Author Interviews, Endocrinology, Hormone Therapy, JAMA, Schizophrenia / 01.08.2019
Schizophrenia: Estrogen Patches May Improve Symptoms in Women Interview with:
Mark Weiser, M.D.
Associate Director for Treatment Trials
The Stanley Medical Research Institute
Kensington, MD 20895 What is the background for this study?
Response: Over the years many theories have been proposed explaining schizophrenia, and studies tested compounds based on these theories. Some showed improvement in symptoms, but these positive findings were often not later replicated, and the theory discarded. Over the past 15 years several studies performed in Australia by Dr. Jayshri Kulkarni (Molecular psychiatry. 2015;20(6):695) showed positive effects of estrogen patches on symptoms in women with schizophrenia.