Author Interviews, BMJ, Hospital Readmissions / 21.11.2013
Hospital Readmissions: Best US Hospitals Reduce Globally Interview with:
Kumar Dharmarajan MD MBA
Fellow in Cardiovascular Medicine
Columbia University Medical Center What were the main findings of the study
Dr. Dharmarajan: In the United States, 1 in 5 older patients is readmitted to the
hospital within 30 days of hospital discharge. However, there is great
variation in rates of 30-day readmission across hospitals, and we do
not know why some hospitals are able to achieve much lower readmission
rates than others.
We therefore wondered whether top performing hospitals with low 30-day
readmission rates are systematically better at preventing readmissions
from particular conditions or time periods after discharge. For
example, are hospitals with low 30-day readmission rates after
hospitalization for heart failure especially good at preventing
readmissions due to recurrent heart failure or possible complications
of treatment? Similarly, are top performing hospitals especially good
at preventing readmissions that occur very soon after discharge, which
may signify poor transitional care as the patient moves form the
hospital back home?