Dermatology, PNAS, Weight Research / 02.04.2014
Fat and Hair Growth Synchronized By Same Signalling Pathway Interview with:
Professor Rodney Sinclair
University of Melbourne and Epworth Hospital
Melbourne, VIC, Australia What are the main findings of the study?
Answer: Activation of Wnt signalling promoted hair growth and fat growth. Inhibition of Wnt signalling reduces fat growth and hair growth. We looked at the fat layer on the scalp. It was reduced by 50% over the bald areas of alopecia areata. The patch of alopecia areata we looked at was new- only appeared a few days earlier and so the changes in fat thickness are rapid.
What is interesting is that the fat layer is dynamic, and significant fluctuations can occur in a rapid period of time in sync with the hair cycle. It is also interesting that ligands for BMP6 and IGF2 are pro-adipogenic.
There are a couple of bigger questions that earlier media reports did not focus on- namely upstream factors regulating the hair cycle clock and the beauty of synchronization of fat and hair growth for seasonal thermal insulation.