Author Interviews, Infections, JAMA / 08.09.2016
US Task Force Recommends TB Screening For Those Who Have Lived in High Risk Settings Interview with:
Dr. Francisco García M.D. M.P.H.
Task Force member and
Director and Chief medical officer at
Pima County Department of Health
Tucson, AZ What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Response: Tuberculosis infection is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world.
Although less common in the United States, many people still become infected every year and are at risk of getting sick and spreading the infection to others. We know there are effective screening tests that can detect latent tuberculosis infection before people become sick with active tuberculosis disease. Additionally, there are effective treatments to prevent people from progressing from latent tuberculosis infection to active tuberculosis disease.
Thus, for people with increased risk of contracting tuberculosis, the Task Force recommends screening for latent tuberculosis infection.
People who are considered at increased risk include those who were born in or have lived in countries where tuberculosis is highly prevalent, or who have lived in congregate settings where exposure to tuberculosis is more likely, such as homeless shelters or correctional facilities.