Author Interviews, Heart Disease, Kidney Disease / 12.05.2015
Dexamethasone May Limit Kidney Failure After Heart Surgery Interview with:
Kirolos A. Jacob, MD, MSc PhD Candidate
Division Vital Functions, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Intensive Care Medicine
University Medical Center Utrecht
Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Dr. Jacob: Heart surgery carries many risks for a patient undergoing such a procedure. One of the most devastating complications following open heart surgery is kidney failure requiring dialysis. Most of these patients who develop kidney failure requiring dialysis after surgery have some form of chronic kidney disease before the operation, which placed them at especially high risk. Approximately one out of every 100 patients undergoing open heart surgery develops severe kidney failure. When such kidney failure occurs, the patient has more than 40% chance of dying. 1% sounds like a small percentage, however given the fact that each year, over half a million people undergo heart surgery in the USA alone, this means that an estimated 5,000 patients develop renal failure and of those about 2,500 die as a result of this complication. This figure is rising yearly as more and more patients are being operated due to the aging population. Also, this elderly population has often significant pre-existing kidney disease, further increasing the incidence of kidney failure after a heart operation.
Thus, treatment strategies are needed for this relatively small yet very important and expanding group of patients. Heart surgery initiates an inflammatory reaction across the human body due to the surgical trauma and the heart-lung machine. This systemic immune system reaction is thought to play a vital role in the development of kidney injury after heart surgery.
Our study investigated the effects of dexamethasone, a strong anti-inflammatory drug, on severe kidney injury after heart surgery. Severe kidney injury was defined as the use of dialysis during the hospital stay after surgery. We discovered that patients who receive the drug used 56% less frequently kidney dialysis, when compared to those receiving a placebo. Thus patients who did not receive the drug had about 2.5x higher risk for developing kidney failure when compared to those receiving dexamethasone. The beneficial effects of dexamethasone were particularly present in those who already had pre-existing kidney disease before heart surgery. This reinforces the fact that this drug could be of major importance for the increasing elderly population with pre-existing kidney disease undergoing a heart operation. (more…)