Author Interviews, Depression, JAMA / 07.11.2013
Depression: Usefulness of Patient Engagement Programs Interview with:
Richard L. Kravitz, MD, MSPH
Professor and Co-vice Chair (Research)
Interim Director, UC Center Sacramento
Co-Editor in Chief, Journal of General Internal Medicine What is the background for your study?
Dr. Kravitz: Depression in the United States is both undertreated and overtreated. As the de facto mental health care system for many, primary care is at the nexus of this problem. Up to 30% of patients with major depression in primary care go undiagnosed. At the same time, partly as a result of marketing, lots of patients who don’t need meds are started on antidepressants. So we were interested in finding ways to get more truly depressed patients into treatment without overtreating patients who don’t need it.