Interview with:
Melissa Wilson, MD, PhD
Assisstant Professor
Perlmutter Cancer Center
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York, NY
Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Dr. Wilson: Metastatic cutaneous melanoma is an extremely aggressive form of skin cancer. Traditionally, it has been characterized by clinicopathologic characteristics. More recently, melanoma tumors have also been stratified by common somatic mutations for which targeted therapies have been developed or are under investigation, including
NRAS and
KIT. In addition to somatic mutations, aberrant intracellular signaling pathways and cell cycle disruption contribute to melanoma pathogenesis. Indeed, recent next generation sequencing studies have identified a number of new genes involved in melanomagenesis. A comprehensive evaluation and understanding of concurrent and mutually exclusive mutations in tumors has been lacking. Therefore, we developed a comprehensive custom targeted capture of 108 genes previously implicated in melanoma pathogenesis. We used the targeted panel to perform massively parallel sequencing on 94 well-established human melanoma cell lines, 67 patient-derived xenografts (PDX), and 5 cell lines made from PDX, all untreated.
Samples were clustered based on deleterious mutations. Eighty-three percent of samples had deleterious mutations in the MAPK signaling pathway (including
RAS) and
NF1. Ten percent of samples had PI3K pathway mutations which were predominantly associated with
BRAF mutations.
TP53 was found to be mutated in 24% of the samples and were also associated with mutations in the MAPK pathway. Mutations in chromatin remodeling genes were mutually exclusive with each other, but were associated with
BRAF and
NRAS mutations. Of particular interest, five of the 10 NF1mutated samples harbored likely deleterious mutations in MAP3K5 or MAP3K9, suggesting the potential involvement of JNK signal transduction pathway in a cohort of samples.