Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Hepatitis - Liver Disease, UCSD / 27.04.2015

Lisa M. Nyberg, MD, MPH Transplant Hepatologist Director, Hepatology Research Kaiser Permanente, Garfield Specialty Center San Diego, CA Interview with: Lisa M. Nyberg, MD, MPH Transplant Hepatologist Director, Hepatology Research Kaiser Permanente, Garfield Specialty Center San Diego, CA  92111 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Nyberg: The overall cancer rates were higher in patients with Hepatitis C (HCV) vs those without HCV. Of note, though, the HCV cohort had higher rates of alcohol abuse, tobacco use, cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus (DM). However, even after stratification for the variables alcohol abuse, tobacco use, body mass index (BMI) and DM; the increased cancer rates remained significant for total cancer sites, liver cancer and NHL. Note that this study does not establish a cause and effect relationship between Hepatitis C and cancer. A strength of this study is that it is an evaluation of a large patient population (n=35,712 with HCV and 5,297,191 without HCV). Limitations of the study are those inherent in epidemiological studies using large databases. For example, confounders may not be accurately recorded in automated databases (smoking and alcohol abuse may be under-recorded). (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Biomarkers / 27.04.2015 Interview with: Joanna Kitlinska, PhD Assistant Professor Georgetown University Medical Center Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology Washington, DC 20057 MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Kitlinska: Neuroblastoma is a pediatric malignancy with extremely heterogeneous phenotypes, ranging from spontaneously regressing to aggressive, untreatable tumors. Consequently, treatment strategies vary significantly between patients, depending on the initial risk assessment. Given the severe late effects of anti-cancer treatment administered to infants and children, proper disease stratification is of utmost importance for neuroblastoma patients. Due to their neuronal origin, neuroblastomas secrete neuropeptide Y (NPY), a small protein normally released from mature nerves. This, in turn, may result in elevated NPY levels in blood of neuroblastoma patients. We have found that serum NPY is particularly high in patients with aggressive, metastatic disease. Consequently, patients with elevated NPY levels have significantly worse survival. This finding is in agreement with our previous data indicating crucial role for NPY in stimulation of neuroblastoma tumor growth. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Biomarkers, Cancer Research / 22.04.2015

Dr. Timothy Yap MD, PhD Timothy Yap, MD, PhD, NIHR BRC The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust London, United Interview with: Timothy Yap, MD, PhD, NIHR BRC The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom. Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Yap: This is a novel phase I trial assessing for the first time if the PARP inhibitor olaparib can be combined with the AKT inhibitor AZD5363. The study was undertaken at the Royal Marsden and The Institute of Cancer Research in London, England. This targeted combination was based on strong preclinical rationale demonstrating synergy between both drugs in BRCA positive tumors and also antitumor activity in non-BRCA positive tumors. Although olaparib was recently approved by the FDA for treating advanced ovarian cancer associated with defective BRCA genes, antitumor efficacy in different non-BRCA tumors is yet to be established. The key finding for this study was that it was indeed possible to combine both drugs safely, with multiple patients with different cancers responding, including patients with and without BRCA1/2 mutations. We also assessed a new intrapatient dose escalation phase I trial design in this study, and demonstrated that the novel design could be successfully implemented, with completion of the dose escalation phase in 2 schedules of the combination with just 20 patients in 7.5 months. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Cancer Research / 20.04.2015

Presented by Dr. Jeffrey R. Infante, MD 2015 American Association for Cancer Research Director of the Drug Development Program Sarah Cannon Research Institute in Nashville, Interview with: Presented by Dr. Jeffrey R. Infante, MD 2015 American Association for Cancer Research Director of the Drug Development Program Sarah Cannon Research Institute in Nashville, Tennessee. Medical Research: What is the background for this study?
  • Inhibition of Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1) may be effective at enhancing the effects of chemotherapeutic agents in tumor cells that lack other key cell cycle checkpoint regulators, such as the tumor suppressor protein p53 (p53 mutant tumors).
  • In a broad range of pre-clinical models, GDC-0425, an oral, selective Chk1 inhibitor, enhanced the efficacy of the chemotherapy drug gemcitabine. Greater efficacy was also observed in cancer cell lines lacking p53 activity.
  • Based on its proposed mechanism of action in enhancing the cytotoxicity of DNA damaging chemotherapy, GDC-0425 was evaluated in combination with a standard dose of gemcitabine.
Author Interviews, Cancer Research / 20.04.2015

Pan Pantziarka, PhD Member of the ReDO project and the Anticancer Fund Research from the Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) Interview with: Pan Pantziarka, PhD Member of the ReDO project and the Anticancer Fund Research from the Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) project MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? Dr. Pantziarka: This study is one of a number initiated by the Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) project. ReDO is an international collaboration between the Belgian foundation the Anticancer Fund and the US not-for-profit GlobalCures. ReDO includes researchers based in the UK, Belgium and the US. The project aims to identify the most promising non-cancer drugs which have evidence that they may be effective additions to oncological treatments. Itraconazole, the subject of this study, is a well-characterised and commonly used anti-fungal agent that is available internationally and at relatively low cost. MedicalResearch: What are the main findings? Dr. Pantziarka: We have summarised a broad range of in vitro, in vivo and clinical evidence of anti-cancer activity in itraconazole. In particular there is strong evidence that itraconazole has activity against the Hedgehog signalling pathway, which is active in a variety of different cancer indications. Our study also includes details of a number of positive clinical trials which have reported, and includes details of some still in progress. The level of evidence is particularly striking in basal cell carcinoma, prostate and lung cancer. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Dental Research, Microbiome / 20.04.2015

Xiaodan Mai MBBS University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Buffalo, Interview with: Xiaodan Mai MBBS University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Buffalo, NY MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Periodontal disease is a condition that is highly prevalent amongst the elderly, and is characterized by chronic polymicrobial infection and inflammation of gum tissue. Periodontal disease has been associated with increased cancer risk, and these findings may be partially explained by extra-oral translocation of subgingival bacteria that subsequently modulates host cell environment and function. However, there is limited research on whether the presence of certain subgingival bacteria influences cancer risk. . Oral bacteria have been categorized into color-coded complexes by their timing of colonization and strength of association with periodontal disease. Using data from an ancillary study of the Women’s Health Initiative conducted in Buffalo, New York (a cohort of 1300 postmenopausal women), we therefore investigated the associations between the presence of three early-colonizing periodontal pathogens (Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia, and Campylobacter rectus, i.e., "orange complex" bacteria moderately associated with PD), the presence of two late-colonizing periodontal pathogens (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, i.e., "red complex" bacteria strongly associated with PD) in dental plaque and cancer risk. We found borderline associations between presence of any early-colonizing pathogens and increased risk of total cancer and lung cancer. Individual pathogens were not associated with total cancer or site-specific cancers when analyzed singly. Presence of any pathogens or presence of any late-colonizing pathogens was not associated with total or site-specific cancer. (more…)
Author Interviews, Breast Cancer, Cancer Research, Cognitive Issues, JNCI / 19.04.2015

Dr. Kerstin Hermelink Senior psychologist  Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics Ludwig Maximilian University of Interview with: Dr. Kerstin Hermelink Senior psychologist Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Hermelink: Many breast cancer patients report problems of cognitive functioning that interfere considerably with their professional and private lives. In the last two decades, a number of studies have confirmed that subgroups of breast cancer patients show at least subtle cognitive impairment. Initially, the condition has entirely been attributed to chemotherapy effects and has therefore colloquially been named “chemobrain”. Meanwhile, however, cognitive impairment has also been found in patients who were managed without chemotherapy and, surprisingly, even in patients who had not yet received any systemic treatment at all. Several hypotheses on the causation of cognitive impairment that occurs already pretreatment have been put forward; for instance, biological effects of the cancer itself might affect cognitive functioning, or there might be shared genetic vulnerability for cancer and cognitive impairment. None of these hypotheses have been empirically confirmed; thus, pretreatment cognitive impairment is as yet unexplained. Our study was designed to investigate the effects of cancer-related post-traumatic stress on cognitive function in breast cancer patients before the start of treatment. Stress has a substantial influence on cognitive functioning, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with impairment of cognitive function. While the incidence of full diagnosis of stress disorder is low among breast cancer patients, many of these patients show symptoms of PTSD, with a peak shortly after diagnosis. We did not find an elevated risk of overall cognitive impairment in pretreatment breast cancer patients compared with matched non-cancer controls; however, the cancer patients scored worse than the controls on a small fraction of the cognitive indices that were used. Performance on these indices was indeed robustly associated with PTSD symptoms. Our results therefore indicate that pretreatment cognitive impairment in breast cancer patients may be largely caused by the stress of being diagnosed with cancer. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer, Cancer Research / 15.04.2015

Josée Savard, Ph.D. School of Psychology, Laval University Cancer Research Center Quebec City, Quebec, Interview with: Josée Savard, Ph.D. School of Psychology, Laval University Cancer Research Center Quebec City, Quebec, Canada MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Savard: This paper reports on a secondary analysis of an 18-month longitudinal study initially conducted in 962 patients about to receive surgery for various types of cancer. The main results of this larger study indicated that insomnia is a significant problem in cancer patients. More precisely, it was found to affect up to 59% of patients at the peri-operative period. In addition, 32% of patients who were good sleepers developed insomnia symptoms at some point during the study (Savard et al., 2009; Savard et al., 2011). The goal of this particular analysis was to determine the role of cancer treatments and their side effects in triggering/aggravating insomnia symptoms during the 18-month follow-up. Study participants completed questionnaires assessing insomnia severity and somatic symptoms at baseline, as well as 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18 months later. This analysis was conducted separately in women treated for breast cancer (n=465) and men treated for prostate cancer (n=263). In breast cancer patients, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but not hormone therapy, were found to be associated with increased insomnia severity. This deleterious effect appeared to be due to a number of side effects (e.g., nausea, night sweats, urinary symptoms). In prostate cancer patients, androgen-deprivation therapy was associated with aggravation of insomnia, an effect that was mainly due to the occurrence of night sweats. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Cost of Health Care, HPV, Vaccine Studies / 14.04.2015 Interview with: Lillian Siu, MD, FRCPC Princess Margaret Cancer Centre University Health Network Toronto Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Siu: Our study is a collaboration between researchers at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and the Canadian Center for Applied Research in Cancer Control. The study involves a statistical model being applied to a hypothetical population of 192,940 Canadian boys who were 12 years old in 2012, to determine the cost effectiveness of HPV vaccination for the prevention of oropharyngeal cancer.  On the basis of this model, HPV vaccination for boys aged 12 years appears to be a cost-effective strategy for the prevention of oropharyngeal cancer in Canada. There are limitations to our study as it is based on statistical modelling with many assumptions. For instance, we could not easily address the impact of herd immunity which refers to the indirect protective effect offered by HPV vaccination in women. Based on our statistical model, despite its limitations, the vaccine can potentially save $8 to $28 million CAD for a theoretical group of 192,940 Canadian 12-year old boys in 2012 over their lifetime. As stated, this is based on a theoretical model and not a randomized study, the results are relevant especially that HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer is increasing in incidence and HPV is surpassing smoking as a risk factor for this cancer in many developed countries. Currently, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) of the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends HPV vaccination of females 9 through 26 years of age to prevent cervical, vulvar, vaginal and anal cancers, and for anogenital warts; and of males 9 through 26 years of age to prevent anal canal cancers and their precursors, and for anogenital warts. However, funding is also provided for HPV vaccination in young females and not in young males. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Cost of Health Care, JAMA / 10.04.2015

Gabriel Brooks, MD Gastrointestinal Cancer Center Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Interview with: Gabriel Brooks, MD Gastrointestinal Cancer Center Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Brooks: The background for our study is that hospitalizations in patients with cancer are common, costly, and distressing to patients.  Acute hospital care is the single largest expenditure category in cancer care, accounting for substantially greater costs than even chemotherapy. However, patients generally wish to avoid hospitalization, and they certainly want to avoid complications of treatment that can lead to hospitalization. For these reasons, we sought to identify the extent to which hospitalizations are perceived as potentially avoidable by clinicians who are directly involved in patient care. We interviewed three physicians for each of 103 patients with cancer who experienced a hospitalization. For 24 patients (23%) two or more of the three physicians agreed that hospitalization had been potentially avoidable. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Cost of Health Care / 08.04.2015 Interview with: Stacie B. Dusetzina PhD Assistant professor in the Eshelman School of Pharmacy and the Gillings School of Global Public Health University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Interview with: Stacie B. Dusetzina PhD Assistant professor in the Eshelman School of Pharmacy and the Gillings School of Global Public Health University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Dusetzina: Charges for health services — the amounts providers request before payments are negotiated — have not been widely known for services delivered in physicians’ offices. Charges can be considered the maximum amount that would be paid by a person without insurance who does not or is unable to negotiate for a lower price. In this study we used recently released data from the Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Public Use File and other sources to measure what physicians charged for chemotherapy drugs delivered intravenously in 2012 and the amounts reimbursed by Medicare and private health plans for the same services. We found that uninsured cancer patients may be asked to pay from 2 to 43 times what Medicare pays for chemotherapy drugs. Medicare and insurers don’t pay the sticker price of health care. They pay a discounted rate. However, uninsured patients don’t have the bargaining power, or they may not try to negotiate for a better price. On average, Medicare paid approximately 40 percent of the charged amounts for chemotherapy drugs. Private insurers paid nearly 57 percent of the charged amounts on average. We also looked at what cancer patients were asked to pay for an office visit. Uninsured patients may be asked to pay from $129 to $391, depending on the complexity of the visit. Medicare paid between $65 and $188 and private insurance paid between $78 and $246 for the same visits. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research / 08.04.2015 Interview with: Dr. Riccardo Capocaccia Evaluative Epidemiology Unit Department of Preventive and Predictive Medicine Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Tumori Milan, Italy Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Capocaccia: Life expectancy of cancer patients is usually provided at diagnosis, as a measure of cancer burden. However, no systematic data are available on life expectancy at different times after diagnosis, as a measure of the residual impact of the disease in survivors. At diagnosis, young patients face a higher loss in life expectancy, with respect to cancer-free people of the same age, than older ones. Thereafter, life expectancy gradually approaches, but hardly reaches,  that of all patients of the general population. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Nature, NYU / 03.04.2015 Interview with: Alka Mansukhani Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Microbiology NYU Langone Medical Interview with: Alka Mansukhani Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Microbiology Member of the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center NYU Langone Medical Center Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Mansukhani: Osteosarcoma is a highly aggressive pediatric bone cancer that is almost always advanced at diagnosis. Treatment outcomes have not improved in three decades and 40% of patients eventually succumb to the disease. A few years ago we identified that normal bone stem cells relied on the function of a gene called Sox2 to remain immature an self-renew. We went on to find that osteosarcoma cancer stem cells, that arise from immature bone cells, express high levels of Sox2. Like their normal counterparts, these cancer cells also need Sox2. Sox2 maintains the stemness properties of the cancer cells as well as their ability to form tumors in mice. Depleting Sox2 resulted in cells that had reduced tumor-forming potential and instead, were able to become mature bone cells. In this new study we have identified the mechanism by which Sox2 maintains the properties of osteosarcoma cancer stem cells. Sox2 inactivates the growth restraining function of the well-known tumor suppressive hippo pathway. Hippo signaling restrains the activity of a potent oncogene, YAP. In the osteosarcoma stem cells, Sox2 directly represses two genes (Nf2 and WWC1) in the hippo pathway and thereby unleashes the growth promoting activity of YAP. Like Sox2, YAP is required to maintain the tumorigenic properties of osteosarcoma cells. Consistently, we found high YAP and low NF2 and WWC1 expression in human osteosarcoma tissues. Our study makes a direct connection between Sox2 and repression of hippo signaling to enable YAP activity in osteosarcomas. This mechanism also operates in glioblastoma, an aggressive brain tumor. (more…)
Author Interviews, Prostate Cancer / 05.03.2015

M. Minhaj Siddiqui, MD Director of Urologic Robotic Surgery Assistant Professor of Surgery - Urology University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore MD Interview with: M. Minhaj Siddiqui, MD Director of Urologic Robotic Surgery Assistant Professor of Surgery - Urology University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore MD 21201 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Response: A history of testicular cancer has been suggested to have an association with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer (PCa) in epidemiologic studies. We hypothesized that there may be an increased risk of developing intermediate to high-risk prostate cancer as well. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Response: 147,044 men with melanoma and 32,435 men with testicular cancer were identified. Prostate cancer was diagnosed in 3,205 men in total. The cumulative incidence of all prostate cancer by age 80 was 2.8% in the control melanoma cohort and 12.6% in the case cohort of men with history of testicular cancer (p<0.0001 for KM survival curves, Figure 1). For intermediate/high-risk disease, the incidence was 1.1% versus 5.8% for each cohort respectively (p<0.0001 for KM survival curves, Figure 2). No association with prostate cancer was seen with non-seminomatous versus seminomatous germ cell tumors. Upon multivariate analysis, testis cancer was associated with an increased risk of all prostate cancer (HR 4.7, p<0.0001) and intermediate/high-risk PCa (HR 5.2, p<0.0001) when controlling for race and radiation history. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, JAMA, Race/Ethnic Diversity, Vanderbilt / 24.02.2015

Dr. Wei Zheng, MD, PhD Division of Epidemiology, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Interview with: Dr. Wei Zheng, MD, PhD Division of Epidemiology, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee   Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Wei Zheng: Substantial progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, resulting in a steady improvement in cancer survival. However, the degree of improvement by age, race and sex remains unclear. We quantified the differences in the improvement of cancer survival by race, age, and sex over the last two decades. We used cancer diagnosis and follow-up data from more than 1 million cancer patients, collected in nine SEER registries, to investigate trends in improved survival for seven major cancers in the United States by age, race, and sex between 1990 and 2010. We found that elderly patients experienced a smaller improvement in survival for cancers of the colon/rectum, breast, prostate, lung, and liver than their younger counterparts. In particular, the age-related disparities were most pronounced for those cancers with the greatest advancements in diagnosis and treatment over the past two decades, including cancers of colon/rectum, breast and prostate. African Americans experienced poorer survival than whites for all cancers. Because of a greater improvement in prostate cancer survival in African Americans than for whites, the racial difference in the survival of this cancer decreased during the study period. For ovarian cancer, however, the survival rate declined in African Americans but slightly increased in whites, leading to a wider racial gap in the survival of this deadly cancer. No apparent disparities in survival improvement by sex were noted. (more…)
Author Interviews, BMJ, Cancer Research / 20.02.2015

Dr Cristina Renzi Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, Health Behaviour Research Centre, London, Interview with: Dr Cristina Renzi Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, Health Behaviour Research Centre, London, UK MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Renzi: Only a minority of symptomatic individuals undergoing cancer investigations are diagnosed with cancer and more than 80% receive an 'all-clear' or non-cancer diagnosis (here called a 'false alarm'). This makes it important to consider the possible unintended consequences of a false alarm. Several studies have shown that investigations for a suspected cancer can have negative psychological effects, even for individuals ultimately diagnosed with a benign condition. In addition, an association between false alarms and subsequent delayed diagnosis has been reported for various cancers, with both patients and healthcare providers contributing to delays. Our review published by BMJ Open focused on 19 research papers which reported information on false alarms and subsequent symptom attribution or help-seeking. By integrating the available evidence from qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies this review allowed us to identify areas that need to be addressed in order to reduce the risk of delayed help-seeking after a previous false alarm. In particular, over-reassurance and under-support of patients can be an unintended consequence of a false alarm leading to delays in help-seeking, even years later, if patients notice possible symptoms of the disease again. The review, funded by Cancer Research UK, looked only at adult patients who had a false alarm after raising concerns about their symptoms; the effect of a false alarm might be different in patients who are investigated for suspected cancer following cancer screening. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Cost of Health Care, JAMA, University of Pennsylvania / 13.02.2015

Ezekiel Jonathan Emanuel MD PhD Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy Perelman School of Medicine and Department of Health Care Management The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Interview with: Ezekiel Jonathan Emanuel MD PhD Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy Perelman School of Medicine and Department of Health Care Management The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Editor’s note: Dr. Emanuel is a medical oncologist as well as director of the department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Emanuel was kind enough to answer several questions regarding his most recent study, published in the new JAMA Oncology journal, Patient Demands and Requests for Cancer Tests and Treatments. Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Emanuel: The genesis for this study is twofold. One, the first referenced article, by John Tilbert1 discussed how physicians explain US health care costs. In this study, physicians felt patients, insurance companies, drug companies, government regulations and malpractice lawyers...all were more to blame than doctors themselves for the high cost of US health care. Secondly, I give lots of presentations to doctors who offer two explanations for escalating health care costs: fear of malpractice litigation, and demanding patients, who request extensive testing and drugs. We decided to see whether the impression doctors frequently held of patients’ demands driving up health care costs, had been previously investigated. We could find no article to substantiate this belief. In addition, demanding patients were not common in my medical experience. In our study we included 5050 patient encounters. We asked the clinician coming out of the encounter, did the patient make a demand or request? (By asking immediately after the doctor left the examination room, there was little risk of inaccurate recall of the specifics of visit). In 8.7% there was a patient request and of these, over 70% were deemed clinically appropriate as determined by the physician (i.e. a request for pain medication, palliative care or imaging to address a new symptom or finding). In only 1% of all encounters (50/5050) was a clinically inappropriate request made as determined by the doctor, and the doctors hardly filled any of these inappropriate requests (total of 7 of 5050 encounters). We concluded that it is pretty rare for patients to make demands or requests, at least in this oncology setting, and even less common for the demands to be complied with by the doctor. Therefore it seems unlikely to us that health care costs are significantly driven by inappropriate patient requests. It is possible that there are more or different patient demands in other health care settings but we were very surprised to find no difference in patient requests based on patient-income, i.e. wealthier, more educated patients made no more demands than patients of lesser means. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, JAMA, MD Anderson, Outcomes & Safety / 12.02.2015

Kenneth L. Kehl, MD Division of Cancer Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Interview with: Kenneth L. Kehl, MD Division of Cancer Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Prior studies have demonstrated that most patients with cancer wish to participate in their treatment decisions.  We studied a cohort of patients with lung or colorectal cancer and assessed whether patient involvement in decision-making was associated with perceived quality of care or ratings of physician communication.  We found that patients who described a more shared decision-making process gave higher ratings of their care quality and physician communication.  This effect was independent of patients' stated preferences regarding involvement in decision-making. (more…)
Author Interviews, Genetic Research, Leukemia, NEJM, Personalized Medicine / 11.02.2015

David G. Kent, Ph.D From the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and Wellcome Trust–Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute University of Interview with: David G. Kent, Ph.D From the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and Wellcome Trust–Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute University of Cambridge Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Kent: Cancers are the result of the sequential acquisition of errors in the genetic code.  Most studies have focused on the sum of these mutations (e.g., A+B+C = cancer) but no study in patients has asked the question of whether or not the order of genetic mutations impacts the disease (e.g., does A to AB equal B to BA).  We studied patients with chronic blood disorders (known as myeloproliferative neoplasms, or MPNs) that are precursors to cancer to access the earliest stages of tumour development and studied whether or not the order of mutation acquisition impacted disease.  We studied patients with mutations in two genes (JAK2 and TET2) and showed that the order of acquisition of these mutations impacted timing of clinical presentation, disease subtype, frequency of thrombotic events, and differed in their response to targeted therapy in the lab. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, NEJM, Thyroid / 11.02.2015

Dr. Martin S. Schlumberger MD Department of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrine Oncology Centre de Référence Tumeurs Réfractaires de la Thyroïde Institut Gustave Roussy and University Paris-Sud Villejuif, Interview with: Dr. Martin S. Schlumberger MD Department of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrine Oncology Centre de Référence Tumeurs Réfractaires de la Thyroïde Institut Gustave Roussy and University Paris-Sud Villejuif, France   Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Schlumberger: Patients with advanced refractory thyroid cancer is rare (4-5 patients/million population) but portends a poor prognosis with a median overall survival of 3-5 years from the diagnosis of metastases. Before the availability of kinase inhibitors there was no effective treatment, and for this reason placebo was used as control in SELECT trial. This trial showed an improvement of PFS lenvatinib vs placebo (hazard ratio: 0.21; 99% CI: 0.14–0.31, P<0.001; median PFS: 18.3 vs 3.6 months, respectively) and objective response rate of 65% with some complete responses. Time to response was short (2 months). Similar benefits were observed in naive patients and in patients who had been treated with another tyrosine kinase inhibitor, demonstrating the absence of cross resistance. Toxicity was significant and could be controlled with dose reduction and symptomatic treatment. Medical Research: What should clinicians and patients take away from your report? (more…)
Author Interviews, MD Anderson / 10.02.2015

Dihua Yu, M.D., Ph.D. Hubert L. & Olive Stringer Distinguished Chair in Basic Science Professor and Deputy Chair Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology Co-Director, Center of Biological Pathways The Univ. Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX Interview with: Dihua Yu, M.D., Ph.D. Hubert L. & Olive Stringer Distinguished Chair in Basic Science Professor and Deputy Chair Department of Molecular and Cellular Oncology Co-Director, Center of Biological Pathways The Univ. Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX 77030 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Yu: Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) functions as a tumor suppressor in premalignant cells but may also function as a metastasis promoter in cancer cells. This study aimed to understand how the growth factor makes this switch between tumor suppressor to tumor promoter. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Yu: We reported that 14-3-3ζ overexpression (14-3-3ζ+++) can switch TGF-β’s function from tumor suppressor to metastasis promoter by changing Smad partners. Specifically, 14-3-3ζ+++ led to destabilization of p53, a Smad determinant in pre-malignant cells, thus disrupting p53/Smad complex, and consequently inhibiting TGF-β-induced p21 expression and cytostatic function in non-malignant human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs). On the contrary, 14-3-3ζ+++ stabilized Gli2, a Smad partner in cancer cells, and Gli2 complexed with Smads to promote TGF-β-induced parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) expression, which enhanced breast cancer bone metastasis. Remarkably, both transcriptomic analyses and clinical pathology data indicated that 14-3-3ζ+++ is associated with the loss of TGF-β’s tumor suppressor function and the gain of its metastasis promoter function by changing contextual partners of Smads. Taken together, we have identified 14-3-3ζ as a novel molecular switch of TGF-β’s function by altering Smad partners from p53 in pre-malignant cells to Gli2 in cancer cells. The study provided important answers to the long-standing questions of how and when TGF-β switches its functional roles from a tumor suppressor to a metastasis promoter. The findings established a scientific base for a new strategy of selectively targeting TGF-β signaling in cancer by inhibiting the cancer-specific Smad partner without blocking TGF-β’s tumor suppressor function in normal tissues. (more…)
Author Interviews, Breast Cancer, NYU / 05.02.2015

Agnel Sfeir PhD Assistant Professor  Skirball Institute - NYU  New York, NY Interview with: Agnel Sfeir PhD Assistant Professor  Skirball Institute - NYU New York, NY 10016 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Sfeir: The main finding of this study, published in the journal Nature, is that inhibiting the action of a particular enzyme dramatically slows the growth of tumor cells tied to BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations which, in turn, are closely tied to breast and ovarian cancers. This discovery about the enzyme — called polymerase theta, or PolQ — resulted from efforts to answer a fundamental biological question: How do cells prevent the telomere ends of linear chromosomes, which house our genetic material, from sticking together? Cell DNA repair mechanisms can stitch together telomeres broken as part of cell metabolism. But such fusions, the researchers say, compromise normal cell growth and survival. In the purest biological sense, our findings (in experiments in mice and human cells) show how this particular enzyme, which we know is active in several tumors, promotes unwanted telomere fusions by inserting whole segments of DNA via a disruptive DNA repair pathway termed alt-NHEJ. It was quite remarkable to find that by blocking PolQ action, cancer cell growth was cut by more than half. Additional experiments confirmed that PolQ is needed to activate the alt-NHEJ pathway of DNA repair. Unlike the main, error-free pathway — or HDR pathway — the alt-NHEJ pathway does not use a related chromosome’s genetic material as a template to meticulously correct any damaged genetic material. As such, alt-NHEJ is highly likely to leave coding mistakes. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Pediatrics / 02.02.2015 Interview with: Kate A O’Neill Department of Paediatrics University of Oxford Children’s Hospital John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford UK What is the background for this study? Dr. O'Neill: Cancer affects around 1 in 500 children under the age of 15. Although the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases have seen major advances over the past few decades, survivors often experience health complications later in life, and cancer remains the main cause of disease related death in children in the developed world. The identification of risk factors for a number of adult cancers has allowed awareness and screening campaigns aimed at preventing disease. For the majority of childhood cancers, however, we still do not know what causes them, and so similar preventative measures are at present not possible. Incidence rates for many childhood cancers peak within the first few years of life, suggesting that the causative events occur early. For childhood leukaemia, it has even been shown that pre-malignant cells are already present at birth, indicating the disease may originate in utero. Studies exploring potential prenatal risk factors for childhood leukaemia have consistently found that children with the disease have higher birthweights than children who do not, and it is now widely accepted that the faster a foetus grows, the higher the risk of developing leukaemia in childhood. Leukaemia is the most common childhood cancer, accounting for approximately one third of all cases. Other childhood cancers are rarer, and it is consequently harder to perform similar risk association studies. The aim of this study was to compile information on large enough numbers of cases and controls to allow the analysis of risk associations between birthweight and all types of childhood cancer. Furthermore, we compiled data in different countries (USA and UK) to allow the comparison of results from two independent populations. What are the main findings? Dr. O'Neill: We found that with each 0.5kg (1.1lb) increase in birthweight, the risk of childhood cancer increased by 6%. Compared to babies with average birthweights (3-3.49kg, or 6.6lb -7.7lb), babies with clinically high birthweights (4kg, or 8.8lb, and above) had an increased risk of between 16% and 20%. These increased risks were strongest for certain cancers:
  • Leukaemias
  • Tumours of the central nervous system
  • Renal tumours
  • Soft tissue sarcoma
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Lymphoma
  • Germ cell tumours
  • Malignant melanomas
Hepatic tumours showed the reverse association, with risk increasing as birthweight decreased. Retinoblastoma, an embryonal tumour, and malignant bone tumours, which occur predominantly in adolescents, did not associate with birthweight. Our results were strikingly similar between USA and UK populations. Furthermore, birthweight appeared act independently of other factors that are known or suspected to associate with birthweight and/or childhood cancer (gestational age, birth order, plurality, maternal age and race/ethnicity). In summary, we found that approximately half of all childhood cancers are associated with birthweight. The association with a diversity of otherwise unrelated cancers indicates that in utero tissue growth and development has an underlying and potentially key role in the development of malignancy in childhood. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Psychological Science / 31.01.2015

Miss Charlotte Vrinten, MSc, BA, BSc Research psychologist Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Research Centre Department of Epidemiology and Public Health University College Interview with: Miss Charlotte Vrinten, MSc, BA, BSc Research psychologist Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Research Centre Department of Epidemiology and Public Health University College London Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Many people are afraid of getting cancer, but fear doesn’t have the same effect on everyone.  For some people, cancer fear motivates them to get checked up, for others it puts them off finding out whether they have cancer.  No-one before has worked out why fear might have such opposite effects.  We hypothesized that it might be due to how people experience fear, because some fearful people tend to worry a lot about cancer, while others feel physically uncomfortable thinking about it.  In our study, instead of using a combined measure of cancer fear as is often done, we distinguished these different aspects of fear to see whether they had different effects on people’s decisions about cancer screening.  We found that the effect of cancer fear depended on the type of fear: worriers were more likely to want to get screened for colon cancer, but those who felt uncomfortable thinking about cancer were 12% less likely to go for the test. Twelve percent may not seem like a lot, but given that tens of thousands of people are eligible for this type of screening, it means a big difference in the number of people actually having the test. (more…)
Author Interviews, Breast Cancer, Scripps / 25.01.2015

Dr. Patrick Griffin PhD Professor and Chairman Department of Molecular Therapeutics Director of the Translational Research Institute Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, Interview with: Dr. Patrick Griffin PhD Professor and Chairman Department of Molecular Therapeutics Director of the Translational Research Institute Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, Florida What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Griffin: We identified a novel synthetic compound known as SR1848 that sharply inhibits the activity and expression of “liver receptor homolog-1” or LRH-1, a protein that plays an important role in the progression of breast and pancreatic cancers. Our new study shows that SR1848 removes LRH1 from DNA, shutting down expression of LRH-1 target genes, and halts cell proliferation. It’s a novel compound that appears to be a promising chemical scaffold for fighting tumors that are non-responsive to standard therapies. (more…)
Author Interviews, Brigham & Women's - Harvard, Cancer Research, Science / 19.01.2015

Lee Zou, Ph.D. Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School The Jim & Ann Orr MGH Research Scholar  Associate Scientific Director, MGH Cancer Interview with: Lee Zou, Ph.D. Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School The Jim & Ann Orr MGH Research Scholar Associate Scientific Director, MGH Cancer Center Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Lee Zou: Cancer cells must rely on telomerase or the alternative lengthening of telomere (ALT) pathway to maintain telomeres and bypass replicative senescence. The ALT pathway is active in about 10-15% of human cancers, and it is particularly prevalent in specific cancer types, such as osteosarcoma, glioblastoma, and neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors. ALT is a recombination-mediated process. Whether the reliance of cancer cells on  alternative lengthening of telomere can be exploited therapeutically was not known. In our study, we discovered that the ATR kinase is a key regulator of alternative lengthening of telomere. We found that ATR inhibitors disrupt ALT effectively. Furthermore, we found that ATR inhibitors selectively kill ALT-positive cancer cells in a panel of caner cell lines. These findings have suggested the first rational therapeutic strategy for the treatment of ALT-positive cancer. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Dermatology / 13.01.2015 Interview with : Cédric Blanpain, MD, PhD Professor of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology WELBIO, Interdisciplinary Research Institute (IRIBHM) Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium : What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Blanpain: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) represents the second most frequent skin cancer with more than half million new patients affected every year in the world. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a population of cancer cells that have been described in many different cancers including skin SCCs and that feed tumor growth. These cells could be resistant to therapy thus being responsible for tumor relapse after therapy. However, still very little is known about the mechanisms that regulate Cancer stem cells functions. In a new study published and making the cover of Cell Stem Cell, researchers led by Pr. Cédric Blanpain, MD/PhD, professor and WELBIO investigator at the IRIBHM, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, report the mechanisms regulating the different functions of Twist1 controlling skin tumour initiation, cancer stem cell function and tumor progression. Benjamin Beck and colleagues used state of the art genetic mouse models to dissect, the functional role and molecular mechanisms by which Twist1 controls tumor initiation, cancer stem cell function and tumor progression. In collaboration with Dr Sandrine Rorive and Pr Isabelle Salmon from the department of Pathology at the Erasme Hospital, ULB and the group of Jean-Christophe Marine (VIB, KUL Leuven), they demonstrated that while Twist1 is not expressed in the normal skin, Twist1 deletion prevents skin cancer formation demonstrating the essential role of Twist1 during tumorigenesis. The authors demonstrate that different levels of Twist1 are necessary for tumor initiation and progression. Low level of Twist1 is required for the initiation of benign tumors, while higher level of Twist1 is necessary for tumor progression. They also demonstrate that Twist1 is essential for tumor maintenance and the regulation of cancer stem cell function. The researchers also uncovered that the different functions of Twist1 are regulated by different molecular mechanisms, and identified a p53 independent role of Twist1 in regulating cancer stem cell functions. (more…)