Author Interviews, Heart Disease, Mediterranean Diet, Nutrition / 10.05.2015
PREDIMED Study Demonstrates Heart Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Interview with:
Miguel Á. Martínez-González, MD, MPH, PhD
Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health
School of Medicine, University of Navarra
Navarra, Spain
Medical Research: What are the main findings?
Response: The diet-heart hypothesis has been researched during decades. A common mistake was to assume that a high intake of all types of fat was detrimental for cardiovascular health and could cause heart attacks and strokes. Therefore a low-fat diet was proposed as the best way to prevent heart attacks and strokes. This was wrong.
Alternatively, the Mediterranean diet, rich in fat from natural vegetable sources (olive oil, tree nuts), was also considered a healthy dietary pattern.
However, most of the evidence to support these benefits of a fat-rich Mediterranean diet came from observational studies and no randomized clinical trial had ever assessed the Mediterranean diet in PRIMARY prevention (i.e. in initially healthy people) (more…)