Author Interviews, BMJ, Cancer Research, MD Anderson / 01.02.2018
Chronic Disease Linked To Increased Risk of Cancer and Cancer Death Interview with:
Xifeng Wu MD PhD
Prevention and Population Sciences
MD Anderson Center What is the background for this study?
Response: Previous studies have shown that certain chronic diseases may predispose to cancer. These studies generally assessed chronic diseases or disease markers individually. As chronic diseases are typically clustered, it is necessary to study them simultaneously to elucidate their independent and joint impact on cancer risk. Therefore, we investigated the independent and joint effect of several common chronic diseases or disease markers on cancer and life span in a large prospective cohort. Also, we compared the contribution of chronic diseases or disease markers to cancer risk with that of lifestyle factors. We further assessed whether physical activity could attenuate the cancer risk associated with chronic diseases or disease markers. We hope the results of this study can contribute to evidence-based recommendations for future cancer prevention strategies.