Author Interviews, CDC, HIV, Sexual Health / 06.08.2015

Adaora Adimora, MD, MPH Chair of the HIV Medicine Association Professor of Medicine School of Medicine University of North Carolina, Chapel Interview with: Adaora Adimora, MD, MPH Chair of the HIV Medicine Association Professor of Medicine School of Medicine University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. MedicalResearch: What is the current scope of the HIV epidemic? Dr. Adimora: The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 1.2 million people living with HIV in the U.S. Nearly 13% are undiagnosed and unaware of their status. Men who have sex with men represented 54% of all people living with HIV in 2011. While new infection rates are stable, a majority of new infections (63%) are occurring among men who have sex with men. We have seen alarming increases among young black men who have sex with men who account for 55% of new infections among men who have sex with men. New infections among women have decreased slightly but black and Hispanic/Latina women represent 62% and 17% of new infections respectively among women.[i] While there have been decreases in new HIV infections among people who inject drugs in recent years, the serious outbreak largely among injection drug users in Scott County, Indiana identified this past spring[ii] puts us on high alert to improve access to preventive services and substance use treatment, including access to sterile syringes and equipment. My responses will generally focus on the U.S. epidemic but want to acknowledge that globally an estimated 36.9 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2014 with just 51% of them being diagnosed and more than 34 million deaths were attributed to HIV-related causes.[iii] (more…)
Author Interviews, Herpes Viruses, HIV, NEJM / 06.08.2015

Dr. Salim Abdool Karim at CAPRISA Doris Duke Medical Research Institute South Interview with: Dr. Salim Abdool Karim at CAPRISA Doris Duke Medical Research Institute South Africa Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Globally, Herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) is among the most common sexually transmitted infections and is the leading cause of genital ulcers. Available global estimates indicate that approximately 417 million sexually active adults between the ages of 15 and 49 years had an existing prevalent HSV-2 infection in 2012. Current interventions to prevent HSV-2 infection, including condoms, circumcision, and antiviral treatment among heterosexual, HSV-2-discordant couples, have demonstrated protection levels ranging from 6% to 48%. This study showed that peri-coital tenofovir gel reduced HSV-2 acquisition in women by 51%, rising to 71% in high gel-users. (more…)
Author Interviews, Hip Fractures, JAMA, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Vitamin D / 05.08.2015 Interview with: Karen E. Hansen, M.D., M.S. Associate Professor of Medicine University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Madison, WI 53705-2281 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Hansen: The USPTF says to older community dwelling adults, "don't bother taking vitamin D", the Endocrine Society says "take 2,000-4,000 IU daily" and the Institute of Medicine gave an RDA of 600-800 IU daily. The Endocrine Society argues that optimal vitamin D levels are 30 ng/mL and higher, while the Institute of Medicine concludes that 20 ng/mL and higher indicates optimal vitamin D status. The disagreement between experts prompted my study. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Hansen: Among postmenopausal women whose vitamin D level was ~21 ng/mL at baseline, there was no benefit of high-dose or low-dose vitamin D, compared to placebo, on spine/hip/total body bone mineral density, muscle fitness by 5 sit to stand test or Timed Up and Go, or falls. We did see a small 1% increase in calcium absorption in the high-dose vitamin arm, but this small increase did not translate into clinically meaningful changes in bone density or muscle tests. (more…)
Aging, Author Interviews, BMJ, Exercise - Fitness / 05.08.2015

Dr David Hupin CHU Saint-Etienne, Hôpital Nord Service de Physiologie Clinique et de l'Exercice, Centre VISAS Cedex 2, Interview with: Dr David Hupin CHU Saint-Etienne, Hôpital Nord Service de Physiologie Clinique et de l'Exercice, Centre VISAS Cedex 2, France Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Hupin: Today, over 95% of the world’s population has health problems, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study published recently in The Lancet. The proportion of healthy years lost due to disease rapidly increased with age. There is no medical treatment that can influence as many diseases in a positive manner as can physical activity. It is well established that regular physical activity is an efficient strategy for successful aging. The 2008 Physical Activity guidelines for Americans recommend a minimum of 150 min of moderate-intensity (>3 MET) or 75 min of vigorous-intensity (≥6 MET) physical activity per week or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA). A Metabolic Equivalent or MET is a unit useful for describing the energy expenditure of a specific physical activity. However, less than 50% of older adults are able to achieve the current recommendations of physical activity. Thus, the prescription of physical activity for older adults needs to be clarified, i.e., what "dose" of physical activity is required. Medical Research: What is the design of your study? Dr. Hupin: Within the dynamic Department of Clinical and Exercise Physiology of University Hospital of St-Etienne, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. Out of at total of 835 relevant studies, nine were suitable for analysis. These involved a total of 122, 417 participants, monitored for an average of around 10 years, during which time 18,122 died. (more…)
Author Interviews, JAMA, PTSD / 05.08.2015

Melissa A. Polusny, PhD, LP Staff Psychologist/Clinician Investigator Core Investigator, Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School Minneapolis VA Health Care System (B68-2) One Veterans Drive Minneapolis, MN Interview with: Melissa A. Polusny, PhD, LP Staff Psychologist/Clinician Investigator Core Investigator, Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School Minneapolis VA Health Care System One Veterans Drive Minneapolis, MN 5541 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Polusny: VA has invested heavily in the dissemination of prolonged exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy as first-line treatments for PTSD; however, 30% to 50% of Veterans do not show clinically significant improvements and dropout rates are high. Evidence suggests that mindfulness-based stress reduction – an intervention that teaches individuals to attend to the present moment in a non-judgmental, accepting manner – can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. This randomized clinical trial compared mindfulness-based stress reduction with present-centered group therapy – sessions focused on current life problems. We randomly assigned 116 Veterans with PTSD to receive nine sessions of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy (n=58) or nine sessions of present-centered group therapy (n=58). Outcomes were assessed before, during and after treatment, and at two-month follow-up. Exclusion criteria included: substance dependence (except nicotine), psychotic disorder, suicidal or homicidal ideation, and/or cognitive impairment or medical illness that could interfere with treatment. The primary outcome was a change in self-reported PTSD symptom severity over time. Secondary outcomes included interview-rated PTSD severity scores, self-reported depression symptoms, quality of life, and mindfulness skills. Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy – compared with present-centered group therapy – resulted in a greater decrease in self-reported PTSD symptom severity. Veterans in the mindfulness-based stress reduction group were more likely to show clinically significant improvement in self-reported PTSD symptom severity (49% vs. 28%) at two-month follow-up, but they were no more likely to have loss of PTSD diagnosis (53% vs. 47%). Veterans participating in mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy reported greater improvement in quality of life and depressive symptoms than those in present-centered group therapy; however improvement in depressive symptoms scores did not reach the level of significance. Improvements in quality of life made during treatment were maintained at 2-month follow-up for Veterans in the mindfulness-based stress reduction group, but reports of quality of life returned to baseline levels for those in present-centered group therapy. The dropout rate observed for mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy (22%) in this study was lower than dropout rates reported in previous studies for PE (28.1% to 44%) and CPT (26.8% to 35%). (more…)
Author Interviews, Heart Disease, Medicare, Outcomes & Safety / 05.08.2015 Interview with: Philip G. Cotterill PhD Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Baltimore, MD Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Cotterill: Chest pain is one of those elusive complaints where patients can seem initially low-risk based on symptoms or risk factors, and subsequently have an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or die in a short period of time. Using combinations of history and physical examination findings to discriminate patients with serious causes of chest pain is often not possible. In our study, we demonstrated wide variation in the decision to hospitalize Medicare beneficiaries with chest pain – nearly two fold between the lowest (38%) and highest (81%) quintile of hospitals – and that patients treated in hospitals with higher admission rates for chest pain are less likely to have an acute myocardial infarction within 30-days of the index event and less likely to die. While the findings were statistically significant – differences in outcomes were small: 4 fewer AMIs and 3 fewer deaths per 1,000 patients comparing the highest and lowest admission quintiles. Stated differently, these numbers suggest that if low admitting hospitals were to behave more like high admitting hospitals, 250 patients would need to be admitted to prevent one AMI and 333 cases to prevent one death. (more…)
Accidents & Violence, Author Interviews, CDC, JAMA, Primary Care / 05.08.2015

Joanne Klevens, MD, PhD Division of Violence Prevention US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, Interview with: Joanne Klevens, MD, PhD Division of Violence Prevention US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, Georgia Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Klevens: The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends women of reproductive age be screened for partner violence but others, such as the World Health Organization and the Cochrane Collaborative conclude there is insufficient evidence for this recommendation. Our randomized clinical trial allocated 2700 women seeking care in outpatient clinics to 1 of 3 study groups: computerized partner violence screening and provision of local resource list, universal provision of partner violence resource list without screening, or a no-screen/no resource list control group.  No differences were found in women’s quality of life, days lost from work or housework, use of health care and partner violence services, or the recurrence of partner violence after 1 year. In this three-year follow-up, no differences were found in the average number of hospitalizations, emergency room visits or ambulatory care visits. (more…)
Author Interviews / 04.08.2015 Interview with: Elina Einiö PhD Postdoctoral Researcher Population Research Unit, Department of Social Research University of Helsinki Finland Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Response: Some previous studies have shown that young fatherhood is associated with poorer health and higher later-life mortality. It was unclear whether the association is credible, in the sense that mortality and young fatherhood just appear to be associated because both are determined by family related social and genetic characteristics. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Response: Men who had their first child before age 22 or at ages 22-24 had a higher risk of dying early in middle age than their brothers who had their first child at the average age of 25-26 years. These findings suggest a causal effect of young fatherhood on midlife mortality. (more…)
Author Interviews, Inflammation, Lipids, University of Pennsylvania / 04.08.2015

Carsten C. Skarke MD Research Assistant Professor of Medicine McNeil Fellow in Translational Medicine Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics Perelman School of Medicine University of Interview with: Carsten C. Skarke MD Research Assistant Professor of Medicine McNeil Fellow in Translational Medicine Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Skarke: A growing body of publications suggests anti-inflammatory actions of fish oils. These health benefits are proposed to emerge from lipids called specialized pro-resolving mediators, (SPMs), which can be formed from omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish. A limitation to date, though, in this field is that there is little evidence of their formation in humans. And the cases where presence of these lipids is reported in humans, less rigorous analytical approaches, such as enzyme immunoassay (EIA), radioimmunoassay (RIA) or mass spectrometry without internal authentic standards, have been used. Thus, the specific aim for our study was to use state-of-the-art mass spectrometry to identify and quantify these specialized pro-resolving mediators. Several aspects of our study design set us apart from what was done in previous studies.
  • First, we biased our ability to detect SPMs formed in healthy volunteers by giving fish oil in high doses which had been previously shown to influence blood pressure and platelet aggregation under placebo-controlled conditions.
  • Second, we also looked at lower doses of fish oil, those more commonly consumed by the general public, for the formation of SPMs during an acute inflammatory response and its resolution.
  • Third, we relied in our measurements of SPMs on authentic internal standards. These deuterated lipids, d4-resolvin E1 for example, facilitate distinct identification of the naturally formed lipid.
  • And fourth, we achieved very low limit of detection levels, below 10 pg/ml for resolvin E1, for example.
The surprising finding of our studies is that we failed to detect a consistent signal of SPM formation in urine or plasma of healthy volunteers who had taken fish oil. Even more surprising was that we found no alteration in the formation of SPMs during the resolution of inflammation. These results let us question the relevance of endogenous specialized pro-resolving mediators to the putative anti-inflammatory effects of fish oils in humans. (more…)
Author Interviews, Blood Pressure - Hypertension, Heart Disease / 02.08.2015 Interview with: Prof. Sante D. Pierdomenico Associate Professor of Internal Medicine University "Gabriele d'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara - Italy Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Pierdomenico: Though a peak incidence of cardiovascular events in the morning has been observed, the independent prognostic value of morning surge (MS) of blood pressure (BP) is not yet clear. We investigated the association between morning surge of systolic blood pressure and risk of coronary events in elderly treated hypertensive patients. Subjects were divided according to tertiles of MS of systolic blood pressure of the population as a whole, by dipping status (nondippers are at increased risk than dippers) and by group-specific tertiles of morning surge of systolic blood pressure in dippers and nondippers because these groups have different MS of blood pressure. In elderly treated hypertensive patients, high MS of systolic BP predicts coronary events in dippers but not in nondippers. Nondippers, however, show higher risk of coronary events independently of morning surge in systolic blood pressure. Medical Research: What should clinicians and patients take away from your report? Dr. Pierdomenico: Blood pressure should be better controlled after awakening in dippers with high morning surge and during the night in nondippers in order to better prevent cardiovascular events. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Genetic Research / 02.08.2015

Christos Nikolaidis Ph.D. Laboratory of Pharmacology Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace Dragana, Alexandroupolis Interview with: Christos Nikolaidis Ph.D. Laboratory of Pharmacology Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace Dragana, Alexandroupolis Greece Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Response: Epigenetic changes are part of the natural history of cervical neoplasia. Tracking these changes at the molecular level is necessary for understanding disease progression, response to treatment and prognosis. Epigenetic biomarkers can potentially assess the stage of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). This information can be used for screening purposes, to improve the overall quality of cervical cancer diagnostics. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Response: Paired boxed 1 (PAX1) gene methylation status has been widely used as a biomarker for cervical cancer screening.  We have conducted a meta-analysis of the diagnostic test accuracy of PAX1 methylation, on moderate cervical dysplasia or worse (CIN2+) versus normal epithelium, and severe cervical dysplasia or worse (CIN3+) versus normal epithelium, for a total population of 1385 women. The results of this assay were generally satisfactory for CIN2+ vs normal, and extremely satisfactory for CIN3+ vs normal (Sensitivity=0.77, Specificity=0.92, AUC=0.931). This raises the possibility of utilizing this biomarker to improve current diagnostic protocols. (more…)
Author Interviews, Genetic Research / 01.08.2015

Dr. Rosalind Arden Centre for Philosophy of Natural & Social Science London School of Economics Interview with: Dr. Rosalind Arden Centre for Philosophy of Natural & Social Science London School of Economics London MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Arden: We've known for a while that people who score higher on IQ-type tests tend to live longer. A study published in the British Medical Journal (Whalley & Deary, 2001) examined intelligence in childhood and later survival. People born in Scotland in 1921 took an IQ-type test at age 11 in 1932. Those with higher test scores were more likely to survive to age 76. What we haven't known is 'why?' One possibility is that advantages from being raised in a wealthier family may enhance intelligence and health - leading to brighter people living longer. Another possibility is that many genes that influence brains also influence bodies. If well-built brains co-occur with well-built bodies, that could also explain the link. These are only two of several possible explanations. We aimed to test whether genes caused the link between intelligence and life-expectancy. We found 1) the link between intelligence and life expectancy is positive but small. 2) The cause of the link is almost all genetic. We found this by examining differences within twin pairs. Twins offer a quasi-natural experiment because they share many features of the environment that are often thought (mistakenly) to cause differences between people. And marvelously, for science there are two kinds of twins, with known genetic relatedness (100 % or 50%). This give us a means to test questions about the cause of differences in a population, as well as the causes of correlations among traits within a population. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, End of Life Care, Lancet, Leukemia / 01.08.2015

Prof David C Currow Discipline of Palliative and Supportive Services Flinders University Adelaide, SA, Interview with: Prof David C Currow Discipline of Palliative and Supportive Services Flinders University Adelaide, SA, Australia Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Prof. Currow: This study grew out of a desire to better understand the symptom burden experienced by people with hematological malignancies at the end of life. This has been very poorly documented and although there are lots of strong opinions, there are very few data at a population level. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Prof. Currow: The main finding is that community-dwelling people with hematological malignancies at the end of life have a burden of symptoms that looked almost identical to people with solid tumours. Given much lower rates of access to the hospice and palliative care, this suggests that these people and their family caregivers are missing out on opportunities for better symptom control and better support. (more…)
Author Interviews, HIV, PLoS, UC Davis / 31.07.2015

Dr. Satya Dandekar PhD Professor and Chair Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology UC Interview with: Dr. Satya Dandekar PhD Professor and Chair Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology UC Davis Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Dandekar: Current anti-retroviral therapy is effective in suppressing HIV replication and enhancing immune functions in HIV infected individuals. However, it fails to eradicate the latent HIV reservoirs. Therapy interruption leads to a rapid viral rebound in these patients.  Eradication of latent HIV reservoirs is essential to achieve HIV cure. A “shock and kill” strategy for HIV cure has been proposed that involves reactivation of latent viral reservoirs using latency reversal agents (LRA) and eradication by the immune response. This highlights the need to identify potent LRAs to optimally activate latent HIV reservoirs so that immune surveillance and clearance mechanisms can be effectively engaged in the process of viral eradication. We have found that ingenol-3-angelate (PEP005), an anti-cancer drug can effectively reactivate latent HIV. It is a protein kinase C agonist that activates NF-kB and stimulates HIV expression. In combination with another compound, JQ1, a previously known p-TEFb agonist, the efficacy of PEP005 for HIV reactivation is markedly increased. In addition, ingenol-3-angelate decreases the expression of HIV co-receptors on immune cells, which potentially will help preventing further spread of the virus. The use of ingenol-3-angelate in combination with other latency reversal agents provides an excellent opportunity to optimally activate latent HIV reservoirs and target them for eradication. (more…)
Addiction, Author Interviews, Inflammation / 31.07.2015

Prof. Igor Yakymenko Laboratory of Biophysics, Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology NAS of Interview with: Prof. Igor Yakymenko Laboratory of Biophysics, Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology NAS of Ukraine Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Prof. Yakymenko: We know a lot about both health effects and metabolic effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) today, including mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. For example, epidemiological studies over the world indicate that 5 years of cell phone use 20 min per day increase risk of acoustic neuroma 3 times. Or, for example, 4 years of cell phone use 1 hour or more per day increase risk of some kinds of brain tumors, including glioma, 3-5 times. But it was not understandable the primary mechanisms of such effects. In our study we had analyzed about 100 recent studies on metabolic effects of radiofrequency radiation, including our own experimental data, and demonstrated that oxidative/free radical effects are mandatory feature of RFR exposure of living cells. Moreover, the chronic radiofrequency radiation exposure can produce chronic oxidative stress in living cells as a first step for possible development of bulk of hazardous health effects. (more…)
Author Interviews, Biomarkers, Brain Injury / 31.07.2015

Dr. Heinrich Thaler Trauma Hospital Meidling Vienna Interview with: Dr. Heinrich Thaler Trauma Hospital Meidling Vienna Austria Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Thaler:  An increased prevalence of minor head injuries in elderly patients combined with the frequent use of platelet aggregation inhibitors resulted in increased hospital admissions and cranial computed tomography. We undertook the study with the aim to reduce the workload of medical staff and costs as well as the radiation burden in the management of patients with mild head injuries. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Thaler:  S 100B is a reliable negative predictor in elderly patients and/or in patients on platelet aggregation inhibitors to rule out an intracranial hemorrhage after minor head injury (S100B is an astroglial derived protein detectable in serum in the case of cerebral tissue damage). The negative predictive value of S100B is 99,6%. We conclude that S100B levels below 0.105 µg/L can accurately predict a normal cranial computed tomography after minor head injury in older patients and those on antiplatelet medication. Additionally we found no increased risk for intracranial hemorrhage in older patients or in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy. (more…)
Alzheimer's - Dementia, Author Interviews, Diabetes, JAMA, Nutrition / 31.07.2015

Auriel A. Willette, M.S., Ph.D. Food Science and Human Nutrition Neuroscience Interdepartmental Graduate Program Gerontology Interdepartmental Graduate Program Iowa State University, Interview with: Auriel A. Willette, M.S., Ph.D. Food Science and Human Nutrition Neuroscience Interdepartmental Graduate Program Gerontology Interdepartmental Graduate Program Iowa State University, Ames Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Obesity is a major health concern around the world. Obesity causes insulin resistance, defined in this case as the inability of insulin to bind to its receptor and mediate glucose metabolism. Other researchers and I have recently found that higher insulin resistance is associated with less glucose metabolism in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. This relationship is found primarily in medial temporal lobe, an area necessary for generating new memories of facts and events. This is important because Alzheimer's disease is characterized by progressive decreases in glucose metabolism over time, and partly drives worse memory performance. Insulin resistance in midlife also increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. We wanted to determine if insulin resistance is linked to similar effects in cognitively normal, late middle-aged participants decades before Alzheimer's disease typically occurs. If so, insulin resistance might be an important biological marker to track from middle-age onwards. Thus, we examined the association between insulin resistance, regional glucose metabolism using FDG-PET, and memory function in 150 middle-aged participants, many of whom had a mother or father with Alzheimer's disease. We found that higher insulin resistance was strongly associated with less glucose metabolism throughout many brain regions, predominantly in areas that are affected by Alzheimer's disease. The strongest statistical effects were found in left medial temporal lobe, which again is important for generating new memories. This relationship, in turn, predicted worse memory performance, both immediately after learning a list of words and a 20-minute delay thereafter. The take-home message is that insulin resistance has an Alzheimer's-like association with glucose metabolism in middle-aged, cognitively normal people at risk for Alzheimer's, an association which is related to worse memory. (more…)
AHA Journals, Author Interviews, Blood Pressure - Hypertension, Salt-Sodium / 31.07.2015 Interview with: Tomonori Sugiura, MD, PhD Department of Cardio‐Renal Medicine and Hypertension Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences Nagoya  Japan Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Sugiura: Although there is a close relationship between dietary sodium and hypertension, the concept that individuals with relatively high dietary sodium are at increased risk of developing hypertension compared to those with relatively low dietary sodium, has not been intensively studied in a cohort. Therefore, the present observational study was designed to investigate whether individual levels of dietary sodium critically affect future increases in blood pressure in the general population. The main findings of this study were that a relatively high level of dietary sodium intake and also a gradual increase in dietary sodium, estimated by urinary sodium excretion, are associated with a future increase in blood pressure and the incidence of hypertension in the general population. (more…)
Author Interviews, Heart Disease, JACC, Johns Hopkins / 31.07.2015

Alan Cheng, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS Associate Professor of Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatrics Director, Arrhythmia Device Service Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, MD Interview with: Alan Cheng, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics Director, Arrhythmia Device Service Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, MD Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Cheng: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) has been the most common way in which people in the United States die. While it's hard to accurately identify who is a higher risk for SCD, we have learned from a number of studies over the past 30-40 years that people with significant reductions in their heart function (measured as the ejection fraction (EF)) is one group of individuals at high risk for Sudden cardiac death. In fact, the current American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines state that people with an EF below 35% are at high enough risk for Sudden cardiac death that these patients should undergo implantation of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (or ICD for short), a device capable of monitoring the heart 24/7 and shocking the heart out of any arrhythmias that could lead to Sudden cardiac death. The data they cite for this recommendation are so compelling that they currently recommend implanting ICDs in patients not only among those who already experienced an Sudden cardiac death event, but also those who have not. Implanting an ICD to prevent Sudden cardiac death before they have had Sudden cardiac death is known as primary prevention and this accounts for about 70-80% of all ICD implants in the United States. While the EF is the best metric out there to determine if a patient should get an ICD, it has its limitations. Because of these limitations, we have been interested for a long time in better understanding how the EF and other metrics affect a patient's risk for Sudden cardiac death. In this study, we followed 538 patients who were recipients of a primary prevention ICD who underwent repeat assessment of their EF during followup in order to determine if changes in their EF over time altered their risk for ICD shocks for ventricular arrhythmias or death. Over a median of almost 5 years of followup, we found that 40% of the cohort had improvements in their EF. And when the EF does improve, the risk goes down for ICD shocks for ventricular arrhythmias as well as for death. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Sexual Health / 30.07.2015

Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Ph.D. Moffitt Cancer Center University of South Interview with: Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Ph.D. Moffitt Cancer Center University of South Florida MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Quinn: Our research group has been conducting studies of the LGBTQ community and their healthcare experiences combined with providers knowledge and attitudes about LGBTQ and cancer care. This led us to examine the literature on cancer and LGBTQ. The main findings point to the lack of rigorous data about cancer in the LGBTQ community. Our review revealed that 7 cancers (anal, breast, cervical, colorectal, colon and rectal, endometrial, lung and prostate cancers) may occur more frequently in the community due to elevated prevalence of risk factors and behaviors such as obesity and substance use; however, there are limited data on outcomes, morbidity and mortality. The lack of data makes it difficult for providers to fully inform patients about early detection, prevention, and treatment options and outcomes. Further, the lack of psychosocial data makes it difficult to provide supportive care recommendations and other forms of support (more…)
Author Interviews, Biomarkers, Breast Cancer / 30.07.2015

Karla M. Gonye, MBA President, sphingotec LLC Cambridge, Interview with: Karla M. Gonye, MBA President, sphingotec LLC Cambridge, Massachusetts MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? Response:
  • Met- and Leu-Enkephalin: are endogenous pentapeptides of the family of opioid peptides known as opiod-growth factors (OGF)
  • Enkephalins have been widely studied and play a major role in a variety of physiological processes
    • Perception of pain
    • Regulation of stress
    • Regulation of cardiovascular function
    • Regulation of bone formation
    • Regulation of immune responses
  • Alcohol and pain relievers reduce synthesis of Enkephalins
  • Met-Enkephalin (opioid growth factor) inhibits tumor progression and metastasis and enhances natural killer cell activity1,2
  • Mechanisms3-7:
    • Opioids can directly interact with tumor cells to cause a cytotoxic or antiproliferative effect
    • Opioids can modulate host antitumor immune mechanisms
  • Opiods can also induce apoptosis
  • We need enkephalins to help inhibit tumor progression
  • At sphingotec, it was hypothesized that disease progression begins earlier than symptoms are present and that reduced enkephalins in the blood would be an indicator of future breast cancer; measurement of this hormone peptide was possible with the company’s expertise, and that test could be developed to precisely measure enkephalin.
  • This method is published in a separate publication by Ernst et al (2006) in Peptides.
  • To test this hypothesis, Sphingotec measured enkephalin levels in the MDC and MPP study populations to determine if an association could be made between lower enkephalins and risk of breast cancer: We related proenkephalin (P-ENK) in fasting plasma from 1929 healthy women (mean age 58±5.9 years) of the population based Malmö Diet and Cancer Study (MDCS) to incidence of breast cancer (n=123) using multivariate Cox proportional hazards models during 14.8 years of follow-up. For replication, P-ENK was related to risk of breast cancer (n=130) in an older independent sample from the Malmö Preventive Project (MPP) consisting of 1569 women (mean age 70.0±4.4 years), using multivariate logistic regression.
Author Interviews, Brigham & Women's - Harvard, JAMA, Mental Health Research / 30.07.2015

Alexander C. Tsai, MD, PhD Center for Global Health, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Cambridge, Interview with: Alexander C. Tsai, MD, PhD Center for Global Health Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies Cambridge, Massachusetts Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Tsai: Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among middle aged women, and the rates have been climbing over the past decade. At the same time, we know that Americans are becoming more and more isolated. As one example, over the past two decades, there has been a tripling in the number of people who say they don't have anyone to confide in about important matters. In our study, we tracked more than 70,000 American women over two decades and found that the most socially isolated women had a threefold increased risk of suicide. (more…)
Author Interviews, C. difficile, Infections / 30.07.2015

Dr. Monika Pogorzelska-Maziarz PhD MPH Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Interview with: Dr. Monika Pogorzelska-Maziarz PhD MPH Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA 19107 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Pogorzelska-Maziarz: Sharps disposal containers are ubiquitous in healthcare facilities and there is a growing trend toward hospitals using reusable sharps containers. Several research studies have raised concerns about the potential for sharps containers to become a source of pathogen transmission within the healthcare setting but this issue that has not been systematically studied. This is an important issue given that contamination of the hospital environment has been shown to be an important component of pathogen transmission. To examine whether the use of reusable versus single use sharps containers was associated with rates of Clostridium difficile, we conducted a cross-sectional study of acute care hospitals. Survey data on the different types of sharps containers used were collected from over 600 hospitals and this data was linked to the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) dataset, which contains facility characteristics and C. diff infections data. We found that hospitals using single-use containers had significantly lower rates of C. diff versus hospitals using reusable containers after controlling for hospital characteristics such as geographic region, teaching status, ownership type, hospital size and urbanicity. This is an important finding giving the ubiquitous nature of sharps containers in the health care setting, the growing trend toward hospitals using reusable sharps containers and the high burden of C. diff in the hospital setting. (more…)
Annals Internal Medicine, Author Interviews, Pain Research, Rheumatology / 30.07.2015 Interview with: Raveendhara R Bannuru MD, PhD, FAGE Director, Center for Treatment Comparison and Integrative Analysis (CTCIA) Asst Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine Special & Scientific Staff, Center for Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases Tufts Medical Center Boston, MA Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Bannuru: Placebos are used to determine the efficacy of a wide variety of treatments for medical conditions such as osteoarthritis. A sound understanding of potential differences among placebos is essential for determining the relative efficacy of such treatments. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Bannuru: Our results indicate that different types of placebos do in fact differ in efficacy. Placebo injections and topical placebos were both found to be more effective than orally administered placebos for reducing knee osteoarthritis pain. (more…)
Author Interviews, CDC, Cost of Health Care / 30.07.2015

Jared Fox, PhD CDC Office of the Associate Director for Interview with: Jared Fox, PhD CDC Office of the Associate Director for Policy Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Fox:  Increasing the number of people who get preventive care is important to keep people healthier, avoid complications from illnesses, reduce long-term health care costs, and prevent premature deaths. By one estimate, over 100,000 lives could be saved each year if more people got their recommended preventive care. By providing access to affordable insurance coverage and eliminating out-of-pocket costs for recommended preventive care in most health plans, the Affordable Care Act has reduced cost as a barrier to preventive care. This report could serve as a baseline for tracking the effects of some of the ACA’s preventive care provisions that might occur after 2012. The services in this study are recommended by the US Preventive Services Task Force and the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices. The nine preventive services that were part of this study were:  screenings for blood pressure, breast cancer, cervical cancer, cholesterol, colon cancer, and diabetes; healthy diet counseling; and vaccination for hepatitis A and B. The data is from the 2011 and 2012 National Health Interview Survey. In 2011 and 2012, people with health insurance received needed preventive care at up to three times the rate of those without insurance. People with higher household incomes also got more recommended preventive care than those with lower incomes. (more…)
Accidents & Violence, Author Interviews, PLoS, Technology / 29.07.2015

Conrad Earnest, PhD, FACSM Texas A&M University College Station, Interview with: Conrad Earnest, PhD, FACSM Texas A&M University College Station, TX Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Earnest: The study presented here is a thesis project performed by Robbyne Smith and Sammy Licence, under the direction of Professor Conrad Earnest. We were curious to about the effects of walking, texting and doing both while simultaneously being cognitively distracted by common tasks - in our case a maths test. Much of our curiosity was born from watching a YouTube video and reading an article on inattentional blindness where people did not notice a unicycling clown while using their mobile phones. Several reports suggest that this type of pedestrian behavior leads to more pedestrian accidents, possibly increases the risk of tripping and increases riskier road crossing behavior due to a lack of attention. While much of the literature has examined this question using a “straight line” model to look at walking characteristics and deviations within ones walking path, we elected to build an obstacle course that imitated common barriers that we measured in the city of Bath, England, that pedestrians might encounter during their walking day. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Earnest: Our main findings were that people slowed their walking speed, took more steps in their approach to common obstacles, and increased the height of their step to go up steps and over curbs. Interestingly, we did not see an increase in what we called barrier contacts, which were used as a surrogate measure for tripping. (more…)
Author Interviews, Biomarkers, Breast Cancer / 29.07.2015

Karla M. Gonye, MBA President, sphingotec LLC Cambridge, Interview with: Karla M. Gonye, MBA President, Sphingotec LLC Cambridge, Massachusetts MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? Response:
  • In experimental studies, Neurotensin and neurotensin expression was highly associated to breast cancer tissue
    • Dupouy et al (2009) investigated the expression of NTS and NTSR1 in normal human breast tissue and in invasive ductal carcinomas (IDCs) and found that NTS is expressed in ductal and invasive components of IDCs. The high expression of NTSR1 is associated with the SBR grade 3 (p<0.05), larger tumor size (p<0.01), and the number of metastatic lymph nodes (p<0.05).
    • It was concluded from this paper that NTS/NTSR1 is a contributor to breast cancer progression.
    • Souaze et al (2006)also studied IDCs and found 34% of all tumors were positive for neurotensin and 91% positive for the NT1 receptor, suggesting the contribution of neurotensin’s involvement in the signaling cascade within breast cancer progression.  In this study, it was found that disruption of neurotensin receptor signaling by silencing RNA or using a specific NT1 antagonist in nude mice xenografted with an aggressive cell line SR48692, caused the reversion of transforming functions that lead to tumor growth.
    • These findings support the contribution of neurotensin to breast cancer progression.
    • Wu, Z. et al (2013) reviewed the contribution of the neurotensinergic system to cancer progression, as well as the regulation and mechanisms of the system in order to highlight its potential as a therapeutic target, and its prospect for its use as a treatment in certain cancers.
    • This summarizes nicely the oncogenic effects of neurotensin after stimulation signaling proliferation, survival, migration, invasion and neoangeogeneis.
    • Several other papers published demonstrate the effects of neurotensin in cancers including breast cancer.
    • New studies such as Roselli et al (2015) further demonstrate the role of neurotensin in aggressive breast cancer.
    • At sphingotec, it was hypothesized that disease progression begins earlier than symptoms are present and that elevated expression of neurotensin in the blood would be an indicator of future breast cancer; measurement of this hormone peptide was possible with the company’s expertise, and that test could be developed to precisely measure neurotensin.
    • This method is published in Ernst et al (2006) in Peptides.
    • To test the hypothesis, the first clinical study was conducted in a cohort of normal healthy population that was indentified from the Malmo Diet and Cancer study, a prospective epidemiological study of 28,449 men and women. Of this group, a subset of 4632 randomly selected subjects were identified and neurotensin was measured in all subjects. Subjects were adjusted for known breast cancer risk factors such as age, age of menarche, heredity of cancer (all), hormone status, etc. (see Table 3, Melander et al JAMA 2012) so that the factors did not influence outcomes. On a 10-15 follow up period, of these subjects, 123 breast cancer events were found to be associated with higher levels of neurotensin, with the highest quartile associated with the highest levels of neurotensin and the lowest quartile associated with the lowest levels of neurotensin. The association of elevated neurotensin was found to be statistically significant for prediction of breast cancer.
Author Interviews, Fertility, NIH / 29.07.2015

Carmen J. Williams, M.D., Ph.D. Principal Investigator National Institute of Environmental Interview with: Carmen J. Williams, M.D., Ph.D. Principal Investigator National Institute of Environmental Health Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Williams: G-protein coupled receptors are used by almost all cells to receive signals from the outside of the cell and transduce these signals into actions within the cell. There are hundreds of these receptors, but many of them link to a protein named Gq to transmit their signals to other cellular proteins. Gq is found in most cells, including eggs, and activating Gq protein is one way to artificially activate the egg to begin developing into an embryo, even though it is not the way sperm normally do this. In fact, if the egg is activated before the sperm arrives it prevents the sperm from binding and fusing with the egg, so fertilization cannot take place. As a result, we thought that a mechanism might be in place within eggs to prevent them from being activated prematurely by signals that could activate Gq by triggering G-protein coupled receptors. RGS2 was a good candidate for this function because it binds to Gq in a way that prevents Gq from transmitting signals to other cellular proteins. (more…)