Author Interviews, Depression, Exercise - Fitness / 30.08.2013
Depression: Association with Low Physical Activity, Prolonged Sitting Interview with:
Jannique van Uffelen, PhD, MSc (epidemiology),
MSc (human movement sciences), BHealth
Senior Research Fellow Active Ageing
VICTORIA UNIVERSITY What are the main findings of the study?
Answer: We examined the link between sitting-time and physical activity with current and future depressive symptoms in 8,950 mid aged women, who participated in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health.
Both high sitting-time and low physical activity levels were associated with higher risk of current depressive symptoms, and in combination, the risk further increased. Compared with women sitting ≤4 hours/day and meeting the physical activity recommendations of at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week, women who sat >7 hrs/day and who did no physical activity were three times as likely to have depressive symptoms. However, only lack of physical activity was associated with increased risk of future depressive symptoms, irrespective of sitting-time. Women who did no physical activity were 26% more likely to have future depressive symptoms than women meeting physical activity recommendations.