Author Interviews, Genetic Research, Memory / 09.12.2014
Chromosomal Location of Exceptional Memory Identified Interview with:
Sandra Barral Rodriguez, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
G. H. Sergievsky Center & Taub Institute
Columbia University Medical Center
New York, NY 10032
Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Dr. Barral: We already know that there is a substantial genetic contribution to the variability observed in different cognitive tasks including memory performance. Previous work reported heritability estimates for episodic memory ranging between 30% and 60%. However, we can’t fully explain why some individuals demonstrate a better memory performance in late life, while others do not.
We have previously defined a cognitive endophenotype based on exceptional episodic memory performance (EEM) and demonstrated that there is a familial aggregation of EEM in families selected on their basis of their exceptional survival, the Long Life Family Study. We performed genome-wide linkage analysis of long-lived families selected on the basis of their exceptional episodic memory and the follow-up SNP association analysis with episodic memory in four independent cohorts of more than 4,000 non-demented elderly cohorts.
Our results provide strong evidence for potential candidate genes related to exceptional episodic memory on 6q24.