Author Interviews, Critical Care - Intensive Care - ICUs, Genetic Research, Pediatrics / 10.03.2025 Interview with: Ricki S. Carroll, MD Complex Care and Palliative Care Physician, Skeletal Dysplasia and Palliative Care Teams Nemours Children’s Hospital Wilmington, Delaware What is the background for this study? Response: Individuals with Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) are often classified into one of four subtypes: type I (mild/nondeforming), type II (perinatal lethal), type III (severe/progressively deforming) and type IV (moderately deforming); however, this classification system continues to evolve with increasing knowledge (Sillence, 1979; Van Dyke & Sillence, 2014). Those with a mild phenotype are often diagnosed postnatally or in the pediatric setting after experiencing multiple unexplained fractures. Concerns for moderate to severely presenting OI are often noted in utero when fractures, shortening, and/or bowing of the long bones are found on prenatal ultrasound (Marini et al, 2017). When Osteogenesis imperfecta is suspected and/or molecularly confirmed in the prenatal period, families may be counseled that the diagnosis is lethal or severely life-limiting based on prenatal ultrasound observations and previously reported genotype-phenotype correlations (Yoshimura et al., 1996; Krakow et al., 2009). Ultrasound parameters for predicting lethality in skeletal dysplasias have been studied and include the chest-to-abdominal circumference ratio of <0.6 and femur length-to-abdominal circumference ratio of <0.16 (Yoshimura et al., 1996; Rahemtullah et al., 1997; Ramus et al., 1998). However, there are nuances to this strategy, for instance in cases where bowing deformities and fractures limit the accuracy of true femur length measurements (Milks et al., 2017). While genotype-phenotype correlations are also considered when predicting lethality, there can be a range of clinical variability even among those with the same genotype (Rauch et al., 2004, Marini et al, 2017). Some specialized delivery centers have reported on the accuracy of these methods in predicting lethality, yet many of the pregnancies evaluated are ultimately terminated, further limiting the ability to draw conclusions (Yeh et al., 2011). These limitations pose a challenge for perinatal providers counseling families on the diagnosis and attempting to prognosticate postnatal survival probability. Consequently, this information can cloud conversations surrounding delivery planning and influence access to potential life-saving therapies including invasive mechanical ventilation and feeding support. Advancements in medical technology and the option for life-sustaining interventions have significantly altered the prognoses for severely affected infants. In this manuscript, we describe perinatal outcomes of infants referred to a single specialized center after receiving a prior diagnosis of possibly lethal, lethal or type II OI where parents sought medical intervention after birth. We also outline advances in respiratory and feeding support needs, as well as length-of-stay for these neonates. The success of this multidisciplinary approach to neonatal OI care both challenges previously defined expectations for this patient population and offers a chance at survival. (more…)
Author Interviews, Infections, NEJM, STD / 06.03.2025 Interview with: Lenka Vodstrcil PhD Senior Research Fellow Deputy Head, Genital Microbiota and Mycoplasma Group President, Sexual Health Society of Victoria Associate Editor, Sexually Transmitted Infections School of Translational Medicine, FMNHS, Monash University Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, The Alfred Hospital Melbourne School of Population & Global Health, University of Melbourne Catriona Bradshaw MMBS(Hons), PhD, FAChSHM, FAHMS Professor (Research), Head of Research Translation and Mentorship and of The Genital Microbiota and Mycoplasma Group Melbourne School of Translational Medicine, Monash University and Alfred Hospital Principal Research Fellow at the Burnet Institute What is the background for this study? Response: One in three women globally have bacterial vaginosis (BV), a condition that causes a malodourous discharge, and associated with serious gynaecologic and obstetric sequelae (including miscarriage and preterm birth) and increases the risk sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Women with symptoms are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, however, over 50% of women experience BV recurrence within 3-6 months. The recurrence rate is even higher at 60-80% among women with an ongoing regular partner. Current practice is to simply retreat women experiencing BV recurrence with the same antibiotics, which leaves them (and clinicians) frustrated and distressed. We and others have accumulated a body of evidence to show that BV has the profile of an STI. BV-associated bacteria are detected in men in the distal urethra and on penile-skin, and couples share these organisms. However, to date, has not been recommended for BV as it is for other STIs. This is largely because men do not usually have any symptoms, and past partner-treatment trials in the 1980s and 1990s, which only used oral antibiotics for men, failed to prevent BV recurrence, which was taken as conclusive evidence against sexual transmission. Reviews of these trials have since identified their limitations. Given the evidence of male carriage of BV-associated bacteria at two genital sites, we hypothesised that both sites needed to be targeted with antimicrobial therapy to prevent re-infection post-treatment. The aim of our study was to assess if male partner-treatment concurrently with female treatment using a combination of oral and topical antibiotics for the first time, would decrease BV recurrence over 12 weeks compared to the current standard practice of treating women only. (more…)
Environmental Risks / 04.03.2025

Medical waste is an unavoidable byproduct of healthcare, but when it is not handled correctly, it can become a silent threat to public health and the environment. Hospitals, clinics, and laboratories generate waste materials, from used syringes and surgical instruments to pharmaceutical residues and biological contaminants. If these materials are not disposed of properly, they pose serious health risks to healthcare workers, patients, and the wider community. Inadequate disposal methods can lead to infections, toxic exposure, and long-term environmental damage. That is why facilities must ensure proper waste management practices, which may include professional roll away dumpster rental services to handle large quantities of medical waste efficiently. (more…)
Fertility, OBGYNE / 27.02.2025

Starting a family is one of the most significant decisions a couple can make. But before you take that step, it's important to ensure that both you and your partner are in the best possible health. Many couples assume that once they decide to have a baby, it will happen quickly. However, fertility and pregnancy are deeply connected to lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and overall well-being. Rushing into conception without preparing your body and mind can lead to unnecessary stress and potential health challenges. This guide will walk you through key steps to boost fertility, eliminate harmful habits, and enhance your well-being—so when the time comes, you’ll be ready to embrace parenthood with confidence. Switch to Safe and Non-Toxic Products Many couples don’t realize that everyday household products could be interfering with their ability to conceive. Chemicals found in cleaning supplies, skincare products, and even plastics contain endocrine disruptors that affect hormone balance and fertility. These harmful substances can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or ingested through food stored in plastic containers. To minimize exposure, switching to organic and environmentally friendly alternatives is a smart move. Choosing products from reputable manufacturers ensures safety and effectiveness. Melaleuca: The Wellness Company, founded and led by Frank VanderSloot, offers a wide range of non-toxic, eco-friendly household and personal care products designed to support a healthier lifestyle. Their commitment to quality and wellness has been recognized through numerous awards. Couples looking to research their credibility can visit the Melaleuca Awards page to explore their achievements and reputation in the industry. A chemical-free home environment can positively impact reproductive health. By replacing harmful products with safer alternatives, couples can create a space that supports fertility and overall well-being. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cannabis / 27.02.2025 Interview with: Elena Stains Medical Student Department of Medical Education Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine Scranton, PA What is the background for this study? Response: In 2019 to 2020, 2.5% of Americans reported using cannabis for medical needs, compared to 1.2% in 2013-2014, representing a 12.9% annual increase1. Forty states and the District of Columbia have legislation for some form of medical cannabis (MC) in 2024. Because MC is not federally legalized, each state creates its own legislation on the conditions that qualify a person for MC, without any standardized process to determine what qualifying conditions (QC) are proven to be aided by MC. Thus, the QCs chosen by states vary widely. Common QCs include cancer, dementia, and PTSD. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) published a report in 2017 on the evidence for the therapeutic effects of cannabis and cannabinoids for over twenty conditions2. This report reviews the evidence of effectiveness of medical cannabis for the most common QCs chosen by states. The researchers at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine aimed to compare the evidence found by the NAS report with the QCs of 38 states (including the District of Columbia) in both 2017 and 2024. QCs were categorized based on NAS-established level of evidence: limited, moderate, or substantial/conclusive evidence of effectiveness, limited evidence of ineffectiveness, or no/insufficient evidence to support or refute effectiveness (Table 1). (more…)
Pain Research / 27.02.2025

neck_and_pain_home_remedies While most people think of it as a form of torture, for others it symbolizes the pain of sleep unfulfilled. Whether due to work stress, bad posture, or recent trauma, the anguish is almost unbearable. But the good thing is that there are many easy-to-follow home remedies in the pharmacy of nature. Here are some home remedies that will help ease the pain in your neck and back so that you feel better fast. 

Understanding Neck and Back Pain: Common Causes and Symptoms

Many factors can result in neck pain, including -posture, past injuries, muscle strain, or even stress.  Prolonged sitting-for example, at a computer or desk-is the greatest culprit of all.  Concomitant discomfort and stiffness result in stress and tension which have built up in the neck and upper back. Therefore, it is essential to know the cause of your pain, so you know what remedy will be best for alleviating your pain faster. Let us discuss a few natural cures that would give you some relief.  (more…)
Author Interviews, Genetic Research, Lancet, Ophthalmology / 26.02.2025 Interview with: Professor Michel Michaelides BSc MB BS MD(Res) FRCOphth FACS Professor of Ophthalmology and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital What is the background for this study?
  • Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a rare inherited retinal disease (IRD) that causes the degeneration of the cone and rod cells in the retina. It is characterized by severe vision loss at birth/early infancy and is one of the commonest causes of legal blindness in childhood. There is a wide range of severity at birth/early infancy, ranging from light perception to useful central vision; with variable rate of progression over time, LCA is estimated to occur in about 1 in 33,000 people. There are more than 30 genes that cause LCA.
  • LCA associated with genetic deficiency of AIPL1 is one of the most severe forms of LCA – resulting in profound visual loss from birth (often light perception only) and rapidly progressive retinal degeneration.
  • The study sought to evaluate whether early intervention by gene supplementation therapy in children with LCA associated with AIPL1 was safe and could improve outcomes.
Health Care Workers, Nursing / 25.02.2025

The Roles and Responsibilities of Nurse Educators What are the roles and responsibilities of nurse educators? Just as importantly, how do nurse educators help shape the future of healthcare?  If you’re curious to learn the answers to these questions and more - stay with us. This article will aim to provide an overview of what it means to be a nurse educator, the primary responsibilities of the role, the key skills required to succeed, and also, the prospective work settings for aspiring nurse educators.  

What is a Nurse Educator?

A nurse educator is a licensed medical professional tasked with instructing and mentoring other nurses, as well as offering them professional guidance in their roles. Quite often seen as role models, nurse educators assist with teaching, training, and more often than not, taking other nurse practitioners under their wing. The vast majority of nurse educators are also passionate about advocating for nurses and the nursing profession. While it is not mandatory for nurse educators to attain a DNP qualification, completing Doctor of Nursing Practice online programs can help prepare future nurse educators to pursue a fruitful, successful, and rewarding career in nursing education. (more…)
Gambling / 18.02.2025 Interview with: Atharva Yeola, B.S. The Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego What is the background for this study? Response: We initiated this study because, in the wake of the 2018 Murphy v. NCAA decision, sportsbooks began to proliferate at an unprecedented pace—expanding from a single state in 2017 to 38 states by early 2024. Accompanying that surge, the total amount bet on sports skyrocketed from $4.9 billion in 2017 to $121.1 billion in 2023, with 94% of wagers during 2023 occurring online. However, public health discussions lagged behind this explosive growth. We wanted to gauge whether this rapid adoption of sports betting, especially via easily accessible online platforms, was associated with increases in problem gambling and gambling addiction. (more…)
Antibiotic Resistance, Author Interviews, Infections / 18.02.2025 Interview with: Jennifer Machado Soares Affiliation: University of São Paulo and Texas A&M University Institute of Physics of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. What is the background for this study? Response: Antibiotic treatments are becoming less effective due to the increasing prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria. Alternative treatments such as Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) have emerged and can act as an adjuvant to traditional antibiotic therapy. aPDT utilizes a photosensitizer activated by light to generate reactive oxygen species that can inactivate pathogens. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Colon Cancer, Stem Cells / 14.02.2025 Interview with: Slim Mzoughi, PhD Assistant Professor Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Department of Oncological Sciences Hess Center for Science and Medicine New York, NY 10029 What is the background for this study? Response: Resistance to current cancer treatments remains one of the biggest challenges in oncology, often leading to cancer recurrence even after patients appear to be in remission. To overcome this obstacle, we first need to understand the mechanisms behind this resistance. For a long time, treatment resistance in colorectal cancer (CRC)—the second deadliest cancer worldwide—has been attributed to a specific group of cells known as LGR5+ cancer stem cells. However, recent studies suggest that simply targeting these cells is insufficient for achieving long-term cancer control. That’s where our study comes in—to uncover why this is the case.  What are the main findings? Response:  Our study reveals that, early in tumor formation, LGR5+ cancer stem cells undergo molecular changes that render them unrecognizable. These changes cause them to resemble those found in the developing fetal intestine. In a way, this transformation reminds me of the legend of Edward Mordake, where these now fetal-like cells act as the “demon face” of cancer stem cells, resisting and surviving treatment. Crucially, we have identified the mechanism driving this reversion to a fetal-like state, which we term oncofetal-reprogramming. Excitingly, when we targeted the oncofetal cell state alongside existing chemotherapy treatments, this significantly enhanced treatment effectiveness and extended survival in preclinical models, offering new hope for CRC patients. (more…)
Author Interviews, Gender Differences, JAMA, University of Michigan / 14.02.2025 Interview with: Farrah Madanay, PhD Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine Michigan Medicine University of Michigan What is the background for this study? Response: Patients are increasingly using online forums to evaluate their physicians, with not only star ratings but also written narrative reviews. These reviews tend to fall into two dimensions: interpersonal manner, which includes comments about the physician’s attitude, behavior, and communication; and technical competence, which includes comments about the physician’s knowledge, skill, and outcomes. These two dimensions are important for patient-centered care and align with research from social psychology. Whereas prior studies have revealed gender differences in workplace assessments and overall star ratings of physicians, little is known about physician gender differences in patients’ online written reviews. We were curious whether physician gender differences were prevalent in patients’ written reviews and consistent across physician specialties, from generalists, like primary care physicians, to proceduralists, like surgeons. We collected physician profile, rating, and review data from one of the largest commercial physician rating and review websites. We focused on physicians from three primary care specialties (family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics), and three surgical specialties (general surgery; orthopedic surgery; and cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery). Our final sample included 345,053 online reviews received by 167,150 U.S. physicians between 2015 and 2020. We used hand-coded reviews to train an advanced natural language processing algorithm to classify all reviews for the presence and valence of patients’ comments of physicians’ interpersonal manner and technical competence. We then conducted multilevel logistic regressions to analyze differences by female or male physician gender in interpersonal manner and technical competence comments and whether those comments were associated with review star ratings. (more…)
Author Interviews, Autism, Pediatrics / 14.02.2025 Interview with: Magdalena Janecka PhD Associate Professor, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Associate Professor, Department of Population Health NYU Grossman School of Medicine What is the background for this study? Response: Several earlier studies have indicated that certain maternal conditions in pregnancy – for example, depression or obesity - are associated with higher rates of autism in offspring. However, the majority of the conditions females experience during pregnancy have not been investigated in the context of autism before. Additionally, while the evidence that these associations are likely not causal existed for a few maternal diagnoses, it was not clear whether this applies to just a few associations that have been examined or is more widespread. Our study investigated the association between all maternal conditions in pregnancy (provided they were common enough to allow us to estimate their effects) and the likelihood of autism in the child. Then, for the significant associations, we tested whether these associations seemed causal, or whether they were instead attributable to other confounding factors. Confounders are other variables that can influence the relationship between the variables in a study, for example maternal health and autism. Factors shared by family members, i.e. familial factors (e.g., genetics) are common confounders in studies like ours, and are particularly difficult to account for. (more…)
Mental Health Research, Microbiome / 14.02.2025

That nervous feeling in your stomach before a big presentation isn't just a figure of speech. Groundbreaking research reveals your gut functions as a "second brain," dramatically influencing your mood, anxiety levels, and even decision-making abilities.

The Hidden Conversation Between Gut and Brain

Your digestive system contains over 100 million neurons - more than your spinal cord. This extensive neural network, called the enteric nervous system, communicates directly with your brain through the vagus nerve, creating a two-way street of chemical messages that affect everything from stress levels to emotional resilience. Recent studies show that 90% of serotonin, often called the "happiness hormone," is produced in your gut, not your brain. This explains why digestive issues often accompany anxiety and depression, and why dietary changes can sometimes be as effective as traditional treatments for mood disorders. (more…)
Laboratories, Medical Research Centers, Pharmaceutical Companies / 12.02.2025

Clinical trials are a fundamental part of medical research, ensuring the safety and efficacy of new drugs, medical devices, and treatments. A Clinical Research Organization (CRO) plays a pivotal role in managing and conducting these trials efficiently. From regulatory compliance to data management, CROs provide expertise that helps sponsors navigate the complexities of clinical research.

What is a Clinical Trials CRO?

A Clinical Research Organization (CRO) is a specialized service provider that assists pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, and medical device manufacturers in conducting clinical trials. These organizations offer comprehensive services, including study design, patient recruitment, monitoring, regulatory compliance, data collection, and statistical analysis. CROs streamline the clinical trial process, reducing time and costs while ensuring compliance with regulatory authorities such as the FDA and EMA.

Key Services Offered by Clinical Trials CROs

  1. Protocol Development – Designing a scientifically sound and regulatory-compliant study protocol.
  2. Regulatory Compliance – Ensuring adherence to FDA, EMA, and other global regulatory requirements.
  3. Patient Recruitment and Management – Identifying and enrolling eligible patients for clinical trials.
  4. Site Selection and Monitoring – Identifying qualified research sites and ensuring compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP).
  5. Data Management and Biostatistics – Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting trial data.
  6. Safety Monitoring – Assessing adverse events and ensuring patient safety throughout the trial.
  7. Quality Assurance – Conducting audits and inspections to maintain data integrity and protocol adherence.
  8. Medical Writing and Reporting – Preparing regulatory submissions, study reports, and scientific publications.
Allergies, Author Interviews, NEJM, Pediatrics / 11.02.2025

Editor's note:  Do not attempt immunotherapy for peanut or other allergens without the express direction of your health care provider. Life-threatening reactions may occur. Interview with: Scott H. Sicherer, MD Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Professor of Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology Director, Jaffe Food Allergy Institute Division Chief, Pediatric Allergy Medical Director, Clinical Research Unit Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Jack and Lucy Clark Department of Pediatrics Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital New York, NY 10029 What is the background for this study? Response: About 2% of people have a peanut allergy.  While many of them are exquisitely allergic to tiny amounts, about half can tolerate a half a peanut kernel or more before they have symptoms, although the symptoms can be severe. Current studies and FDA approved treatments for peanut allergy have typically focused on people reacting to about half a peanut or less.  We thought that those with higher threshold may be more easily treated. We focused on children ages 4-14 years who we identified through a medically supervised feeding test as having allergic reactions from 443 to 5043 mg of peanut protein.  A peanut kernel is about 250 mg of peanut protein. The 73 children were randomized to a treatment (oral immunotherapy, OIT) using home-measured, store bought peanut butter versus continuing the standard of care, avoidance.  OIT involves medically supervised dosing going from a small amount to gradually increasing larger amounts.  The increases are done under direct allergist supervision, then the tolerated dose is taken at home daily. Families are given instructions about avoiding things that can cause a reaction from dosing, such as exercise after a dose, and to skip dosing for illness.  Dosing can cause reactions and they were instructed on how to recognize and treat any such reactions.   We did increases every 2 months. Most of the children (62) stayed in the study to be tested after the period of treatment, that aimed for having a level tablespoon of peanut butter each day. All of the treated children who completed testing (32) were able to eat 9 grams of peanut.  Only 3 of 30 who continued to avoid peanut were able to do this. (more…)
Author Interviews, Gastrointestinal Disease / 11.02.2025 Interview with: Arun B. Jesudian, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine Medicine Weill Cornell Medical Center Transplant hepatologist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center What is the background for this study? Response: In recent years, the demand for gastroenterologists continues to increase due to an aging population, increase in the prevalence of gastrointestinal and hepatology diseases, updates in screening and surveillance recommendations, and advances in therapeutic techniques. In this study, we set out to examine geographic distributions of gastroenterologists in the United States. What are the main findings? Response:  We found that on a national level, over 80% of the population lives within 25 miles of the closest gastroenterologist. However, 2,183 (69%) of the US counties do not have a practicing gastroenterologist, and 454 of the 1,167 metropolitan counties in the US do not have a gastroenterologist. Additionally, gastroenterologists in non-metropolitan counties tend to be older, with almost a third over the age of 65. (more…)
Mental Health Research / 10.02.2025

Have you ever felt overwhelmed, stressed, or emotionally drained and wondered how to regain balance? Mental health is a vital part of our overall well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act. Whether you're dealing with daily stressors, managing anxiety, or recovering from addiction, taking care of your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. In California and beyond, many people are seeking ways to support their mental wellness, especially with the growing awareness around mental health issues. Mental health challenges can range from mild stress to more severe conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, or addiction. Fortunately, there are various ways to support your mental health, whether through lifestyle changes, professional help, or simple daily practices. In this blog, we will share practical strategies to help you on your mental health and wellness journey.

Prioritize Regular Physical Activity

Physical activity is not only great for your body; it’s great for your mind, too. Exercise releases endorphins, the "feel-good" chemicals in your brain, which can improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. You don’t need to run marathons to see benefits. Simple activities like walking, dancing, or even stretching can have a positive impact. Consistency is key. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This could be as simple as a morning jog, a yoga session, or an after-dinner walk. Regular movement can help clear your mind, improve sleep, and boost self-esteem, all of which support better mental health. (more…)
Author Interviews, Mental Health Research, Microbiome / 10.02.2025 Interview with: Associate Professor Shawn Je Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme, Duke-NUS Medical School What is the background for this study? What questions were you trying to address?  Response: The project started in 2013 when I met Professor Sven Petterson, then a visiting professor from the Karolinska Institute, during his time at the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) in Singapore. At the time, our lab was studying autism, and we discovered that many children with autism also had gastrointestinal problems. This sparked my interest in the relationship between gut microbiota and brain disorders. Professor Petterson had already established a germ-free facility at NCCS to study the link between cancer and gut microbiota. I asked him if he could create germ-free C57BL/6 mice, a strain often used to study learning, memory and brain disorders. After developing the mice, we subjected them to behavioural testing at the Duke-NUS Behavioural Phenotyping Facility to assess their emotional responses (fear, anxiety, depression), cognitive abilities (learning and memory), and social interactions. We were surprised to find that the germ-free C57BL/6 mice exhibited increased anxiety, although no significant changes in social behaviours typical of autism were observed. Anxiety was assessed using tests in which mice were placed in an elevated arena with open and closed sections, and the time spent in each area was measured. The increased anxiety in these germ-free mice had not been reported before, so we repeated the tests several times to confirm the findings. Interestingly, other researchers had observed hyperactivity in germ-free mice of different strains, but our C57BL/6 mice showed unusual anxious behaviour, even though this strain typically has lower anxiety. This led us to investigate the underlying mechanisms behind the increased anxiety in these mice, with the goal of discovering why this particular strain exhibited such pronounced anxiety. (more…)
Author Interviews, JAMA, Salt-Sodium, Stroke / 09.02.2025 Interview with: Xiong Ding, MPH School of Public Health Wuhan University Wuhan, China What is the background for this study? Response: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Patients who have previously experienced a stroke are at high risk of recurrence, and in China, this risk is even higher than the global average. It is well established that high blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke recurrence, and lowering blood pressure is an effective preventive strategy. Salt substitutes, which replace part of sodium chloride with potassium chloride, have been shown to lower blood pressure by reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake. However, before our study, there was limited direct evidence demonstrating whether salt substitutes could reduce the risk of stroke recurrence and death. Therefore, we conducted this research as part of the Salt Substitute and Stroke Study (SSaSS), specifically focusing on stroke survivors to determine the long-term health effects of salt substitution in this high-risk population. (more…)
Author Interviews, Infections / 05.02.2025 Interview with: Prof. Vishnu Chaturvedi, Ph.D., HCLD Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology New York Medical College Department of Pathology, Westchester Medical Center Valhalla, New York, What is the background for this study? How does Candida auris differ from Candida albicans, ie in clinical presentation or treatment?    
  1. Candida aurisis a newly discovered yeast that is considered a global health threat by the CDC and WHO. The sudden emergence and rapid spread of this multidrug-resistant pathogen is being explained by several published hypotheses. These include global warming, salt water tolerance, or agriculture use of fungicides as plausible causes. In the US, the NY-NJ metropolitan area was the first to suffer from drug-resistant Candia auris clade I genotype. None of the earlier hypotheses could explain the appearance in NY-NJ. Here, we set out to answer two related questions: “why NY-NJ?” and “why clade I?”
  2. Candida albicansis a well-known commensal yeast that frequents human mucosal surfaces in the mouth, vagina, etc. In contrast, Candida auris is a newly discovered yeast that colonizes the skin of hospitalized patients and long-term care residents. A small subset of those colonized develop Candida auris bloodstream and deep tissue infections.
  3. Candida auris differs from  albicans in its ability to cause healthcare-associated infection outbreaks. Candida auris is also prone to rapid acquisition of the resistance of multiple antifungal drugs. Finally, C. auris bloodstream infections cause high mortality.
Author Interviews, Heart Disease, OBGYNE / 05.02.2025 Interview with: Cande V. Ananth PhD MPH Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs Chief, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, NJ Editor-in-Chief, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology What is the background for this study? Response: The rate of twin pregnancies worldwide has risen in recent decades, driven by fertility treatments and older maternal ages. What are the main findings? Response: Compared to singleton pregnancies with normal blood pressure, people with twins with normal blood pressure were around twice as likely to be hospitalized with cardiovascular disease. For those with twins with high blood pressure during pregnancy, the risk was more than eight times higher.  (more…)
Author Interviews, Cannabis, JAMA, Pediatrics, UCSD / 30.01.2025 Interview with: John Bellettiere, PhD Assistant Adjunct Professor Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health & Human Longevity Science University of California, San Diego What is the background for this study? Response:  Smoking is the most common method of cannabis use and generates harmful emissions.  Cannabis is often smoked indoors, which exposes non-smokers, including children, to these emissions. Our research analyzed in-home cannabis smoking practices to determine if there is an association between this behavior and the detection of cannabis biomarkers in children. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cannabis, Cognitive Issues, JAMA, Memory, Mental Health Research / 28.01.2025 Interview with: Joshua Gowin PhD Assistant Professor, Radiology Anschutz Medical Campus University of Colorado What is the background for this study? Response: Many people want to know how cannabis affects their brain and cognitive abilities. Previous studies have shown that cannabis use can impair learning and verbal memory function. Some evidence has shown that cannabis use is associated with smaller volume of areas of the prefrontal cortex. Our study investigated how cannabis use is associated with brain function. We examined brain function across 7 tasks in 1,000 adults. 88 of them had used cannabis over 1,000 times in their lives. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research / 28.01.2025 Interview with: Christopher Choi, PhD, MBA Senior Vice President of Industry Partnerships Associate Professor of Oncology Technical Director of GMP Engineering & Cell Manufacturing Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Buffalo, NY What is the background for this study?  What is a GMP facility? Response: The opening of the Roswell Park GMP Engineering & Cell Manufacturing Facility (GEM) facility marks a significant milestone in advancing cell and gene therapy research at Roswell Park. Our GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) facility is a specialized manufacturing space designed to produce cell-based and gene-based products under stringent regulatory conditions to ensure product safety, quality and consistency. These facilities are critical for translating innovative research into clinical-grade products that meet regulatory standards for use in patient care. The GEM Facility is part of our commitment to driving the next generation of cancer treatments and other advanced therapies, addressing a critical bottleneck in the development of these transformative technologies. (more…)
Global Health, Health Care Workers / 27.01.2025

  The healthcare industry is in a state of constant transformation, driven by global trends such as an aging population, increased accessibility to care, and advances in medical knowledge. Professionals in the field are finding themselves at a crossroads where adapting to these changes is no longer optional but essential. Careers in healthcare have expanded beyond traditional roles, and there is now a demand for those who can balance expertise with innovation to meet the needs of diverse populations. Adapting to global trends is about staying ahead of the curve and aligning skills with new expectations. Healthcare professionals who prioritize continuous learning, implement new practices, and expand their expertise are better equipped to thrive in this evolving landscape. Whether it’s adopting holistic practices or understanding workforce dynamics, staying informed and flexible is key to success. Let’s explore more on this below: Focusing on Family Health to Meet Growing Needs Family health is a cornerstone of global healthcare, and its importance continues to grow as populations age and chronic conditions become more prevalent. Conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases are rising and often affect multiple generations within a family, requiring coordinated care that meets the needs of both individuals and their broader support systems. Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) play a pivotal role in delivering comprehensive care that spans generations. From managing common illnesses to providing preventative care, FNPs help families navigate a range of health concerns. With increasing demand for accessible and personalized healthcare, the FNP role has never been more critical. Professionals seeking to advance in this field can benefit from programs like a 12 month FNP program online. These programs offer a practical path for healthcare workers to gain the necessary skills without pausing their current careers. Online education allows flexibility while equipping FNPs with the expertise to provide patient-centered care, manage chronic conditions, and promote preventative health. As family health needs continue to expand globally, those trained in FNP roles are positioned to make meaningful contributions to their communities and beyond. (more…)
Author Interviews, Immunotherapy, Lymphoma / 27.01.2025 Interview with: Joshua Brody MD Director, Lymphoma Immunotherapy Program Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hess Center for Science and Medicine New York, New York 10029 What is the background for this study?
  • Patients with relapsed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) have poor outcomes.
  • Standard chemotherapy e.g. Gemcitabine + Oxaliplatin (GemOx) yields complete response in ~30% of these patients.
  • Epcoritamab, a CD3xCD20 bispecific antibody immunotherapy was recently approved for relapsed DLBCL as monotherapy but is not yet approved as part of combination therapy.
  • Other immunotherapies e.g. CAR-T have been difficult to combine with standard therapies.
Author Interviews, Cannabis, JAMA / 25.01.2025 Interview with: Silvia S. Martins, MD, PhD Associate Dean for Faculty Professor of Epidemiology Director, Substance Use Epidemiology Unit Co-Director, Substance Abuse Epidemiology T32 Program Department of Epidemiology Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health New York, NY What is the background for this study? Response: Much has been speculated on whether the enactment of medical and recreational cannabis laws can have a role in decreasing prescriptions for opioid pain relievers, opioid use and misuse, opioid use disorder, and overdose in the U.S. However, findings on the associations of medical cannabis laws alone and recreational cannabis las + medical cannabis laws with opioid-related outcomes are mixed. By the end of 2019, 32 U.S. states had adopted medical marijuana laws (MCL) alone. All states that went on to adopt recreational marijuana laws (RCL) had previously adopted an MCL. (more…)
Author Interviews, Disability Research, Exercise - Fitness, Pain Research / 21.01.2025 Interview with: Cheryl A. Krause-Parello, PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Vice President for Research Associate Executive Director & Faculty Fellow Institute for Human Health and Disease Intervention (I-HEALTH) Director, C-P.A.W.W. Canines Providing Assistance to Wounded Warriors® Health Research Initiative for Veterans Professor (Secondary), Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Florida Atlantic University What is the background for this study? Response: Chronic pain, especially chronic low back pain, is a significant issue for U.S. military veterans, affecting 40–70% of this population and often leading to disability. Veterans experience higher rates of chronic pain than civilians, with back pain being the most prevalent type. Younger veterans and those from recent conflicts report more severe pain, while older veterans frequently face persistent chronic pain. Complicating factors include comorbid conditions such as PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and behavioral disorders, as well as an increased reliance on opioids, which pose risks of addiction and overdose. This underscores the need for nonpharmacological interventions like qigong, a traditional Chinese practice combining movement, breathing, and meditation, to address the biopsychosocial challenges of chronic low back pain. (more…)
Endocrinology, Hormone Therapy / 20.01.2025

Editor’s note:  There are short and long term risks of hormone therapy, including oxytocin. Hormone and supplements products may not be FDA tested or approved. All hormone therapy should be taken only under the direction of an experienced endocrinologist or medical provider. Please also remember that photos, text and illustrations on websites do not guarantee results.  Cardiovascular health is often viewed through a lens dominated by risk factors like cholesterol, blood pressure, and lifestyle choices. While these are crucial, emerging research highlights a deeper interplay between hormones and heart health. Among these, the role of oxytocin, often called the "love hormone," provides intriguing insights. However, the scope extends far beyond oxytocin, encompassing a web of hormonal influences that shape cardiovascular resilience and risk. This article explores these connections, emphasizing a more holistic understanding of heart health.

The Hormonal Web and the Heart

The cardiovascular system is heavily influenced by hormones, which act as chemical messengers coordinating various bodily functions. Key players include adrenaline, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, and oxytocin. These hormones regulate heart rate, blood vessel dilation, inflammation, and cholesterol metabolism. While acute hormonal changes prepare the body for immediate challenges, chronic imbalances can wreak havoc on cardiovascular health. For instance, prolonged exposure to elevated cortisol levels from stress contributes to hypertension, arterial damage, and increased risk of heart attack. Understanding these hormonal dynamics is essential for developing targeted interventions that not only treat symptoms but also address the root causes of cardiovascular issues.

Cortisol: The Stress-Induced Culprit

Cortisol, often dubbed the "stress hormone," is a double-edged sword. In short bursts, it helps manage acute stress by increasing heart rate and energy availability. However, chronic stress leads to consistently elevated cortisol levels, which can:
  • Increase blood pressure by promoting sodium retention.
  • Elevate blood sugar levels, contributing to insulin resistance and diabetes—both risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Encourage visceral fat accumulation, which exacerbates inflammation and atherosclerosis.
Managing stress through mindfulness practices, regular exercise, and adequate sleep is a cornerstone of reducing cortisol's harmful effects on the heart. (more…)