Addiction, Dental Research, Microbiome, NYU, Smoking / 30.03.2016
Quitting Smoking Can Restore Normal Bacteria To Oral Microbiome Interview with:
Jiyoung Ahn, PhD, RD, MS
Associate Professor of Population Health
Associate Director of Population Sciences,
NYU Perlmutter Cancer Center and
Brandilyn Peters (post-doctoral fellow, lead author)
NYU Langone School of Medicine What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Response: Oral bacteria play important roles in oral health, and can influence the health of other body systems as well. We were interested in studying how cigarette smoking affects oral bacteria. To do this, we examined the oral bacteria in mouthwash samples from 112 current smokers, 571 former smokers, and 521 people who never smoked. We found that the mouth bacterial composition of current smokers differed dramatically from those who never smoked. However, the mouth bacterial composition of former smokers was similar to that of never smokers, suggesting that quitting can restore the oral bacteria back to a healthy state.