of disparities in imaging in a selected population of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) within AACRs Project GENIE Biopharma Consortium (BPC) dataset v 1.1. This database is the largest in existence that has not only the patients’ imaging and clinical staging/follow-up, but also the genetic profile of the patients’ tumors. (more…)