Author Interviews, Cost of Health Care, JAMA / 25.07.2016
Patients Switch to Lower-Priced Labs If Required To Pay Out-of-Pocket Difference Interview with:
James C. Robinson PhD
Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Economics
Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology
Division Head, Health Policy and Management
University of California
School of Public Health
Berkeley, CA What is the background for this study?
Response: To moderate the increase in insurance premiums, employers are increasing consumer cost sharing requirements. Under reference pricing, the employer establishes a limit to what it will contribute towards each service or product, typically set at the 60th percentile or other midpoint in the distribution of prices in the market. If the patient selects a facility charging less than or equal to this contribution, he/she receives full coverage, but if a more expensive facility is chosen, the patient must pay the full difference.