Author Interviews, Compliance, Emory, Heart Disease / 04.05.2015

Andre Paixao, MD Division of Cardiology Emory University Atlanta, GA, Interview with: Andre Paixao, MD Division of Cardiology Emory University Atlanta, GA, 30322. Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Paixao: Despite advances in cardiovascular prevention, coronary heart disease remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Understanding risk factor burden and control as well as perceived risk prior to acute myocardial infarction (MI) presentation may identify opportunities for system-based interventions to promote adherence to evidence based recommendations and improve overall cardiovascular health. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Paixao: Our study assessed predicted risk and risk factor control prior to Myocardial Infarction (MI) presentation in 443,117 patients included in the NCDR ACTION Registry-GWTG. Only 36.1% of patients met all assessed risk factor control metrics (i.e. LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, nonsmoking status and aspirin use among those with prior cardiovascular disease). Risk factor control was suboptimal in the primary and secondary prevention groups. Prior cardiovascular disease was present in 41.6% of patients presenting with an acute MI. Among those without prior cardiovascular disease or diabetes, only 13.4% were classified as high risk based on the Framingham Risk Score. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Breast Cancer, NIH, Ovarian Cancer / 03.05.2015

Dr. Victoria L. Chiou, MD Medical Oncology Fellow Women’s Malignancies Branch National Cancer interview with Dr. Victoria L. Chiou, MD Medical Oncology Fellow Women’s Malignancies Branch National Cancer Institute MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Chiou: We studied the effects of different treatments in ovarian and breast cancer cell lines with and without BRCA1 mutation in the laboratory. Our discovery that olaparib pretreatment before carboplatin led to decreased carboplatin-induced DNA damage in tumor cells carrying BRCA1 mutation led us to a novel clinical question. We wanted to further understand whether there was an optimal way to deliver a combination of the new tablet formulation of olaparib with carboplatin chemotherapy in women with gynecologic and breast cancers. We launched our clinical trial to test this important question. Overall, we are pleased that the drug combination of olaparib and carboplatin chemotherapy can be given safely together, with preliminary activity in women with breast and ovarian cancer associated with germline BRCA mutations. We are excited to report the findings of this study, which is the first to report preclinical and clinical data on sequence specificity for this drug combination in this patient population. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Nature, UT Southwestern / 03.05.2015

Dr. Alec (Chengcheng) Zhang Michael L. Rosenberg Scholar in Medical Research Associate Professor of Physiology and Developmental Biology Member of the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center UT Southwestern Medical Interview with: Dr. Alec (Chengcheng) Zhang Michael L. Rosenberg Scholar in Medical Research Associate Professor of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Member of the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center UT Southwestern Medical Center Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common acute leukemia affecting adults. Treatments for AML yield poor outcomes, especially for the typical senior patients. The medical need for new therapies for AML is underscored by the fact that no new therapies for AML have been approved in over 30 years. There are over 50 experimental agents in clinical trials for the treatment of AML today, although only a few agents have promising data to date. New molecular targets and therapeutic strategies are needed for AML treatment. In 2012, we published a paper showing that we cloned the human leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor B2 (LILRB2) as a receptor for several angiopoietin-like proteins (Angptls) (Zheng et al 2012 Nature 485:656-660). The LILRB family receptors contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) and are classified as inhibitory receptors because ITIM motifs can recruit phosphatases SHP-1, SHP-2, or SHIP to negatively regulate immune cell activation. Surprisingly, in that work, we showed that PirB, the mouse ortholog of LILRB2, is expressed by AML stem cells (AML-SCs) and supports AML development. Although counterintuitive, this result is consistent with the generally immune-suppressive and thus tumor-promoting roles of the inhibitory receptors in the immune system. In the current paper, we continued the research and report that a number of receptors containing the ITIMs are crucial for the development of AML. We mainly focus on studying the function and downstream signaling of LAIR1 as a representative ITIM-containing receptor. We found that the deletion of LAIR1 does not affect normal hematopoiesis but abolishes leukemia development in several different mouse leukemia models. We also identified a mechanism by which LAIR1 supports AML development, showing that the LAIR1/SHP-1/CAMK1/CREB pathway sustains the survival and self-renewal of AML cells. Importantly, our findings are well supported by bioinformatics analysis of AML patient databases and experimental results of human leukemia cells. Since certain ITIM-containing receptors are essential for AML cells but not critical for normal hematopoiesis, and blocking their signaling can boost immunity, these ITIM-containing receptors including LAIR1 represent ideal targets for treating AML. (more…)
Author Interviews, Heart Disease, Mayo Clinic, Psychological Science / 01.05.2015

Shannon M. Dunlay, M.D. M.S. Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation Assistant Professor of Medicine and Health Care Policy and Research Mayo Clinic Interview with: Shannon M. Dunlay, M.D. M.S. Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation Assistant Professor of Medicine and Health Care Policy and Research Mayo Clinic Rochester MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Dunlay: Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) are increasingly utilized as destination therapy (DT) in patients that are not candidates for heart transplantation. Optimal patient selection is essential in improving outcomes, but many of the factors associated with favorable outcomes remain poorly understood. It is important for us to better understand the role that psychosocial factors may play in outcomes after DT LVAD. Unlike transplant, where the limited organ supply requires choosing candidates with optimal psychosocial characteristics, DT LVAD therapy is more readily available as it does not rely on organ donors. There are no clear guidelines on what constitutes an acceptable psychosocial risk prior to DT LVAD. As a result, many programs will offer DT LVAD to candidates despite psychosocial concerns if it is felt they will otherwise benefit. Data are needed to inform programs about whether such candidates are truly at elevated risk of adverse outcomes. In our single-center study including 131 patients, we found that several psychosocial characteristics are predictive of readmission after DT LVAD. A history of illegal drug use and depression are associated with a higher risk of readmission, while tobacco use is associated with lower readmission risk. Psychosocial characteristics were not significant predictors of death after DT LVAD. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Gastrointestinal Disease, Genetic Research, NIH / 30.04.2015

Dr. Steven Wank Interview with: Dr. Stephen Wank MD Digestive Diseases Branch, NIDDK National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? Dr. Wank: Small intestinal carcinoids are rare and difficult to diagnose because symptoms may be absent or mistaken for more common diseases. Because carcinoids usually grow slowly over several years before spreading or causing symptoms, patients often seek medical attention late with advanced, incurable disease. However, when diagnosed at an early stage, carcinoid can be surgically cured. Presently, there are no long-term effective therapies for surgically non-resectable disease. Although carcinoids occur sporadically, there have been reports of family clusters (more than one blood relative with carcinoid). Hereditary small intestinal carcinoid has not been recognized as a disease and causative genetic factors have not been identified in either sporadic cases or families with multiple affected members. If small intestinal carcinoid occurs in families on a hereditary basis, we hypothesized that asymptomatic relatives in families with carcinoid are at a high risk of harboring an undiscovered tumor. To test this, we established a clinical research protocol at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to screen asymptomatic relatives in families with at least two cases of small intestinal carcinoid in the hope of detecting their tumors at an early surgically curable stage. If successful in our endeavor, we would improve the outcome of the disease in these asymptomatic relatives and position ourselves to discover the genetic basis for their disease. Understanding the gene mutations causing small intestinal carcinoid would allow us to screen for the disease with a blood test, help us understand what causes the disease, and treat the disease with specific targeted therapies. (more…)
Author Interviews, Columbia, Opiods / 30.04.2015

Silvia S. Martins, MD, PHDAssociate Professor of Epidemiology Department of Epidemiology Mailman School Of Public Health Columbia University New York, NY Interview with Silvia S. Martins, MD, PHD Associate Professor of Epidemiology Department of Epidemiology Mailman School Of Public Health Columbia University New York, NY 10032 MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Martins: The background for this study is former studies showing links between nonmedical use of prescription opioids and transition to heroin and other illegal substances, prescription opioid-related and heroin-related fatal overdoses . In addition, a particular public health concern is that the transition to heroin and further injecting heroin may increase the risk of bloodborne infections. We used data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, a large nationally representative household sample of 67,500 people, and self-reported heroin use within the last 12 months, the researchers examined the change in patterns of past-year non-prescription drug and heroin use between 2002-2005 and 2008-2011 across racial and ethnic groups. The most significant rise in heroin use was among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites, where the rate of heroin use for the latter group increased by 75 percent in 2008-2011 compared to earlier years. Regarding frequency of use, for Hispanics, increases were significant only among those using opioids about 1-29 days in the past year. Among blacks and whites, significant increases in the rate of heroin use were observed among those using prescription opioids more frequently (100-365 days) in the past year. (more…)
Addiction, Author Interviews, Case Western, Psychological Science / 29.04.2015

Maria Pagano, PhD Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, Division of Child Psychiatry Cleveland, Interview with: Maria Pagano, PhD Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, Division of Child Psychiatry Cleveland, OH MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? Dr. Pagano: Socially anxious adolescents quickly figure out that alcohol and drugs can provide ease and comfort in social situations that are anxiety provoking.  Reaching for a substance to change how you feel can quickly become a knee-jerk reaction, can develop into an addiction, and robs youths of learning how to tolerate interpersonal differences and uncomfortable feelings, developing emotional maturity, and cultivating self acceptance. Adolescents who fear being criticized by their peers are likely to not speak up in group therapies during treatment, which can limit their benefit from treatment.  There is a lot of healing that comes sharing your insides with others. Socially anxious patients may not get this healing nor let others really get to know who they are and give input to their lives Higher peer helping in AA during treatment means getting active in low intensity tasks like putting away chairs, or making coffee at a 12-step meeting.  It is less about needing peer assistance or expecting praise or recognition from giving service.  It is more about adopting the attitude of "how can I be helpful?" (more…)
Author Interviews, Brigham & Women's - Harvard, CHEST, Sleep Disorders / 29.04.2015 Interview with: Matthias Eikermann, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School Director of Research, Critical Care Division Massachusetts General Hospital Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Eikermann: Obstructive sleep apnea occurs in about 5% of pregnant women, worsens as pregnancy progresses and is likely to persist into the early postpartum period. A main cause of anesthesia-related maternal death is postpartum airway obstruction. We observed among early postpartum women, that 45° upper body elevation increased upper airway diameter and mitigated sleep apnea, without adverse effects on quality of sleep after delivery. (more…)
Author Interviews, Pediatrics, UCSD, Weight Research / 28.04.2015

Mark D. DeBoer, MD, MSc, MCR Associate Professor of Pediatrics Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Interview with: Mark D. DeBoer, MD, MSc, MCR Associate Professor of Pediatrics Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Virginia Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. DeBoer: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children watch no more than 2 hours of TV daily. We wanted to see if children watching shorter amounts of TV were more likely to have higher weight status. We found that children in kindergarten who watched 1-2 hours a day were more than 40% more likely to be overweight and obese and gained more unhealthy weight over the next year. (more…)
Author Interviews, Brigham & Women's - Harvard, Hematology / 28.04.2015 Interview with: John M. Higgins, MD MGH Center for Systems Biology Boston, MA Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Higgins: Hundreds of studies over the past 8 years have shown that increased variation in the size of red blood cells (RBCs) is associated with increased risk for a very wide range of common diseases, like heart disease, many types of cancer, infection, many autoimmune diseases, and lots of other conditions.  The size of red blood cells (RBCs) in the circulation of a healthy person usually varies by about 12-14%, meaning that if you took a sample of the cells, most of the bigger cells would be about 14% larger than the smaller cells.  People whose red blood cells show more variation in size have a greater risk of developing a wide range of diseases.  Also, among patients already diagnosed with many common diseases like heart disease or cancer, those with higher RBC size variation have worse outcomes.  It is unknown how all of these different diseases could be connected to variation in the size of red blood cells.  The study explains a major cause for this connection.  We find that the human body seems to slow down the production and destruction of RBCs in just about every major disease very slightly.  Since red blood cells gradually become smaller as they age, a delay in destruction will increase the fraction of small cells, and the overall variation in size increases.  The study also describes a method to estimate a patient’s RBC clearance rate. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, HPV, University Texas, Vaccine Studies / 27.04.2015

Jacqueline Hirth, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor Interview with: Jacqueline Hirth, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor and Dr. Abbey B. Berenson MD, MMS, PhD Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women's Health Obstetrics and Gynecology The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston TexasDr. Abbey B. Berenson MD, MMS, PhD Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women's Health Obstetrics and Gynecology The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Texas

Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: In this sample of young women, vaccination was effective at reducing prevalence of vaccine-type HPV (6,11,16,18) compared to women who were unvaccinated. We also found a dose response, with young women who received at least 2 doses of the 3 dose vaccine series having a lower rate of vaccine-type HPV compared to those who only received one dose (8.6% compared to 16.9%, respectively). (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Hepatitis - Liver Disease, UCSD / 27.04.2015

Lisa M. Nyberg, MD, MPH Transplant Hepatologist Director, Hepatology Research Kaiser Permanente, Garfield Specialty Center San Diego, CA Interview with: Lisa M. Nyberg, MD, MPH Transplant Hepatologist Director, Hepatology Research Kaiser Permanente, Garfield Specialty Center San Diego, CA  92111 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Nyberg: The overall cancer rates were higher in patients with Hepatitis C (HCV) vs those without HCV. Of note, though, the HCV cohort had higher rates of alcohol abuse, tobacco use, cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus (DM). However, even after stratification for the variables alcohol abuse, tobacco use, body mass index (BMI) and DM; the increased cancer rates remained significant for total cancer sites, liver cancer and NHL. Note that this study does not establish a cause and effect relationship between Hepatitis C and cancer. A strength of this study is that it is an evaluation of a large patient population (n=35,712 with HCV and 5,297,191 without HCV). Limitations of the study are those inherent in epidemiological studies using large databases. For example, confounders may not be accurately recorded in automated databases (smoking and alcohol abuse may be under-recorded). (more…)
Author Interviews, Heart Disease, JACC, Stroke, University of Pennsylvania / 25.04.2015

Jay Giri, MD MPH Director, Peripheral Intervention Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine University of Interview with Jay Giri, MD MPH Director, Peripheral Intervention Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine University of Pennsylvania MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Giri: Carotid artery stents are placed by vascular surgeons or interventional cardiologists to decrease the risk of long-term stroke in patients with severe atherosclerotic disease of the carotid artery.  When these procedures are performed, there is a risk of releasing small amounts of debris into the brain’s circulation, causing a stroke around the time of the procedure (peri-procedural stroke).  In order to mitigate this issue, embolic protection devices (EPD) have been developed to decrease the chances of small debris reaching the brain. Two types of EPD exist.  The first is a small filter meant to catch the debris released by placement of the carotid stent (distal filter EPD). The second is a more complex device type that leads to transient halting of blood flow to the brain in the carotid artery being stented (proximal EPD). Debris-containing blood is removed from the body prior to allowing normal blood flow to proceed back to the brain after stent placement. Our prior research has shown that nearly all (>95%) of domestic carotid stenting procedures are performed with utilization of one of these devices.  We sought to compare important clinical outcomes of stroke and death between these 2 device types within a large national sample of patients undergoing carotid stenting. Some small prior studies have investigated whether the total amount of debris reaching the brain is less with proximal embolic protection devices.  These studies have shown mixed results.  However, no prior study has investigated important clinical outcomes of stroke and death in relation to these devices. We found that overall uptake of proximal embolic protection devices utilization in America has not been robust.  Less than 7% of all domestic CAS procedures are performed with this technology.   Our analysis showed that in-hospital and 30-day stroke/death rates with proximal EPD and distal filter EPD were similar (1.6% vs. 2.0%, p = 0.56 and 2.7% vs. 4.0%, p = 0.22, respectively). (more…)
AHA Journals, Author Interviews, Depression, Duke, Heart Disease, Race/Ethnic Diversity / 24.04.2015

 Dr. Robert J. Mentz MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Director, Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Society Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation Duke University Medical Center Duke Clinical Research Interview with: Dr. Robert J. Mentz MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Director, Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Society Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation Duke University Medical Center Duke Clinical Research Institute Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Mentz: Previous studies have shown that depression is associated with worse outcomes in heart failure patients; however, most of these prior studies were conducted in primarily white patient populations. The impact of depressive symptoms on outcomes specifically in blacks with heart failure has not been well studied. We used data from the HF-ACTION trial of exercise training in heart failure patients, which collected data on depressive symptoms via the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), to assess the association between depressive symptoms and outcomes in black patients as compared with white patients. We found that in blacks with heart failure, baseline symptoms of depression and worsening of symptoms over time were both associated with increased all-cause mortality/hospitalization. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Cancer Research, NIH, Vaccine Studies / 22.04.2015

Daniel C. Beachler, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Interview with: Daniel C. Beachler, PhD Postdoctoral fellow Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Beachler: HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection. Individuals can acquire HPV infections in the epithelium of their cervical, anal and oral sites, and occasionally these infections lead to cancer. There are three prophylactic HPV vaccines on the market that can protect against HPV at these sites among those not been previously exposed to HPV. This study examined the effect of HPV vaccination of 18-25 year old women at all three anatomic sites. The combined multi-site HPV vaccine efficacy has not been reported previously. It was unknown whether the vaccine may protect non-infected sites against HPV infection or re-infection in women exposed to HPV prior to vaccination. We observed that the HPV vaccine provides the strongest protection at all three sites among women unexposed to HPV before vaccination. Additionally, we observed some protection at the non-infected sites in women who were previously infected with HPV. (more…)
Author Interviews, Brigham & Women's - Harvard, Mental Health Research, Stroke, Toxin Research / 22.04.2015

Elissa Hope Wilker, Sc.D. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Harvard Medical Interview with: Elissa Hope Wilker, Sc.D. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Harvard Medical School Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Wilke: Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution is associated with cerebrovascular disease and cognitive impairment, but the impact on structural changes in the brain is not well understood. We studied older adults living in the greater Boston area and throughout New England and New York and we looked at the air pollution levels and how far they lived from major roads. We then linked this information to findings from MRI studies of structural brain images. Although air pollution levels in this area are fairly low compared to levels observed in other parts of the world, we found that people who lived in areas with higher levels of air pollution had smaller brain volumes, and higher risk of silent strokes. The magnitude of association that we observed for a 2 µg/m3 increase in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) (a range commonly observed across urban areas) was approximately equivalent to one year of brain aging. The association with silent strokes is of concern, because these are associated with increased risk of overt strokes, walking problems, and depression. (more…)
Author Interviews, Autism, Education, Emory, JAMA, Pediatrics / 22.04.2015 Interview with: Lawrence Scahill, MSN, PhD and Karen Bearss, PhD Department of Pediatrics, Marcus Autism Center Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University Atlanta, Georgia Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects an estimated 0.6 to 1% of children worldwide. In young children with ASD (e.g. 3 to 7 years of age) up to 50% also have disruptive behaviors such as tantrums, aggression, self-injury and noncompliance. When present, these disruptive behaviors interfere with the child’s readiness to make use of educational and other supportive services. The presence of disruptive behaviors also hinders the acquisition of routine daily living skills. Parent Training has been shown to be effective for young children with disruptive behaviors who do not have Autism spectrum disorder – but it has not be well-studied in children with ASD. The current multisite study shows that parent training is effective in reducing serious behavioral problems in young children with ASD. This is the largest randomized trial of a behavioral intervention in children with ASD.  180 children were randomly assigned to parent training or parent education. Both treatments were delivered individually to parents over 24 weeks. Serious behavioral problems were reduced by almost 50% in the parent-training group compared to about 30% for parent education. A clinician who was blind to treatment assignment rated positive response in 69% of children in the parent training group compared to 40% for parent education. In addition, 79% of children who showed a positive response to parent training at the end of the 24-week trial maintained benefit at 6 months post treatment. Parent training provided parents with specific strategies on how to manage tantrums, aggression, self-injury and noncompliance in children with autism spectrum disorder. Parent education provided up-to-date and useful information about ASD, but no instruction on how to address behavioral problems. Parents were engaged in the study treatments as evidenced by the low drop-out rate of 10% . (more…)
Author Interviews, Heart Disease, JACC, NYU, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Sleep Disorders / 22.04.2015

Dr. Larry Chinitz MD Professor of Medicine and Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology NYU Langone Medical Interview with: Dr. Larry Chinitz MD Professor of Medicine and Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology NYU Langone Medical Center MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Chinitz: The treatment algorithms proposed currently for maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation focus on use of anti-arrhythmic drugs and catheter ablation. Data available to evaluate the effect of modification of known adverse clinical factors on atrial fibrillation recurrence is scant. Obstructive sleep apnea in a known factor associated with both new onset atrial fibrillation as well as its recurrence after catheter ablation. Through a meta-analysis of available data we found that use of continuous positive airway pressure in patients with sleep apnea was associated with a 42% relative risk reduction in recurrence of atrial fibrillation. This effect was similar across patient groups irrespective of whether they were medically managed or with catheter ablation. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Genetic Research, Melanoma, NYU, Personalized Medicine, Wistar / 21.04.2015

Melissa Wilson, MD, PhD Assisstant Professor Perlmutter Cancer Center NYU Langone Medical Center New York, Interview with: Melissa Wilson, MD, PhD Assisstant Professor Perlmutter Cancer Center NYU Langone Medical Center New York, NY Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Wilson: Metastatic cutaneous melanoma is an extremely aggressive form of skin cancer.  Traditionally, it has been characterized by clinicopathologic characteristics.  More recently, melanoma tumors have also been stratified by common somatic mutations for which targeted therapies have been developed or are under investigation, including BRAF, NRAS and KIT.  In addition to somatic mutations, aberrant intracellular signaling pathways and cell cycle disruption contribute to melanoma pathogenesis.  Indeed, recent next generation sequencing studies have identified a number of new genes involved in melanomagenesis.  A comprehensive evaluation and understanding of concurrent and mutually exclusive mutations in tumors has been lacking.  Therefore, we developed a comprehensive custom targeted capture of 108 genes previously implicated in melanoma pathogenesis.  We used the targeted panel to perform massively parallel sequencing on 94 well-established human melanoma cell lines, 67 patient-derived xenografts (PDX), and 5 cell lines made from PDX, all untreated. Samples were clustered based on deleterious mutations.  Eighty-three percent of samples had deleterious mutations in the MAPK signaling pathway (including BRAF, RAS) and NF1.  Ten percent of samples had PI3K pathway mutations which were predominantly associated with BRAF mutations.  TP53 was found to be mutated in 24% of the samples and were also associated with mutations in the MAPK pathway.  Mutations in chromatin remodeling genes were mutually exclusive with each other, but were associated with BRAF and NRAS mutations.  Of particular interest, five of the 10 NF1mutated samples harbored likely deleterious mutations in MAP3K5 or MAP3K9, suggesting the potential involvement of JNK signal transduction pathway in a cohort of samples. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Breast Cancer, UCSD / 21.04.2015

Presented by Dr. Maura N. Dickler MD Associate member of the Breast Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New Interview with: Presented by Dr. Maura N. Dickler MD Associate member of the Breast Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York Medical Research: What is the background for this study? This year, breast cancer will claim the lives of nearly 40,000 women in the United States, and up to half of these women will have a disease that is driven by the estrogen receptor.
  • Although medicines have been approved for the treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer for decades, more treatment options are needed.
  • Resistance to endocrine therapies causes morbidity and mortality for women with metastatic estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer as many patients relapse or develop resistance to available hormonal agents via estrogen-dependent and estrogen-independent mechanisms.
  • Dual-acting investigational Selective Estrogen Receptor Degrader (SERDs) could potentially lead to a new treatment option for people with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and may help overcome resistance to current anti-hormonal medicines.
  • GDC-0810 is a dual-acting investigational next-generation oral SERD that works in a number of ways to prevent estrogen fueling tumor growth. It is not only designed to target the estrogen receptor (ER) as an antagonist, but also to cause degradation of the ER protein. In preclinical studies, GDC-0810 was shown to induce tumor regressions in both tamoxifen sensitive and tamoxifen resistant tumor models in vivo.
Medical Research: What are the main findings?
  • Clinical data from the dose-escalation portion of a Phase I/IIa study evaluating GDC-0810 appears to have an acceptable safety profile with encouraging anti-tumor activity in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer positive for the estrogen receptor (ER), all of whom were previously treated with standard endocrine therapy.
  • Promising anti-tumor activity was observed in 38% of patients on study for six months or longer. At all doses tested, there was robust engagement of the estrogen receptor by GDC-0810 as demonstrated by fluoroestradiol (FES) PET scans.  Overall, the most common adverse events of any grade related to GDC-0810 were diarrhea, nausea and fatigue.
AACR, Author Interviews, Melanoma, Wistar / 20.04.2015

Adina Vultur, Ph.D. Staff Scientist Meenhard Herlyn Laboratory Melanoma Research Center The Wistar Institute, Interview with: Adina Vultur, Ph.D. Staff Scientist Meenhard Herlyn Laboratory Melanoma Research Center The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Vulture: Our goal was to identify new drugs with anti-melanoma activity but with minor effects on normal cells. We screened structurally distinct kinase inhibitors first, against multiple cell lines and normal cells, and identified the organometallic compound SM200 as being the most effective and selective molecule, capable of halting melanoma cell growth and invasion. Further characterization of SM200 indicated that PIM kinases are highly inhibited by this compound compared to other targets. We then confirmed the contribution of PIM kinases to melanoma pathobiology by knockdown studies and by using a clinically available PIM-inhibitor. Encouraging results with PIM kinase inhibition in multiple melanoma models including xenografts suggests that this could be a useful strategy against melanoma. (more…)
AACR, Author Interviews, Breast Cancer, Nutrition, UCSD / 20.04.2015

Catherine Marinac Doctoral Candidate UC San Diego/San Diego State University Joint-Doctoral Program in Public Health La Jolla, CA Interview with: Catherine Marinac Doctoral Candidate UC San Diego/San Diego State University Joint-Doctoral Program in Public Health La Jolla, CA 92093 MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: The dietary advice for cancer prevention usually focuses on limiting consumption of red meat, alcohol, and refined grains, and increasing consumption of plant foods. However, new evidence suggests that other fundamental aspects of diet, such when and how often people eat, can also play a role in cancer risk. For example, research in mice suggests that decreasing the number of hours we eat during the day, and increasing the length of time we fast overnight can improve metabolic parameters and reduce risk of developing a number of chronic diseases including cancer. Similar to the data from animal models, we found that women who fasted for longer periods of time overnight had significantly better control over blood glucose concentrations – and these effects were independent of how much women ate. This finding is relevant to cancer research because people who have poor glucose control are significantly more likely to develop certain types of cancer. It is hypothesized that high concentrations of circulating glucose may fuel cancer growth and progression. (more…)
Author Interviews, BMJ, Cost of Health Care, Stanford / 18.04.2015 Interview with: Donna Zulman MD MS Center for Innovation to Implementation, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Menlo Park Division of General Medical Disciplines, Stanford University, Stanford California, Interview with: Donna Zulman MD MS Center for Innovation to Implementation, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Menlo Park Division of General Medical Disciplines, Stanford University, Stanford California, USA Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Zulman: Within the United States, a small number of individuals account for disproporationate health care spending. Many of these high-cost patients have complex chronic conditions such as heart failure and diabetes. Others have complicated mental health conditions. But the vast majority have multiple chronic conditions, which can create challenges when patients are navigating their health care. For this study, we examined patterns of chronic conditions among high-cost patients in the Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Care System, and studied the relationship between different chronic conditions patterns and health care utilization and costs. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Zulman: We found that within the VA, the 5% highest cost patients accounted for 47% of total VA health care costs. Approximately two-thirds of these patients had chronic conditions affecting 3 or more body systems (for example, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and depression). However, patients with severe, dominating diseases such as cancer and schizophrenia were less likely to have a lot of comorbid conditions. In addition, we found that even among these high-cost patients, having more conditions was associated with greater use of outpatient and inpatient services. However, as patients' multimorbidity across body systems increased, a greater share of their costs was generated in the outpatient setting and a smaller share of their costs was generated in the inpatient setting. This suggests that interventions focusing on high-cost patients should not only target costly hospitalizations, but should also coordinate and maximize efficiency of outpatient services across multiple conditions. (more…)
Aging, Author Interviews, Case Western, Nursing / 17.04.2015 Interview with: Kathy Wright, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, PMHCNS-BC KL2 Postdoc, Clinical Instructor 2011-13 SAMHSA Scholar 2010-12 National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence Patricia G. Archbold Scholar Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? Dr. Wright: This study was a secondary analysis of baseline data from the After Discharge Care Management of Low Income Frail Elderly (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grant #1 R01 HS014539-01A1). The participants were aged 65 and older enrolled during an acute care hospitalization. Each participant had at least one deficit in activities of daily living (e.g., bathing, dressing) or two deficits in instrumental activities of daily living (e.g., transportation, paying bills). The purpose of the study was to test House’s Conceptual Framework for Understanding Social Inequalities in Health and Aging in Medicare-Medicaid enrollees in a group of low-income older adults to determine the relationships between socio-demographic factors (i.e., race, education, age, gender, income, and neighborhood poverty), health behaviors, and physical function and emotional well-being. As a part of the health behavior component, participants were interviewed and asked questions regarding the amount of physical activity they engaged in during the week. (more…)
Author Interviews, Endocrinology, Nature, NYU, Social Issues / 16.04.2015

Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD Froemke Laboratory New York University Langone School of Interview with: Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD Froemke Laboratory New York University Langone School of Medicine Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Marlin: Oxytocin is a hormone that plays an important role in the expression of social and parental behaviors, but little is know about how it works in the brain to produce these behaviors. Virgin mice will usually ignore, and sometimes cannibalize newborn mouse pups. Our study has shown that oxytocin works in the auditory cortex of virgin mice to change both their neural responses, and eventually their behaviors, to mirror the maternal response. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cost of Health Care, NEJM, Ophthalmology, UCSF / 16.04.2015

Catherine L. Chen M.D., M.P.H. UCSF Dept of Interview with: Catherine L. Chen M.D., M.P.H. UCSF Dept of Anesthesia Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Chen: Cataract surgery is a very common and safe surgery that most older adults have in their 70's or 80's. It usually happens as a same-day surgery and most patients only need eye drops to numb the eye with little or no intravenous sedation for a procedure that on average is only 18 minutes long. Given their age, these patients typically have other concurrent medical problems, so even though multiple research studies and professional societies have concluded that routine preoperative testing is not necessary before cataract surgery, we found that this testing still frequently occurs in these patients. More than half of the patients in our study had at least one preoperative test performed in the month before their surgery. We hypothesized prior to undertaking this study that the older and sicker patients were the ones who were most likely to get preoperative testing. Instead, what we found was that the most important factor that determined whether or not a patient got tested was the ophthalmologist who operated on the patient. This is an important finding because it shows that most patients are not getting extra testing, but the few that do are getting testing because that's the way their ophthalmologist typically prepares his patients for surgery. Most of the time, this testing is not needed and will not affect how well the patient does during and after surgery. (more…)
Author Interviews, Cancer Research, Mayo Clinic / 15.04.2015

 Michael B. Wallace, M.D., MPH, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL Interview with: Michael B. Wallace, M.D., MPH Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL 32224   Medical Research: What is the background for this study? Dr. Wallace: Since its first consideration as an independent entity in 1996,1 intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) of the pancreas have been diagnosed with increasing frequency. Detection and resection of IPMN offer a unique opportunity to cure and prevent adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, an otherwise highly lethal disease. The main clinical concern related to intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms is its wide-ranging potential for malignancy from low-risk indolent lesions to those with high incidence of malignant degeneration. It is well-established that this malignant progression varies based on the morphological subtypes. The current methods of predicting malignant potential are limited to clinical, morphological, and cyst fluid cytology and biomarker data. Medical Research: What are the main findings? Dr. Wallace: Of 1126 patients, 84 were diagnosed with invasive carcinoma/high-grade dysplasia and were compared to the rest of the cohort. Multivariate logistic analysis showed no statistically significant association between cancer/high-grade dysplasia and gender, age or alcohol consumption. Smoking history and body mass index was significantly related with cancer/ high-grade dysplasia. Jaundice and steatorrhea were also associated with cancer/ high-grade dysplasia; however, weight loss was not. Univariate analysis showed no association between malignancy and the cyst number/location, although a strong association was shown for cyst size. The presence/size of nodules, and main duct involvement were strongly related with malignancy. (more…)
Author Interviews, Duke, Heart Disease, JACC, Women's Heart Health / 15.04.2015

Matthew E. Dupre, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine Department of Community and Family Medicine Department of Sociology Duke Clinical Research Interview with: Matthew E. Dupre, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine Department of Community and Family Medicine Department of Sociology Duke Clinical Research Institute MedicalResearch: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Dupre: The negative health consequences of divorce have been known for some time. However, we showed that lifetime exposure to divorce can have a lasting impact on ones’ cardiovascular health, particularly in women. This is a good example of why people going through a divorce need a good divorce lawyer chicago in order to keep their stress levels down and help their cardiovascular health. Results from our study showed that risks for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were significantly higher in women who had one divorce, two or more divorces, and among the remarried compared with continuously married women after adjusting for multiple risk factors. Risks for AMI were elevated only in men with a history of two or more divorces relative to continuously married men. We were especially surprised to find that women who remarried had risks for AMI that were nearly equivalent to that of divorced women. Men who remarried had no significant risk for acute myocardial infarction. The results of this study provide strong evidence that cumulative exposure to divorce increases the risk of acute myocardial infarction in older adults. Also somewhat unexpected was that the associations remained largely unchanged after accounting for a variety socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioral, and physiological factors. However, we lacked information on several factors that we suspect may have contributed to the risks related to divorce – such as elevated stress, anxiety, and the loss of social support; as well as possible changes is medication adherence or other prophylactic behaviors. MedicalResearch: What should clinicians and patients take away from your report? (more…)
Author Interviews, Emory, Neurological Disorders / 15.04.2015

Erwin G. Van Meir, PhD Professor, Departments of Neurosurgery and Hematology & Medical Oncology Leader, Winship Cancer Institute Cancer Cell Biology Program Founding Director, Graduate Program in Cancer Biology Director, Laboratory for Molecular Neuro-Oncology Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta GA Interview with: Erwin G. Van Meir, PhD Professor, Departments of Neurosurgery and Hematology & Medical Oncology Leader, Winship Cancer Institute Cancer Cell Biology Program Founding Director, Graduate Program in Cancer Biology Director, Laboratory for Molecular Neuro-Oncology Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta GA 30322 Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Dr. Van Meir: In this study we queried the role of the BAI1 protein in normal physiology. To do this we generated a transgenic mouse, which lacks the expression of the Bai1 gene. The mice had no obvious anomalies and reproduced according to mendelian rules. Since BAI1 is strongly expressed in the brain, including in neurons, we wondered whether they might have some cognitive defect that would only be revealed under specific testing conditions. We had the mice perform in an experiment that tests their ability to orient themselves in space and memorize the location of a hidden platform in a water maze. This experiment clearly demonstrated that the Bai1 deficient mice had deficits in spatial learning and memory. We then further probed the electrophysiological, anatomical and biochemical basis of this abnormal physiologic behavior and showed that hippocampal neurons had abnormal synaptic plasticity, reduced thickness of the post synaptic density and that this was associated with an increased degradation of a key PSD protein called PSD-95. (more…)