Interview with:
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Stuck
Chefarzt Geriatrie
Geriatrische Universitätsklinik
Inselspital, Bern
Medical Research: What is the background for this study?
Prof. Stuck: The number of older persons increases worldwide. Unfortunately, many older persons cannot enjoy the benefits of increased life expectancy because they develop disability or die prematurely. In the search for an effective preventive method, we developed a novel intervention consisting of health risk assessment combined with individualized health counseling, and tested whether this novel intervention actually works. In a trial among more than 2000 older persons, we allocated persons randomly to a group receiving and a group not receiving this intervention, and compared long-term outcomes between these groups.
Medical Research: What are the main findings?
Prof. Stuck: We found that older participants who received the novel intervention, improved their risk factor profile, and subsequently, had a significantly improved survival as compared to the participants who had not received the intervention. From earlier studies it was known that health risk assessment can improve short term health risks in older people, but our study is the first to explore long-term health outcomes.