Author Interviews, Cost of Health Care, Heart Disease / 19.08.2016
Outpatient Diuretic Protocol Can Keep Some Heart Failure Patients Out of Hospital Interview with:
Leo F. Buckley, PharmD
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia What is the background for this study?
Response: As the prevalence and costs of heart failure are expected to increase through the year 2030, significant efforts have been devoted towards devising alternatives to inpatient hospitalization for the management of heart failure decompensations. Since loop diuretics are the mainstay of treatment during the majority of hospitalizations, administration of high doses of loop diuretics in the outpatient setting has increased in popularity.
We intended to answer two questions with his study: first, can a patient-specific dosing protocol based on a patient’s usual diuretic dose achieve safe decongestion? and second, does this strategy alter the usual course of heart failure decompensation, which oftentimes culminates in inpatient hospitalization?