Author Interviews, Environmental Risks, Race/Ethnic Diversity / 17.12.2021
Air Pollution Declines for All Groups, But Racial Disparities Persist Interview with:
Jiawen Liu, PhD student
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Washington What is the background for this study?
Response: As previous literature has documented, racial/ethnic minority populations and lower-income populations in the US often experience higher-than-average burdens of air pollution and its associated health impacts.
The disparities vary by pollutant, location, and time. In 2014, Clark et al. found higher average NO2 exposure for nonwhites than for whites and for below-poverty-level than for above-poverty-level. Clark et al. (2017) expanded research for NO2 exposure by race-ethnicity and socioeconomic status to 2000 and 2010 and found that absolute racial-ethnic disparities decreased over time while relative racial-ethnic disparities persisted. (more…)