Author Interviews, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics / 14.10.2016
Some Children Find It Difficult To Wear Glasses During Lazy Eye Treatment Interview with:
Dr Gail Maconachie PhD and
Researcher and
Professor Irene Gottlob
Professor of Ophthalmology
Dept. of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour
The University of Leicester Ulverscroft Eye Unit
Leicester Royal Infirmary
Leicester UK What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Response: Lazy eye (Amblyopia) affects 3-5% of the population. Treatment usually involves wearing glasses alone for around 18 weeks followed by occlusion of the good eye, usually a patch. Recent studies have shown, using monitors, that children often struggle with patching and patch only about half of what is prescribed. To date, no study has observed how well children with lazy eyes comply with glasses wearing. Glasses wearing is becoming increasingly important in lazy eye treatment as it has been shown to improve vision without other treatments. Therefore observing compliance may help to understand why some children do better with glasses treatment than others.
We found in our subjects that adherence to glasses wearing, in children aged 3 to 11 years who are undergoing treatment for a lazy eye, very variable and often poor. We also found that during treatment when only glasses wearing were given, adherence to glasses wearing, along with age and cause of the lazy eye, significantly predicted visual outcomes.